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Posts by forex_trader_584
Pipjet on FX Choice
Trading Systems
Sep 25, 2012 at 20:17
Very good! I see this EA is really profitable!
Forex Megadroid
Expert Advisors
Jul 09, 2012 at 00:28
Yeah. Check here: http://megadroidresults.com This guy is running MD of several live accounts.
Forex Megadroid
Expert Advisors
Apr 01, 2012 at 12:24
Yes, but only like the long term EA.Short term EAs don't really work well.
Forex Megadroid
Expert Advisors
Jan 31, 2012 at 22:00
Then you should not buy this robot. There's nothing to discuss anymore.
Forex Megadroid
Expert Advisors
Jan 31, 2012 at 16:10
Probably problems with EUR due to Greece crisis.
Forex Megadroid
Expert Advisors
Jan 31, 2012 at 16:08
> http://www.myfxbook.com/members/lovefx/megadroid/115353Not sure what's the risklevel setting there. It may be too big.Alpari Uk is not the best broker for MD. It has requotes sometimes.> http://www.myfxbook.com/members/Harri/megadroid-micro-account-test/81440He traded with these robots: Megadroid 1.21 N1 Adt , Megadroid 1.30 ,Swissy-accu scaper, Forex Scalpa, Megadroid Pro Xe N1, Fap Turbo Mod B at the same account. 600 trades during 1 month. This is not MD...> http://www.myfxbook.com/members/forex4crewrobots/monk-megadroidpersonal-trading-alpari-uk/131106This is not...
Forex Megadroid
Expert Advisors
Jan 31, 2012 at 15:42
Please, stop promoting your reputation here. It's already down and you will never reveal it again!Don't behave like a child!
ADT MegaDroid Live
Trading Systems
Jan 31, 2012 at 02:54
Well. Droid tactics doesn't work anymore... I heard about that. It works well for short term and it was good idea.
Forex Megadroid
Expert Advisors
Jan 31, 2012 at 02:36
You say so because of this statement: "NOTE: The owner of Primeval EA has been banned from the FPA's forums for repeated unprofessional attacks on other Forex EA vendors. All FPA testing of his products has been stopped."Source: http://www.forexpeacearmy.com/public/review/www.primeval-ea.comI see you decided to block me. Writing in my feed that Megadroid is an old ea and no one is using it... It's not worthy. I know that it is still very popular and 100 times more popular than your EA :) But I don't care because I'm not the owner of MD and not even an affiliate, but...
Forex Megadroid
Expert Advisors
Jan 31, 2012 at 02:20
That's a bad example.It will never make you a million dollar... You should forget about this when you use EAs or even trade on Forex!I will open your eyes if I tell you that there's no EA which can make you more than 15% monthly without a big risk of losing everything.Of course if you have personal experience of using an EA that gain more profits and can work for at least two consecutive years... But I don't think you have.The idea of Megadroid is that it can bring you up to 100% yearly and it is more safe than any other EA currently on the market. Then you decide to buy or not.I d...
Forex Megadroid
Expert Advisors
Jan 31, 2012 at 02:10
You decided to show the worst statement?http://www.myfxbook.com/members/fxfan/forex-megadroid-vps/46255 - found in search.The statement you show is an example of wrong risk setting. Or bad broker possibly... That's a pity that people usually get losses because of wrong risk management.Do you have an example of great statement for your EA? For at least 2 years of trading?
Trading Systems
Jan 30, 2012 at 18:02
77% DD is ridiculous. Not far from the Margin Call!I'd not trust my investment with such catastrophic drawdown! No matter what the gain is. Any martingale can make such profit in 3 months with the same DD or even lower...
Forex Megadroid
Expert Advisors
Jan 30, 2012 at 17:48
Lets have a look at your opinion from the other side. If you think that all these people who comment these posts on that blog are hired by Megadroid - then they should have a lot of sales. And if they have a lot of sales and still alive after 3 years - then it means that this EA really works.If it doesn't work for you - then this EA is not good enough for you :) No one is going to share investor password of their account unless they want to sell this robot as an affiliate. So you will never find real-account from typical Megadroid user...And this is paranoiac to think that Richard from meg...
Forex Megadroid
Expert Advisors
Jan 30, 2012 at 17:39
Hello. Well, if you created an EA then you should know that if advisor is trading more often - there is a bigger chance to take a losing trade.Currently accuracy of MD is about 95% or higher (even higher on backtests) so your comment is unreasonable.It trades in profit for 3 years already and I still can find a lot of good reviews.The only well-known EA that works for so long is FAPTurbo, however it shows worse results.I think we all understand that you can't post anything good about this EA while you are the competitor. Competitor who loses :)BTW, I heard comments about your EA from FAPTu...
Forex Megadroid
Expert Advisors
Jan 30, 2012 at 12:04
Check out this website: http://www.megadroidresults.com/This guy has a lot of real-money accounts on different brokers. You can see how Megadroid performs on each of them.
Forex Megadroid
Expert Advisors
Jan 30, 2012 at 12:03
IF you're talking about long-term investment - Megadroid is great robot with great results.For example this month made me +20%! Very good results!BTW Plimus no longer accepts Forex EAs so do not worry. Clickbank is always good but a lot of good EAs simply can't find the way to sell it.
Forex Megadroid
Expert Advisors
Apr 19, 2011 at 22:24
Please, tell me which is better?
Forex Megadroid
Expert Advisors
Apr 19, 2011 at 22:24
Forex Megadroid
Expert Advisors
Apr 19, 2011 at 22:21
I don't recommend to use Aggressive=false... It disables second strategy and your profits would be down by 70%...
Forex Megadroid
Expert Advisors
Apr 19, 2011 at 22:18
SL is not too high. With small SL it will take more losses. It is not 5000, it's 150(0) pips max! And it doesn't close at 150 pips even if it is set sometimes.Regarding the right settings - it is not correct. The only setting that you should change is RiskLevel. It is 0.2 recommended officially, but I prefer 0.25-0.3 it is more risky but more profitable!
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