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forex_trader_142713 에 의한 게시물
pipRaptor BadDay V15 REAL ACCOUNT
트레이딩 시스템
Oct 28, 2013 at 13:36
you should read all the previous posts, they explain all in details
pipRaptor BadDay V15 REAL ACCOUNT
트레이딩 시스템
Oct 28, 2013 at 06:16
I explained the calculation of the size some page ago, you should find all the information
pipRaptor BadDay V15 REAL ACCOUNT
트레이딩 시스템
Oct 28, 2013 at 06:12
whenever you want you are the welcome!
pipRaptor BadDay V15 REAL ACCOUNT
트레이딩 시스템
Oct 28, 2013 at 06:05
Hello, the BACKTESTING doesn't work, because it uses a lot the collrelation and the data from futures, and all this stuff misses in mt4however you can test it on demo in market executionthe TF doesn't matter, you should launch the EA ONLY ONCE ON EURUSD H1 and then he collects all the data he needs, and open and follow the orders on all the tf and graph, also il closedpairs:1- gbpjpy and eurusd above all2 - eurjpy and gbpusd in minor part
pipRaptor BadDay V15 REAL ACCOUNT
트레이딩 시스템
Oct 27, 2013 at 23:07
btw, I allegate the pipRaptor version v15 update 1 (aggiornamento =) A19 with some fine tunning in the code
pipRaptor BadDay V15 REAL ACCOUNT
트레이딩 시스템
Oct 27, 2013 at 22:51
hi and welcome! I've just powered on the system! Com'on and ready
pipRaptor BadDay V15 REAL ACCOUNT
트레이딩 시스템
Oct 23, 2013 at 16:14
TUESDAY conclusion of 'AFTERNOON, with INTENDED TARGETNote that I am working on an old account with minilotti and the results are the same: 500 euroni circled in red are A TRANSFER FOR THE WITHDRAWAL and not a loss!!
pipRaptor BadDay V15 REAL ACCOUNT
트레이딩 시스템
Oct 22, 2013 at 05:04
Maximum number of orders contemporaries GMT Tuesday 10/22/2013 04:49:07 AMI superimposed the takes in the image of the past and you can see the last 3 orders still open on the leftNOW 'THE TIME TO GOOD USE THE PARAMETERS OF pipRaptor V15!the rule is simple: GROSS MUST REMAIN ON TO 500%from us is 715%, so there's plenty of room for another pasio of orders, do the similar calculation, and SET THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ORDERS, if you are already at 500% margin, put 3 (those that are currently open) or if you have the space go hence making the proportionwith a 700% free, there are 5 orders
pipRaptor BadDay V15 REAL ACCOUNT
트레이딩 시스템
Oct 20, 2013 at 11:04
GMT Sunday 10/20/2013 10:57:20 AM... and finally we are at the last parameters: THE TIMES OF TRADINGsince the pipRaptor has spread to many nations, times refer AT TIME OF BROKER, REPORTED IN THE TOP RIGHT ON GRAPHJUST PUT FALSE OR TRUE FOR EVERY TIMEWITH TRUE, OPEN ORDERS THAT OCCURWITH FALSE, DO NOT OPEN THE ORDERS IN quell'orario, BUT OF COURSE CONTINUES TO FOLLOW THOSE ALREADY 'OPENwhat times agree? we will be back on this, because we have developed an indicator that controls them and processes them on a statistical basis, indicating the best for our type of trading/ / Trading hou...
pipRaptor BadDay V15 REAL ACCOUNT
트레이딩 시스템
Oct 20, 2013 at 10:37
GMT Sunday 10/20/2013 10:19:59 AMleaving the stopMoney = 0 means that exclude and pipRaptor deemed to be available all over the accountThe other parameter extremely similar and immedito to understand is the takeMoney: when the gain of the day comes to take money, the pipRaptor everything closes and stopsI ASSURE YOU THAT 'A GOOD SYSTEM PERLIMITARE GREATLY THE RISK!!HAVE A SPECIFIC TARGET, SUCH AS USUAL INCOME FROM 5000 CAN 'MAKE takeMoney = 500 and soon reached, TARGET AND STOP!
pipRaptor BadDay V15 REAL ACCOUNT
트레이딩 시스템
Oct 20, 2013 at 10:05
Set the parameters of pipRaptor V15 Params GMT Sunday 10/20/2013 09:58:04 AMwe have now set "almost" all the parameters of pipRaptor Badday V15a very important one, but also simple to understand and impostre, is/ / Loss MAXIMUM MONEY then everything closes and stops (0 = ALL THE ACCOUNT)extern double stopMoney = 0.0;STOP MONEYin practice we have always talked about ACCOUNT, leaving implied that one engages all the money he has ... choice is not always very wisein stopMoney put the number you want and pipRaptor operates as if the bill was ONLY ONE SET, in case of loss, it stops and b...
