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Wallstreet Forex Robot
Trading Systems
Aug 06, 2011 at 10:00
It's really up to everyone's preference whether they stop it when there are news or not. You have to think whether you have the time, patience & energy to babysit it through major news or not. The authors recommend ignoring all news.
Wallstreet Forex Robot
Trading Systems
Aug 05, 2011 at 15:30
In all likelihood, you are not affected by this change at all.To be very clear about this, when you have some positions open, your trade window will list two numbers: equity and margin. The margin call is nothing, you can simply ignore it, all it does is print a message. The stop out is when your positions are closed and right now it happens when your equity falls below 30% of the margin used. In the future, it will happen when the equity falls below 50% of the margin used. Sure, it might seem like a dramatic increase, but if you're in danger of a stop out, you're doing something very,...
Wallstreet Forex Robot
Trading Systems
Aug 05, 2011 at 15:06
You got it a tad wrong. The current stop out level is 30% while (I guess) the margin call level is 50% and they will now get increased to 50% respectively 100%. Basically, the margin call level is when you get warned about your margin usage and the stop out level is when your positions are fully closed. Take a look at http://www.100forexbrokers.com/margin-call-vs-stop-out for more info.You don't have anything to worry about if you're not overleveraging your account and you definitely aren't if you're using WSFR with 2.5%-5% risk.
Wallstreet Forex Robot
Trading Systems
Aug 05, 2011 at 08:17
Well, I really have no sound advice in this case. Thing is, if you turn the risk dial higher to something like 10 in hopes of getting out of the drawdown quick, it will most likely run into another loss and put you into an even larger drawdown. On the other hand, if you set the risk at 2.5%, it will likely have a winning streak that will make you curse yourself for not setting it to 10. Fate is just like that, typically.Perhaps the best course of action is to simply disregard the drawdown, configure it on 2.5% which is a very sensible risk setting and let the EA move on. Anyway, just for your ...
Wallstreet Forex Robot
Trading Systems
Aug 04, 2011 at 21:49
I'm sorry to hear about your drawdown. Someone on my blog recommended not trading at all until about September and it's probably a wise thing to do. However, it's a two-faced coin: if you stop trading now or reduce the lotsize, Murphy's law will most likely kick in and WSFR will start making a lot of money.On a different note, if I'm not mistaken, WSFR comes with money management disabled and 0.1 lot size. You mentioned using default risk and obviously you didn't use a 0.1 lot size; for some reason, the drawdown figure seems to be wrong as well yet the relatively rapid ...
Wallstreet Forex Robot
Trading Systems
Jul 27, 2011 at 15:57
I strongly doubt there's anything like that in the EA, but I can't explain the differences you are experiencing. Dale, since you run two seemingly identical accounts, did you try mailing support with the relevant expert logs, journals and set files and inquiring about the possible causes for the inconsistencies?
Trading Systems
Jul 26, 2011 at 09:39
Thanks, I didn't notice that. Fixed it now.
Wallstreet Forex Robot
Trading Systems
Jul 26, 2011 at 09:27
That's strange. You should check your experts log, perhaps there is some more info in there.
Forex Growth Bot
Trading Systems
Jul 24, 2011 at 13:57
Given the fixed lot size used, 10% since March is not bad. The dramatic growth before that was caused by some problems with the EA, so it's not good as a comparison term.
Forex Growth Bot
Trading Systems
Jun 23, 2011 at 20:18
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll keep it to 0.1 until it hits 10k. It was a mistake on my part starting it with 0.1 at 5k.As for the start execution, a lot more factors are involved there, it could have been slippage or a different price feed, it's very hard to pinpoint the cause. Since mine does quite well already, I'm only glad to hear yours does better :)
Wallstreet Forex Robot
Trading Systems
Jun 23, 2011 at 11:00
The full review is available at http://eareview.net/scalping/wall-street-forex-robot and all the details about the forward test (including version change dates) can be found at http://eareview.net/forward-testsCurrently it's running 3.9, but it was running 3.6 when it started if I recall correctly.
Forex Morning Trade
Trading Systems
May 15, 2011 at 16:40
Yeah, I did, although about a week after the settings were announced. Doesn't seem to have helped much, though :|
Trading Systems
Apr 08, 2011 at 10:26
It's not my account, please read the details at http://eareview.net/140/scalping/euronis
Forex Real Profit EA
Trading Systems
Mar 26, 2011 at 09:54
I'm not running it on GBPUSD and USDJPY... I think you may have looked at a different forward test.
Direct link to each portfolio in an account
Suggestion Box
Feb 08, 2011 at 18:46
It would be awesome if we would be able to link to the separate portfolios (by portfolios I mean those configured in the account settings) in such a way that others can see only the EAs inside a portfolio.
Forex Growth Bot
Trading Systems
Jan 20, 2011 at 22:24
Yes, I am using default settings and I had to close the trades manually due to some crashes I've had last week. I detailed the issue in my article at http://eareview.net/775/trend/forex-growth-bot
Forex Megabot
Trading Systems
Oct 20, 2010 at 19:10
That's annoying. I didn't know about that issue. I thought it was started from something like 3k and it was an old banner or just a marketing scheme.As for me being a professional cracker, that's not entirely true. I've openly admitted that I am quite proficient when it comes to reverse engineering, but I never was into the practice of sharing the EAs I review. Take Sir Lancelot for example, which I've written a review for almost one year ago: as far as I know that one was never shared; if it was, it was definitely not coming from me; it was given to me in full confidence a...
Forex Megabot
Trading Systems
Oct 20, 2010 at 09:15
Actually, a part of that is my fault because I didn't notice the VM I was running it from stopped having internet access for about a week. Nevertheless, it's an EA that trades very rarely and I will update my review to make that more clear.If I were you, instead of posting ironic comments I would rush and fix the... uhh... let's call it "inaccuracy" on my website. I'm talking about the Alpari live account on your main page above which there's a banner saying "initial balance $1000".If this message is your way to draw my attention to Primeval and you'...
Forex Megabot
Trading Systems
Sep 29, 2010 at 07:35
Which first one are you talking about? Are you perhaps thinking of Forex Megadroid? They're totally unrelated. You can read my review at http://eareview.net/ for more info.
1k to over 1 billion in less than 24h
Trading Systems
Dec 27, 2009 at 14:50
On the fun side, I see that after I added this system, myfxbook immediately changed the defaults on the systems page to listing only systems running on a real account and I applaud the decision :) It should probably only list trade-verified systems by default, too.
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