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Forex Contest FX Choice
Mar 15, 2015 at 10:34
Sorry -- that was me that somehow misattributed that to you -- I of course wrote that, in support of your original post. That's what the +1 meant. The follow on was my own view that supports yours and is critical of trivialising this issue. My apologies for the confusion.
Forex Contest FX Choice
Mar 14, 2015 at 21:18
I live in the UK.For your information, a utility bill and copy of id is one of the types of proofs of address that many businesses (including this one!) use as proof of address when opening an account. Now usually with "id", a photocopy of drivers license or passport or such is required, and I don't know about the US, but certainly in the UK, Europe and South Africa these documents contain a lot of personal information, usually including a picture, a depiction of your signature, your date of birth, address, and several other pieces of potentially sensitive information.Additionall...
Forex Contest FX Choice
Mar 13, 2015 at 20:37
+1 People shouldn't trivialise the issue. It doesn't reflect well on a company if they're casual about the submission and handling of what is sensitive information. If you think this is "just" some trivial issue then, I'm sorry, but you're mistaken. Having been a victim of identity fraud, I can assure you it's no laughing matter when someone else is opening accounts and buying stuff as if they're you.
Forex Contest FX Choice
Mar 13, 2015 at 20:33
I suppose you've never been the victim of identity fraud, have you?
Forex Contest FX Choice
Mar 07, 2015 at 19:24
300% in 20 days? Does not need a black swan event at all. Hard yes, very risky yes, prone to blow up, yes, but by no means a black swan requiring feat. It's "only" 7.5% per day, compounded -- Returns are not that predictable or consistent in reality of course, but the point is, 7.5% per day for 20 days, in aggregate, is not that inconceivable. To explore this a bit more: 7.5% in one day only requires for example catching, every day, a single trade capturing a...7.5% move at 1:1 (= no!!!) leverage (!)3.75% move at 2:1 leverage (pretty low leverage still)1.875% move at 4:1 lever...
Forex Contest FX Choice
Mar 06, 2015 at 15:20
+1 absolutely.
Forex Contest FX Choice
Mar 05, 2015 at 20:24
Yeah, the problem is it's very hard to sustain. I've actually had a monstrous 2 months or so in a real money account swinging for the fences on oil -- made about 1,000% (actually more than that but I'm still exposed and slightly less up now than my high water mark currently). I know this sounds massive and in % terms it's insane, but the account started with only £250 and is now approx £2,500 so it's not exactly life changing. As others have said, it's also doubtful that one would be able to sustain this level of performance for another 2 months, let alon...
Forex Contest Squared Financial
Feb 08, 2015 at 21:01
Goodbye. I'm sure you won't need this site or this competition given how good you trade.
Forex Contest Squared Financial
Jan 28, 2015 at 08:26
So what do *you* define as "the trend"? I ask because the term is tossed about so frequently, but in reality it's very subjective/relative to ones persepctive and thus, nearly meaningless or at least very liable to misunderstanding when given as advice to another, unless one also defines ones point of reference. (No offence intended! :) )
Contest - ALEXPAILOT444
트레이딩 시스템
May 03, 2013 at 13:35
OK my bad. Didn't know that. :S
Contest - ALEXPAILOT444
트레이딩 시스템
May 03, 2013 at 11:34
Try removing it entirely from myfxbook and then add it back in.
Contest - ALEXPAILOT444
트레이딩 시스템
May 02, 2013 at 21:36
Sometimes it takes a while for the contest stats to catch up with what happens in your account. Wait a couple of hours and see if it refreshes.
Contest - ALEXPAILOT444
트레이딩 시스템
May 02, 2013 at 16:36
Actually, it's quite possible to make 13,000 pips in 11 hours. It just depends what pairs you trade. Remember that some pairs (exotic crosses like xx/ZAR and so on) move extreme numbers of pips due to the currencies involved. But pips aint everything. With that amount of movement you have to take quite small positions to ensure you don't expose yourself to too much risk. (For illustration purposes, on my real account with Oanda, I made 5153 pips today alone, and my total for the month is 37668.90. The actual amount made is however quite small since a) the account itself is small s...
Contest - forexmaxims
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 12, 2013 at 10:49
I had this problem with my own account -- if you simply re-add/update the account in myfxbook it starts updating again.
Contest - anfield
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 11, 2013 at 22:04
See here for some further reasons this Yen move is likely to continue for a while still... (maybe not immediately, but still): http://peterlbrandt.com/is-the-yen-overdone-not-even-close/
Contest - anfield
트레이딩 시스템
Apr 11, 2013 at 22:03
Dude why on earth are you buying yen? You do NOT want to go up against the new BOJ and their easing goals... Do nothing with the yen or sell it (against anything really, but the commodity currencies are leading the charge...)
Contest - aliezzat
트레이딩 시스템
Mar 18, 2013 at 21:17
Ugh man sorry I'm an idiot and must be blind. Mine has 5 digits too. :rolleyes: Lol. Anyway, I can log in no problem, some other suggestions:a) Make sure you have Java installed (seems obvious but...)b) Make sure your Java is totally up to date. Many browsers will not run the Trading platform if your Java is out of date or will warn in ways that aren't entirely obvious.c) Alternatively/Additionally, install the desktop shortcut. It still uses Java but avoids starting from the browser:http://fxtrade.oanda.co.uk/trade-forex/fxtrade/desktopI hope that helps.
Contest - aliezzat
트레이딩 시스템
Mar 18, 2013 at 15:11
Guys there's less than 4000 contestants, so your username should have 4 digits only. Mine does in any case. If yours has more I suspect some registration script's gone amok, you should just report it to their support desk and/or MyFXBook. I don't think there's any scheming involved. Make sure to click the "fxTrade Practice" tab on the login page: https://fxtrade.oanda.co.uk/demo-account/login
Seeing as myfxbook can't handle large Oanda histories...
제안 상자
Dec 15, 2010 at 21:20
speki, it doesn't work if you try to get a large quantity of history, trust me. Not via MyFXBook, not via Oanda's website direct. I've reported it to Oanda also and they've acknowledged it as a problem. (I'm trying to get 3 years worth of data. 2 years still works. Getting the 3 years in succession works. Hence my original suggestion/request.)Direct via browser you get:"504 Gateway Time-outnginx"... after about a minute of waiting. Presumably this is exactly what happens to MyFXBook when it tries to collect the data.
Seeing as myfxbook can't handle large Oanda histories...
제안 상자
Nov 29, 2010 at 22:10
Hello, thanks for responding. I realise it's technically actually Oanda's problem. **However**:1) Note that you *can* actually download the history piecemeal style from Oanda *manually*. E.g. it's possible to specify discrete date ranges, e.g. say on a monthly basis, and that *does* work, even on accounts with large histories. Hence my original request.2) Consequently, it should also be possible to enhance MyFXBook's web scraping code to fetch smaller chunks of the history itself (thereby working around the issue), given that MyFXbook must already be parsing the Oanda FXTrad...
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