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Thor Forex
Trading Systems
Dec 21, 2011 at 15:27
Don't be too concerned about the demo account. If you want to see the performance, watch my account. It is a live account, so you will be able to see real world performance.
Thor Forex
Trading Systems
Dec 21, 2011 at 14:58
First set of trades today. Both MDP and Thor traded. As I told everyone previously, MDP and Thor WILL interfere with each other sometimes. Today would have been one of those days. The first trades taken would have been in the other's way. Although....as i also pointed out....Thor had trades taken later and MDP was silent. Only Core #1 had any trades. And as Alexander pointed out, core#1 is the riskiest of the 3.So....today's comparison....my MDP acc had +14.7 pips, and Thor had +4.2 pips. So, a win all around.
Thor Forex
Trading Systems
Dec 21, 2011 at 02:00
Alright amigos! The real money test account is live. Go check my profile to see how it runs. I check it randomly throughout the day. If there have been any trades, I will activate the myfxbook EA to update the account. SO....if there haven't been any trades and it hasn't updated in several days.....that means there haven't been any trades in several days. All 3 cores are active. I have used the comments core#1, core #2, and core#3 so that the cores can be tracked fairly easily. The risk is set to 1%. I have sent Alexander and email asking about running them simlutaneously. Currentl...
Thor Forex
Trading Systems
Dec 20, 2011 at 13:10
I do not know. I haven't actually stopped and counted all the simultaneous trades at any given point. The manual is still quite vague, so there is not a lot of help there. Or maybe the info is in the manual and i just missed it.
Trading Systems
Dec 20, 2011 at 03:22
There is still a moderate chance that it will pull back further. Of course, it would be best to resign yourself to a big DD for a while. My guess, we will consolidate through the new year, and then resume the downtrend. I wouldn't worry to much about it. Just watch you equity level. maybe remove some pairs if you think you may get into too big of a DD. Main thing is, you gotta give it room to breath or it cannot recover.
Thor Forex
Trading Systems
Dec 19, 2011 at 22:00
One further bit of information. If you are trading with 50:1 leverage or worse, and you intend to use all 3 cores, you may as well set the MM to 1%. Even at 1% I see lots of messages in the log that Thor is less than 50% and less than 25% margin and has suspended trading temporarily.50:1 leverage sucks
Thor Forex
Trading Systems
Dec 19, 2011 at 21:37
Alright, for anyone who is still skeptical about the MDP controversy....I have just finished a through test. There are some instances where MDP and Thor over lap on trades, so I don't recommend trading them on the same account since they will interfere with each other sometimes.That said, there are multiple instances where MDP takes lots of trades and the Thor remains slient. AND There are lots of times were the Thor is hyper active and MDP remains silent. They are definitely different trading systems. That said.....you will have the same amount of trouble trading profitably with Thor that...
Thor Forex
Trading Systems
Dec 19, 2011 at 18:35
Thank you for clarifying this situation and explaining it publicly. 😄
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Dec 19, 2011 at 12:37
Why do people have a problem with not wanting to pay someone for their work?
Thor Forex
Trading Systems
Dec 19, 2011 at 02:01
I just jumped over and snapped a screen shot of that too.😀 Gonna be hard to deal with this if someone doesn't start offering an explanation soon.
Thor Forex
Trading Systems
Dec 19, 2011 at 01:07
Yeah, I find that to be incredibly suspicious. But that doesn't prove anything. It could have been that he was comparing the two EAs and posted the wrong test. I find it to be a bit odd, because when I do the same test, i get way better performance than what that test shows. Anyway, like I keep saying, we will find out shortly. i figure MDP and Thor will probably hit a trade this week and i will be able to start comparing them from live trades. I'm not going to sweat it.If it is legit, he will be vindicated when i prove it. If not, then the appropriate actions will be taken. I am not g...
