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forex_trader_565984 에 의한 게시물
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 25, 2019 at 12:40
Signalstart has changed some terms today due to which it is not allowing to make the account public. The link is the same. I have contacted signalstart support and will update here again once the account is resumed.Signalstart is asking to reduce the leverage to 1:500 and I already made the change in the mt4 account and still it is not allowing to make the account public.
Show your profitable account here.
Aug 25, 2019 at 12:34
In case someone has missed to notice my system, then here is my system performance link. https://www.myfxbook.com/members/Q_FxTrader/qfx-signals-300-monthly/3475224It has made 91% in less than one month and still less than a month performance. But if the performance will continue without reaching the maximum drawdown which is set 50% by me, then I don't need more than 3 to 6 months performance to reach 1M to 2M USD.
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 25, 2019 at 08:05
Show your profitable account here.
Aug 23, 2019 at 21:18
Interested traders can look into my system here:https://www.myfxbook.com/members/Q_FxTrader/qfx-signals-300-monthly/3475224It has a short period of trading performance less than a month, but I welcome any questions or feedback or comments about the system.
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 23, 2019 at 15:18
No, you don't need to run any EA or even your mt4 and everything is done by signalstart.
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 23, 2019 at 08:38
You can copy the trades through signalstart.To copy trades of the system follow the link:https://www.signalstart.com/analysis/qfx-300-percent-monthly/38455If you find difficulty in understanding how to join and copy trades through signalstart, then let me know.
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 23, 2019 at 07:17
NO, I don't sell any EAs. This system is available only for trade copy.
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 22, 2019 at 14:46
After long time almost more than a week today market has shown some good movements. So today as expected the system has placed more than 70 trades and closed with a healthy profit.If anyone following the system, then he can notice that during flat markets it almost doesn't place any trades where as it places a lot of trades when markets are highly trending and volatile. So you need to be patient during flat markets and wait till good trading opportunities come to place trades and make profit.
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 22, 2019 at 13:08
I am adding this comment again since it was ignored by myfxbook previously. I have added additional conditions during trade entry of this system to tackle news events. The major drawback of such grid systems is whenever there is a sudden news event happens, a large number of trades get placed and it either reaches the maximum drawdown and closes all trades or simply wipes out the complete account balance.In this system, I have already used a maximum negative drawdown protection of -50% for floating equity. But still I was not satisfied with this since it could have happened at anytime with new...
What leverage do you all use?
신규 트레이더
Aug 21, 2019 at 11:45
For higher free margin higher leverage is required. Especially, if someone is using a grid or scalping strategy with low account balance, then high leverage is required. 1:500 should be sufficient to handle such scenarios.But if your account balance is very high, then naturally your leverage will reduce since no bank or broker will offer such leverage and hence, leverage is question only for retail traders.
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 21, 2019 at 11:39
Please note that now the system targets around 100% per month and not 300% per month, but I can't change the name of the signal since it is not possible to change the name of the signal in SignalStart and hence, I don't want to change it in myfxbook.But the minimum starting balance is 250 USD and monthly return will be around 100% or more with very less trades and efforts as well as during any kind of market conditions it can be achieved very easily and safely.
QFX Signals_50% Monthly
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 20, 2019 at 15:30
Markets continued to move under range bound conditions and so no trades for today for both the systems. It is better to stay safe by not trading rather than trading and closing in loss or entering in big drawdowns.I am not going to make any changes to 'QFX Signals_100% Monthly', but after looking into the results of 'QFX Signals_300% Monthly' for this month I might do some adjustments to increase the frequency from next month if it will be safe to do so.By the way, I want to mention that both of my systems trade in more than 26 currency pairs and no entries satisfied for 26 pai...
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 20, 2019 at 15:30
Markets continued to move under range bound conditions and so no trades for today for both the systems. It is better to stay safe by not trading rather than trading and closing in loss or entering in big drawdowns.I am not going to make any changes to 'QFX Signals_100% Monthly', but after looking into the results of 'QFX Signals_300% Monthly' for this month I might do some adjustments to increase the frequency from next month if it will be safe to do so.By the way, I want to mention that both of my systems trade in more than 26 currency pairs and no entries satisfied for 26 pai...
How long should I start to trade after studying?
신규 트레이더
Aug 20, 2019 at 12:11
In forex trading, learning continues for ever for lifetime as the market evolves and so there is no 100% guarantee that you are ready to start trading at any specific point in time.If you have a basic understanding about MT4 usage and forex market and already have a working and proven trading strategy. Then, start trading in a demo account and if you consistently make profit for 6 months, then there are some chances that you are somewhat ready, but it is not a guarantee that you will make profit in real account.But without demo performance, if you moving to live account, then there is a 99% ch...
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 19, 2019 at 14:29
Like I mentioned in my previous posts, this system trades a little aggressively and places at least few trades even during very low volatile markets and hence, as expected it closed 3 trades today with a net profit of +1.06%, but the other system till now didn't have any trades.I need to wait and see for new trades for both systems.
QFX Signals_50% Monthly
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 19, 2019 at 13:48
I want to reconfirm that both of the trading systems published in my profile use stoploss in each trade. But the stop losses are different since the tradings systems and trade entries are different.For me using a proper stoploss(not too big not too small) based on the trading system is one of the key to successful trading in long term. Otherwise, anyone can be profitable without using a stoploss and using very low risk by simply placing random trades, but one day that account will get wiped out at some point and hence, it is useless for me. So I have designed these trading systems with hard st...
90% are loser ..why ?
신규 트레이더
Aug 19, 2019 at 13:26
it may sound depressing..but it is the fact how forex market works. Because money doesn't come from nothing. Someone has to loose so that someone else will gain the same money.The answer is again simple. If you can't beat them, then join them.I mean instead of trying hard to develop your own strategy and trade yourself or finding holy grail etc, simply join a already successful trader through fund management or PAMM or through signal service etc. But the difficult question is how to find a successful trader who is also providing any such service to retail traders is the task of the tra...
Choosing the Right Broker
Aug 19, 2019 at 11:00
Correct..In my experience, all most all forex brokers maintain A-Book and B-Book type of back end systems for live accounts to manipulate the clients based on trade history of that client. Many of them promote themselves as true ECN brokers or NDD etc, but they apply all sorts of techniques to make the client loose money..The usual methods is by delaying the trade executions sometimes up to few minutes and not allowing the trader to notice these things by not leaving any trace in journals tab or experts tab of the mt4. Some brokers go even much deeper and apply much more sophisticated methods....
Stop Loss
Aug 19, 2019 at 10:53
Making a loss is good for brokers and other market participants who make profit out of that loss and not for the trader.If someone is successful in demo with a really working strategy, then there should not be any question why he is not successful in live account. Success in demo and failure in live commonly indicates random trading or emotion based trading.
Demo trading
신규 트레이더
Aug 19, 2019 at 10:49
If the experience doesn't work in live, then don't trade in live and continue to trade in demo if you are successful in demo. Instead just connect your demo to a live account through a trade copy platform.If your strategy is really successful in demo, then using trade copy must give profits in live account as well. Otherwise, either you are trading randomly in demo or you are too much involved with emotions.
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