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CodeName T.B.W.
Expert Advisors
Jan 04, 2015 at 07:32
For some reason I'm not able to post in my discussion room on Forex.V4 Real so i will post the updates here. So far I'm unimpressed with the Myfxbook autotrading system. I get the feeling will be pulling out of Myfxbook autotrading system late February. Unless things change.but in other matters. A very quite start to the new year. So far only one trade closed and it closed in the red. So things seem to be move steadily in the market, no major market moving news yet in the year 2015. Next week i expect a more volatility week in the market and Forex.V4. Forex.V4 is now available on myfbo...
Forex.V4 Real
Trading Systems
Dec 13, 2014 at 13:48
Solid Week, early win on Sunday. Costed for the rest of the week. December should see a slow down in trading as the year coming to a end. Things should pick up in January. Codenametbw.comHappy Trading- V4
Forex.V4 Real
Trading Systems
Nov 15, 2014 at 01:10
Ok one big tradec this week GBP/CAD. Thanks mainly in part to GBP Claimant Count Change on Nov 12' an expected new release which pushed the pound down, for us to close in profit. More trades closing next week, the month is still young V4 faithful. Stand by for impact. http://codenametbw.com/ -V4
Forex.V4 Real
Trading Systems
Nov 08, 2014 at 03:09
OK so this week's been kinda quiet No real big closes. Negative or positive, from V8 or V4 . Just coasting at this point the open trade count is been growing however. As we plan to make closing o trades by the end of the month, first weeks are for the most part the set up weeks for the rest of the month. I'm predicting 20% for V4 Real, 40% for V4 Demo, and 20% for V8 by the end of the month. Stand by for the results Traders -V4
Forex. V4 Demo
Trading Systems
Oct 31, 2014 at 22:31
Hello V faithful All of our followers must have waken up to a nice early Halloween trick. As we managed to close over 640 pips and a $100+ dollars early this morning on the real account. Putting October slightly behind September in terms of profit for the month. October ended with +28.39% in profit. In other news one of our young interns had notice that The V4's system is not at full and is capable getting even higher results. When I heard this myself i thought, "that's impossible!" Foerx V4 is running at max, and also keeping a very safe drawdown point. But as the idea was ...
Forex.V4 Real
Trading Systems
Oct 31, 2014 at 22:30
Hello V faithful All of our followers must have waken up to a nice early Halloween trick. As we managed to close over 640 pips and a $100+ dollars early this morning. Putting October slightly behind September in terms of profit for the month. October ended with +28.39% in profit. In other news one of our young interns had notice that The V4's system is not at full and is capable getting even higher results. When I heard this myself i thought, "that's impossible!" Foerx V4 is running at max, and also keeping a very safe drawdown point. But as the idea was farther explained to...
Trading Systems
Oct 25, 2014 at 02:37
October was good month for Forex. V8. After having it's first big hit in august this moth looks to be it's most profitable. Looking forward i see Forex.V8 being able to hold off V4Real for awhile. And plans for a Forex.V8 Real is in motion. Things are looking good for Forex.V Series as a whole, as always Happy Trading -V8
Forex. V4 Demo
Trading Systems
Oct 25, 2014 at 02:30
Hello Everyone It's been awhile since i made post update. So lets catch up, currently Forex.V4 is at +60%. and i expect it to reach 80% in November. Which would bring our monthly avg to 20%. So far 'V4 real' is moving at a faster rate than the demo version, at this same point it was at only 19%. This was a slow week for V4 no real big closes but no real big losses neither. Also i expect to me be making Forex trading videos twice a moth on the 15th and the 30th, talking about the Forex accounts, strategies, and what we have planned moving forward, and so on. Codenametbw.comOk that...