Thor Forex
Trading Systems
Dec 19, 2011 at 00:20
I think you guys are missing the point. It may be similar to MDP in certain aspects, but I don't think it uses the same logic. At least not yet I don't. I have checked the BTs. It is noticeably different. Not drastically, just noticably. Plus, as I pointed out, Thor was more proitable in the tests. Granted, these are nothing more than just backtests, and since both MDP and Thor are super scalpers, the tests are virtually meaningless. Anyway, I will be finding out this next week just how similar MDP and Thor are in live environments. After they both initiate trades, I will be able to go...
Thor Forex
Trading Systems
Dec 18, 2011 at 22:50
I checked it out and snapped a screenshot of it myself, just for the record. 😄I am still not completely convinced it is a repackaged MDP though. I say that for 2 reasons. #1-In the tick tests, it outperforms MDP. #2-It takes trades that MDP doesn't. Some are very similar, but some are initiated when MDP would never attempt to trade.There are some similarities, but I am not 100% convinced that it is bogus just yet. Heck, I thought MDP wouldn't work and it has made me a lot of money. Even if Thor is a hyped up MDP, maybe it is a better system and will be more profitable.
Thor Forex
Trading Systems
Dec 18, 2011 at 19:52
Well.....i haven't got the new live acc setup yet, so....I am going to switch MDP off on one acc and put Thor on in its place with minimum possible risk. That will at least let me see how it trades without a big risk until I can get the $100 live acc setup. I will not make this account public so don't ask me to. When i get the little one setup, i will make it public so everyone can watch how it trades.....at this point, i am not in a hurry since it is end of year.....so expect it sometime in the first or second week of January.
Trading Systems
Dec 18, 2011 at 13:07
No big deal!😄
Thor Forex
Trading Systems
Dec 18, 2011 at 01:11
I am about halfway through the visual run through to compare with MDP. I decided to turn on the MM. I hope that the live results are close to the test results. Even half as good will be amazing. I started it up with MM on. 2% risk. $1000. 6 months in and it had topped $25,000. I am going to test MDP without using the "pessimistic true" so that it takes perfect trades. I want to know if the equity curves are comparable too. I don't think i am going to end up getting a match to the MDP trades at this point. There are trades taken with Thor that MDP would never take no matter what s...
Thor Forex
Trading Systems
Dec 18, 2011 at 00:32
Well, not sure where you are finding this because I have checked them all and don't find any MDP comments. Anyway, shortly I will verify that it is not MDP. I can easily compare the trades of the two since i own them both. If the trades are suspiciously close, then I will dig deeper and compare the code of both. I doubt that will be necessary though since I am fairly familiar with MDP and it doesn't act like MDP during the trades. We will see in a while though.
Thor Forex
Trading Systems
Dec 17, 2011 at 22:42
Alright....welll, I finished the core 2 and 3 tests. Not even remotely as profitable as core 1 even if you combine them. But just for the sake of having the stats, here is what I got.Core2: ~+461 pips. 294 trades 50% profitable. Avg win $5.16, Avg loss $2.02. Largest Loss #3.30, Largest Win $55.40.Core3: ~+305 pips. 96 trades 58.33% profitable. Avg win $7.13, Avg loss $2.36. Largest Loss $3.90, Largest Win $56.00.I could cross reference the trades to see about the entry times, but I am going to wait to see if Alexander will be kind enough to inform us whether or not the cores will ever have tr...
Thor Forex
Trading Systems
Dec 17, 2011 at 22:04
Thank for that info Alexander! That gives me a bit more confidence with this system. I am now trying some test runs on the different cores (1,2,and3). It seems that they take different trades. I know in the manual it says that if a person wants to use all the cores they should place the EA on separate charts. Does this mean that the different cores trigger trades at different times? The reason i ask is due to the mt4 trade context limitation of one function at any given time. I would rather have 3 installs of mt4 dedicated to running each core separately if there is any possibility that they m...
Thor Forex
Trading Systems
Dec 17, 2011 at 21:49
Also, I know this is something most experienced traders will consider a novelty, but the voice action is pretty cool. Very useful for a new trader. All they gotta do is throw it on a chart and the EA will tell them if they have done something wrong and what to do to correct the problem. 😎
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