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sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Apr 01, 2014 at 00:24
I have become much more proactive in managing SP’s losing trades. I am using a 105 pip stop loss on each trade and I am adding another trade every 30 pips after Sp put its second trade on. I did get stopped out of the first two trades. The second trade did not hit the stop, but the stopreset_pw ea took me out at 80 pips for some reason. I have switched over to the Swiss Army Knife for stop loss management now. I hope it performs better. I was 6 trades deep by the time price turned. It was interesting to watch as Empire Robot took the exact same trade, but it put its first trade on a lit...
Profit Empire Robot
Trading Systems
Mar 31, 2014 at 11:17
Yes. In settings...CalculateLotsMode = Fixed LotCustomLotSize = Whatever you want.
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Mar 27, 2014 at 16:45
Boy, you cant take the least bit of heat on a trade eh? Not every trade closes in two bars.We are at pretty strong support now at around 1.37350. For those that trade Empire, they took the same trade, although their first trade was around phantoms second trade. Empire's taking the trade gave me the courage to add to the sphantom positions on the way down. I am 4 trades deep with a 120 pip SL on each one. My first trade was only 5 pips from stopping out. Empire is 4 deep as well so I feel pretty good about this one recovering.
1.1 Forex Envy Power Long 1 Staggered (Real)
Trading Systems
Mar 26, 2014 at 23:57
I just learned I have the set files messed up. A time filter was supposed to be set to true and I had it set to false. The 25% hit I tool was to my stupidity. I am going to reset to a custom time once I start trading again because the results are not fair to the system.
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Mar 24, 2014 at 19:09
It sounds like you're installing it in the same place as we used to before build 600. That does not work anymore. You will have to turn on the windows feature to view hidden files to see it. Build 600 and above makes a new file directory in c:\user\Your_Username\appdata\roaming\metaquotes\terminal. There are files with really long numerical names. Open any one (there is one for each mt4 installation) and there is a notepad file. Open it and it will tell you which MT4 the files associated with. If you're in the right one, continue to the MQL4 directory. The structure here will now be ...
Comrade Trader
Trading Systems
Mar 23, 2014 at 19:27
Stay away. They stopped all communications with their subscribers and the license server went down 3/1. I no longer an authenticate.
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Mar 22, 2014 at 16:39
Brendan;Not arguing, jut curious at this point. I assume you have 3 licenses all under your same username and email address? So when you sell one and give them access to your account info at sPhantom, then haven't you expost facto lost control of all 3 licenses? They could change any of them at any time. Yes, you can change them back, but is that a tug of war worth screwing with when theirs open trades?Just making sure you're looking out for yourself here...
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Mar 22, 2014 at 16:06
Are you sure sPhantom will change the owner name? and email address? Typically you buy the right to use these systems and not the right to transfer ownership. Not saying it won't. Jut saying he better DYODD.
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Mar 22, 2014 at 11:29
Well said Roegen...Well said...
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Mar 19, 2014 at 21:15
Your supposition is that you can somehow know when a trade would be placed and then delay that entry until some level of draw down occurs before placing your trade. The analysis is doable, but how do you, in an automated way, read the sPhantom trade BEFORE IT HAPPENS, keep it from happening, modify that trade to enter some x pips higher or lower and then place the trade?Even if you could do this and did do this, it would have had no bearing on controlling what happened today. You also make too many suppositions at once...change your entry, move the stop, maybe move the TP. There are causaliti...
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Mar 19, 2014 at 19:58
I can't really do anything with this as none of the thoughts or suggestions are based in any fact or data. You never know which trades are going to draw down or which ones aren't, so you can't really implement a strategy based on no data and lots of maybes. The historical record of live trades that they made is all we have to go by. I cannot, I will not try to alter the exits or entries because I have no basis to do so. The only thing I can do is to manage the intratrade drawdown and maybe make a manual position close prior to the news that these idiots keep trading into.