pipRaptor BadDay V15 REAL ACCOUNT
트레이딩 시스템
Oct 20, 2013 at 09:51
Set the parameters of pipRaptor V15 Params GMT Sunday 10/20/2013 9:42:47 AMactually the basic calculation is quite simplewhich account to use? say the usual 5000 €use that lever? say 400means that roughly 1 lot cost me 250 euroonce you open the order, then I support it, we put a statistical draw down of 50%, in order to stay on the cautious and consider the pessimisticI have to say that half of the account DRAW DOWN so that only 2500 euro free with orders from 1 lot lead us to a MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ORDERS OF € 10 togetherusual, this is THE MAXIMUM RISK, so setting a contemporary 5 orde...
pipRaptor BadDay V15 REAL ACCOUNT
트레이딩 시스템
Oct 20, 2013 at 08:54
by the way, don't confuse the MAM account with the pipRaptor, they are totally differentpipRaptor is a totally automatic trading system, while the MAM is a manual trading operated by some my co-workerswe trade in totally opposite ways!
pipRaptor BadDay V15 REAL ACCOUNT
트레이딩 시스템
Oct 20, 2013 at 06:28
GMT Sunday 10/20/2013 06:07:14 AMNow we come to a point IMPORTANITSSIMO: LOT, LEVER, INCOME BUT ESPECIALLY THE MARGIN CALL + +let's start with the MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ORDERS THAT CAN 'TO OPEN IN CONTEMPORARY/ / Maximum number of open orders together maxOrds extern int = 1000;leaving 1000 is a random value, because it will never come to open 1000 orders together, it means that they OPENS ALLif I'll put 5 means that the pipRaptor I open a max of 5 ALL orders and will continue to follow them until they close, then we will open others and so onWHY '' SO 'IMPORTANT? WHY 'I...
pipRaptor BadDay V15 REAL ACCOUNT
트레이딩 시스템
Oct 20, 2013 at 06:02
above all there is no protectione, only TOTALY FREE ORIGINAL SOURCEin the first rows he calls already all the ORIGINAL WINDOWS LIBRARIES it needs, so you don't have to do other,,, No,,, I forget... you must set your parameters to takefrom a more remunerative but risky to less risk but also less money riscky managementyou can already see the grafph here on myfxbook of the last montes!
pipRaptor BadDay V15 REAL ACCOUNT
트레이딩 시스템
Oct 20, 2013 at 05:59
hi and thanks! this is exactly what I intend to explain today, so this night (ROME GMT+1) well' set the beast free!!!!
pipRaptor BadDay V15 REAL ACCOUNT
트레이딩 시스템
Oct 19, 2013 at 19:12
unlucky the backtesting is impossible because the EA collects and uses in real time all the data about correlated symbols and above all the eur futures volumes from ThinkOrSwim platformyou can test it from monday morning using a demo account, or tomorrow (Sunday) night when the markets starts again, but during the night it opens very few ordersI always refer to pepperstone GMT, that's +1of course you can directly use the pipRaptor on a real account, tomorrow I'll post the explanation of the last parameters to set it all, ready to operatethanks for your interest! Marco
pipRaptor BadDay V15 REAL ACCOUNT
트레이딩 시스템
Oct 19, 2013 at 11:27
hi, no, unlucky the backtesting isn't possible, because it uses a lot the correlations between the different symbols and it collects data from THINKORSWIM volume profile (the dear old Market Profile) and in the backtesting all these data aren't availableyou can only use it in real accounts, of course, or in demo during the trading sessions
pipRaptor BadDay V15 REAL ACCOUNT
트레이딩 시스템
Oct 19, 2013 at 10:21
the two parameters prefix and suffix are not anything special, you have to set them only if your broker uses the prefixes or suffixes to the name of the pairsfor example, the exchange euro vs dollar is in 99% of cases indicated with the abbreviation EURUSDhowever, there are some brokers that use of prefixes or suffixes, for example because they manage accounts of different types (MM and ECN) or with different conditionswhat interests us is to inform the pipRaptor that the letters will NOT be EURUSD but for example EURUSD-fx or EURUSDe (that is epr ECN) OR EURUSD-ECNWHATEVER SET prefix and su...
pipRaptor BadDay V15 REAL ACCOUNT
트레이딩 시스템
Oct 19, 2013 at 10:21
Set the parameters of pipRaptor V15 Params GMT Saturday 19/10/2013 07:04:33 AMpipRaptor with the V15 we have introduced a range of parameters that allow you to personalize the risk and return, depending on your trading stylesome of them already know from previous versions, even if we have changed, while others are new or reset to a new baseNow we will look at them (... slowly ) during these days, in order to be ready for shooting tomorrow (Sunday 20th) eveningNeedless to say, you can bring all your questions and suggestions you want!Set the parameters of pipRaptor V15 Params GMT Saturday 19/1...
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