Forex.V4 Real
Trading Systems
Oct 25, 2014 at 02:29
Hello Everyone It's been awhile since i made post update. So lets catch up, currently Forex.V4 is at +60%. and i expect it to reach 80% in November. Which would bring our monthly avg to 20%. So far "V4 real" is moving at a faster rate than the demo version, at this same point it was at only 19%. This was a slow week for V4 no real big closes but no real big losses neither. Also i expect to me be making Forex trading videos twice a moth on the 15th and the 30th, talking about the Forex accounts, strategies, and what we have planned moving forward, and so on. Codenametbw.comOk that...
Forex.V4 Real
Trading Systems
Sep 13, 2014 at 03:36
The Forex.V4 system uses both Manuel and auto trading/EA. The Human element is necessary to see things the computer can not. Big Upcoming Finances news, spikes in the market e.t.c. But the Computer is used to in viscera to do what the human can't such as crunch the countless number to process the next best trade. Then displayed on one of our experts screens to decide if it's the best trade to make. We go into this in more detail here codenametbw.com/about. Yes This system is available for FREE at CodenameTBW.com or you can use our pay option of $49.95 monthly
Forex.V4 Real
Trading Systems
Sep 13, 2014 at 03:27
Yes This system is available for free at CodenameTBW.com or you can use our pay option of $49.95 monthly
Forex.V4 Real
Trading Systems
Sep 12, 2014 at 10:03
I know I'm need to be professional. But wow Forex.V4 new Real account has made over 20% already. Two weeks, It's moving faster than V4 demo did. Very good start with trading V4 keep it up.
Forex. V4 Demo
Trading Systems
Sep 12, 2014 at 10:03
I know I'm need to be professional. But wow Forex.V4 new Real account has made over 20% already. Two weeks, It's moving faster than V4 demo did. Very good start with trading V4 keep it up.
Forex.V4 Real
Trading Systems
Sep 09, 2014 at 05:14
Forex. V4 Demo
Trading Systems
Sep 09, 2014 at 05:14
Forex. V4 Demo
Trading Systems
Sep 09, 2014 at 05:14
As promised The Forex.V4 Real Is here and is trading as we speak. In celebration because of Forex.V4 Reaching over 100% in less then seven months. Now with V4 Real starting over 100% behind V4 Demo.We will doubling the trading power of Forex.V4 Real. So that it may catch up with it's demo account counter part faster. For example Forex.V4 had a max drawdown of 13% and an Average profit of 12% monthly. So V4 Real will have a max drawdown 26% and a 24% monthly avg. Now with the Real account here everyone can see how this system trades on a live account. Good luck V4
Forex.V4 Real
Trading Systems
Sep 09, 2014 at 05:14
As promised The Forex.V4 Real Is here and is trading as we speak. In celebration because of Forex.V4 Reaching over 100% in less then seven months. Now with V4 Real starting over 100% behind V4 Demo.We will doubling the trading power of Forex.V4 Real. So that it may catch up with it's demo account counter part faster. For example Forex.V4 had a max drawdown of 13% and an Average profit of 12% monthly. So V4 Real will have a max drawdown 26% and a 24% monthly avg. Now with the Real account here everyone can see how this system trades on a live account. Good luck V4
Forex. V4 Demo
Trading Systems
Sep 05, 2014 at 07:47
Forex.V4 Has just passed 100% in under seven months. Incredible! To help celebrate this occasion We are opening a REAL trading account with AAAfx Some time next week with $1000. In aims to show everyone how good the Forex. V series is. All seven months ended in positive percentage. Bringing V4 to the forefront has our flag ship signal. We expect the same if not better results with "Forex.V4 REAL" Thank you to all the paid Subscribers who help get the real account up. And we hope to make you even more money in the future. As Always Happy Trading -TBW
Forex. V4 Demo
Trading Systems
Aug 10, 2014 at 14:10
[email protected]
Forex. V4 Demo
Trading Systems
Aug 09, 2014 at 07:57
Wow what an outstanding performance displayed by Forex.V4. Two big closes in one month 2000 pips in total. And today is only the 8th. August is looking like it will be a very good month for Forex.V4. Stay tune followers maybe V4 will pull a hat trick in august, maybe. Happy Trading- TBW
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