Forex Growth Bot
Trading Systems
Mar 19, 2014 at 01:18
Singing...And now...The end is near...and so I face....the final curtain...
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Mar 18, 2014 at 22:28
That makes a lot of sense. Do you know how to change that sl to 45 pips on sphantom? Does it require some special it skills to do that? After all I think sphantom has a huge potential if the mm is put in place, just a % of winning trades says a lot.Someone posted the the StopReset_pw in this forum. Go find it. It works perfectly. Remember it sets in points, not pips, a 100 pip SL is 1,000 and 105 pips SL is 1,050. I misspoke, I use 105.45 pips was just an example. Anything below 70 is pretty shitty. Its even better over 100.http://www.myfxbook.com/files/Michigander/ScreenShot00...
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Mar 18, 2014 at 21:51
Backtesting is backtesting and money management is money management. The two really are mutually exclusive. The first thing that traders learn is to have a plan and then to track their trades. SPhantoms trades over the last 9 months have been real trades under duress, not backtests. The reporting in myfxbook allows me to track their real trades in arrears. When you pick a stop loss, you can see how many times that stop has been hit over the trading period. As you go forward in trading then, you would expect to hit the same number of stop outs within some reasonable standard deviation. The 120 ...
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Mar 18, 2014 at 17:29
Gee, what a thoughtful response. Your attitude is only exceeded by your childish ignorance. It never ceases to amaze me. I go to YOUR page and there is nothing there. No history, no experience, and no sharing of any systems. Yet you come here and take cheap shots that you think are witty? Go talk to cowpoop and jarora. They'll get off on your humor. i don't.This is not enhancing the signal dumb ass. Its simply looking a the historical trades that have been made in live trading and evaluating the intra-trade draw down of each trade. Let me give you a simple example so even you may under...
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Mar 18, 2014 at 12:37
I mentioned it earlier, and I'll mention it again. I have done an analysis of all the sPhantom trades along with their intra-trade draw downs. I think you can trade this system quite successfully if you know where to put your stop loss. I am now trading sPhantom in a compounding mode. The tighter the stop, the more lots you can trade (but you may not like your equity curve). The looser the stop, the fewer lots you can trade (and you may not like your equity balance.) The key is selecting the right sweet spot between draw down and returns. Your risk % is defined right up front. If you decid...
Profit Empire Robot
Trading Systems
Mar 18, 2014 at 11:56
these guys r just brilliant at everything, most importantly TRADING. :-) ;-)That is the glee of inexperience. While I commend Profit Empire for doing a great job in managing their trades, I hope they don't let all these accolades go to their head. Keep up the good work. Get cocky though, and the markets will hand you your head on a platter.
Profit Empire Robot
Trading Systems
Mar 16, 2014 at 01:22
You are correct sir! I was intermixing what I was trading (.5 lots for 10K).I used to be dyslexic but I'm K.O. now!
Profit Empire Robot
Trading Systems
Mar 15, 2014 at 19:49
I don't think I am off, actually. The question raised was regarding trade sizing on an account with only 50:1 leverage. I believe Empires's recommendations assumes 500:1 leverage. If you don't have the margin than you need more cash or reduce the lot size. And at 50:1, you need 10 times more cash (500/50) or 1/10 the lot size.Best Regards,Ken
Profit Empire Robot
Trading Systems
Mar 14, 2014 at 22:53
The EA has the ability to set fixed lot sizes so you can control it. They recommend .05 lots for 10,000 at 500:1. At 50:1 you need 10 times the capital (50,000) or lower the trade size to .01 lots for every 10,000. Why bother?If you're going to trade EA's you have to start thinking like a real trader and get the hell out from under the Dodd-Frank 50:1 thumb in Amerika. FinFX out of Finland has 300:1 available on any account size if you ask for it. ForexFS out of Australia has 400:1 on any account size. For smaller accounts, Trades Way has 500:1 up to 5 grand. If you think that the US g...
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