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1.4 Supreme Signal Robot Excellent 1 (Real)
Trading Systems
Mar 07, 2014 at 03:11
I agree. and disagree, with Silverthorn. He is correct in his observation about your margin calls. You can’t run 90% on both trades. On a 10,000 account trading standard lots at, you would have 10 lots on each trade open for a total of 20 lots? On the other hand, high leverage and “snatching profits from the jaws of death” is not appropriate either. There is a saying that if you learn to trade well, the profits will take care of themselves. Since this is automated, your only control is appropriate money management and I see none in either example. You may get lucky and get y...
1.4 Supreme Signal Robot Excellent 1 (Real)
Trading Systems
Mar 06, 2014 at 12:39
Brendan;I see my trading buddy HHD chimed in. He knows whereof he speaks. He has his masters in statistical analysis and used it extensively during his career. I bounced my thought processes off him when developing the spread sheet.Another win on sPhantom last night. I adjusted my spreadsheet this morning ti reflect the new balance and adjusted my lot size for the next trade. See attached screen shot.
1.4 Supreme Signal Robot Excellent 1 (Real)
Trading Systems
Mar 06, 2014 at 04:34
Brendan,The “sweet spot” is not the highest return. It requires an understanding of optimization principles. You see, the market is always changing, so the optimal settings of all variables will change with it. If you picture a 3D graph of optimized back tests, (there are lots of them out there!), you will see peaks, valleys and planes. You do not want to be at a peak, because any slight change in market dynamics will cause you to fall off to the bottom of a valley. You want to be in the middle of an optimization plane so that market changes will give you a margin of error bef...
1.4 Supreme Signal Robot Excellent 1 (Real)
Trading Systems
Mar 05, 2014 at 18:44
Brendan;When you set the "Use_Fixed_Lot_Size" to TRUE, sphantoms risk percentages are over-ridden.F7:Use_Fixed_Lot_Size = TRUEFixed_Lot_Size = Whatever the spread sheet tells you.
1.4 Supreme Signal Robot Excellent 1 (Real)
Trading Systems
Mar 03, 2014 at 12:55
I am trading with my newly developed money management technique and trading 1.5 lots on a 15k account with a 100 pip stop. Its interesting to note that sPhantoms default was 1.5 on every 5K.The stop_reset works perfectly. If you use it, keep in mind that it is points not pips. 1000 is 100 pips. I can't remember who posted it, but it is posted here here as well should you choose to use it.Because I have some rational money management now, I feel comfortable in letting this compound. As each trade finishes, then new balance goes int the spread sheet and the new lot size is traded.Peace!
2.1 Comrade Trader (Real)
Trading Systems
Mar 01, 2014 at 23:01
I'm sure you have a problem. It is not a weekend thing. Did you download the new build of CT from their website? The old version is not compatible.
1.4 Supreme Signal Robot Excellent 1 (Real)
Trading Systems
Mar 01, 2014 at 19:33
Ben;I really should have sat on this a couple more days before sharing this. There's a lot of data and its easy to mess up. I found a problem with lost sizes not adjusting correctly with the change in balance. I was going to sit on this a couple days so I didn't come off looking like a total goober, but if your'e looking hard at it, I want to get it to you. Once I know its debugged (time and others looking) it will be pretty easy to update on an ongoing basis as our trade history evolves.
1.4 Supreme Signal Robot Excellent 1 (Real)
Trading Systems
Mar 01, 2014 at 18:49
You don't have to trade compounded. You can transfer profits out weekly. If you have the time to work through the compounding, please feel free to to do so. There are always "what if" scenarios, opportunity costs, etc, etc. that can cloud and add layer upon layer of difficulty in any analysis. We are all running blind. I'm trying to run blind to a lesser degree. In your opinion then, where should the stops be set at and why?
1.4 Supreme Signal Robot Excellent 1 (Real)
Trading Systems
Mar 01, 2014 at 17:29
While all trade becomes history,once closed, these were live, under duress, trades. This is not the typical back testing validity argument. This is the trade log that anyone would keep to track their performance.Your statement about pushing the SL over 90 and sweating tells me you don't understand the trade sizing aspect of the exercise. A 10% loss is a 10% loss is a 10% loss. The higher the SL, the less lots you get to trade, so you get stopped out less, but make less on each trade. Hence the sweet spot looking for a reasonable ratio between the number of stop out events and maximizing th...
1.4 Supreme Signal Robot Excellent 1 (Real)
Trading Systems
Mar 01, 2014 at 17:12
Well, color me embarrassed. I was reviewing the data to configure the stops on my personal account and I noticed the profits in the first column were always the same in each stop loss case even though the number of lots were being reduced as we moved left to right. Every “$$$ on lots traded” was pointing to the same location for the lot size. Additionally, I noticed the stop loss value was increasing every column and this cannot be, for the same reasons. The profits and losses look correct now. Stop losses are consistent across every column as they should be and profits should decr...
1.4 Supreme Signal Robot Excellent 1 (Real)
Trading Systems
Mar 01, 2014 at 15:32
I am re-posting my spreadsheet here as well as reintroducing my thought process as well. Frankly, I was amazed that this did not generate any interest or even a single question as it is quite a thorough review of the sPhantom historical trades as it relates to setting stop losses.Every trading system has a sweet spot between letting the trade work and cutting your losses. We should have enough historical data now to begin assigning these values to sPhantom. When you export the trades in a .csv format in Excel, two of the data points It provides is not only pips earned on the trade, but the dra...
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Feb 28, 2014 at 17:46
I am unsubscribing from this link. The childish nonsense is, frankly, overwhelming. Since sPhantom support is absent as well, and rather than just complain, I will offer my myfxbook sPhantom page as the unofficial source for genuine concerns and genuine discussion among end users. I have a very low tolerance for this kind of bullshit and will have no compunction in banning anyone that resorts to this continual argumentative nonsense that brings no value of any kind.If you want to, I am at http://www.myfxbook.com/members/Michigander/22-sphantom-real/763713 If not, not. It would be nice to cont...
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Feb 28, 2014 at 12:01
sPhantom doesnt open trades on Fridays.
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Feb 27, 2014 at 14:32
I see a lot of guessing going on as to where one should place a revised stop loss. When you download the historical trades in a .csv, it provides you the draw down of each trade as well as the end result of the trade, both in pips. With this information, you can begin to get your arms around where a reasonable stop loss should be.I've attached a spread sheet that reviews stop losses set in 5 point increments from 60 to 135 pips. There is a sweet spot somewhere between limiting your losses and allowing the trade to work. Columns A & B reflect the historical results of sPhantom perfo...
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Feb 27, 2014 at 13:55
Nice positive divergence is set up. Be patient.
MyFxBook EA and Metatrader 4 - Build 600
Feb 26, 2014 at 02:07
I downloaded version 1.7.3 and installed it on build 610. It appears to install correctly but when it attempts to report to myfxbook, I get a" can't open file error". Any advice?
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Feb 24, 2014 at 20:22
It took the trade today using build 610, so that appears to be the answer. Thanks to sphantom and their NO CUSTOMER SUPPORT support.
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Feb 24, 2014 at 16:52
Brendan;Thanks for that info. I did switch over to build 610 before the markets opened. I still may have a problem but who the hell knows.
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Feb 24, 2014 at 13:30
Hassan;Thanks for your kindness, but the fact that WSF works really has no bearing on the conversation. the sphantom master took three trades last week. I got one, only the first one. Why? What build are they supporting? Should I still be on build 509? Do they support 600 now? Do I have a problem? WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO GET THEM TO ANSWER A QUESTION???
MyFxBook EA and Metatrader 4 - Build 600
Feb 23, 2014 at 22:54
MetaQuotes just seems to get more obnoxious by the day. Force an upgrade. If your EA's don't work, tough shit.This is business as usual now folks. All updates from now on will be automatic and done without your knowledge or consent. You can control them though.You have a file folder called C:\Program Data\Metaquotes. Delete it. This folder only controls the installation updates. As long as you delete the folder before you open your platform, your system will stay on the currently installed build.I put a shortcut to this file on my desktop. I have been controlling this now for a couple...
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