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forex_trader_565984 에 의한 게시물
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Sep 02, 2019 at 06:23
You should get notified from myfxbook once I make the signal available in signalstart.
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Sep 01, 2019 at 07:47
I will make this account available through signalstart after I receive at least a couple of requests from myfxbook users through myfxbook performance to be sure that people are interested.Without any such requests I don't want to keep my account history and everything public for few people only to study and copy my strategy. So either I will make it available for signal with signalstart after receiving few requests or I will simply hide the system if I change the mind to keep the system only for myself.
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Sep 01, 2019 at 07:44
Unfortunately, last Friday was closed with a net small loss in the account. As soon as I closed the last group of orders immediately after that a sharp fall in EURUSD pair happened which caused the system to trigger a number of trades and most of them hit the stoploss.Nothing is guaranteed in forex market and hence, though I use grid, but still it uses a stoploss and I can't allow the account to simply blowout during such sudden price falls and hence, the account closed with a net small loss.But still the net profit is more than 95% which was made in august and still the performance is les...
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 30, 2019 at 14:17
Today the markets were completely flat ranging between very few pips of movement and no major movements were seen in most of the pairs. So I closed the last group of trades earlier to avoid holding the trades over weekend.I could have allowed it to make more profit, but since it is Friday and end of the month also and hence, I didn't want to leave the trades open over weekend.
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 30, 2019 at 07:05
trade history will be available only through signalstart and not through myfxbook. So wait until I publish the account in signalstart.
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 30, 2019 at 07:04
Yesterday night the system closed some more trades in profit. Also, today morning the markets were overall okay and the system triggered few trades, but not yet closed.Today is the month end as well as week end and so markets are very dull and hence, I am taking extra precautions in trading. So let's see how it goes by end of today.
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 29, 2019 at 07:49
I avoid trading the news. All my systems try to avoid trading during the major news releases.
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 29, 2019 at 07:48
Today so far there is very little movement in the market in currency pairs and hence, only one trade was triggered in this system. So very little profit was made in the system.Though the new system has made very good profit in last 2 days still I have kept it private and will make it public very soon once all settings adjustments were done.I will wait and see if it can give more trades later in the day today.
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 28, 2019 at 11:51
In very near future, I am planning to publish another mt4 account with little more aggression kind of trading style which is the improved version of this system. I might use both grid and martingale in that system.This system uses only grid and definitely much more aggressive than my first system. But still this system places a large number of trades only few days and rest of the days it places very few to almost no trades. So to balance that I am planning to start a new system, but this system as well as the previous system will continue to run as usual since I don't want to mess up the e...
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 28, 2019 at 06:55
Yes, it is a cent account. But it is not a DEMO account which means the performance is real in real money.Also, don't forget that the spreads in cent accounts are usually much higher than usual ECN brokers and so if anyone will follow the signals using a good broker like IC Markets or pepperstone, then his account performance will be much better than this cent account performance. At least the monthly return can be 10% to 20% more in ECN accounts.
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 28, 2019 at 06:52
If sudden market crash will happen what happened in CHF pairs few years back, then even if brokers go bankrupt and each and every strategy will collapse which has opened trades.But during regular markets even if there will be major volatility, then 50% negative equity protection is already built in and stoploss is intact in each trade and even after reaching the maximum drawdown once in a month still the system will end in profit of 50% per month. So making 50% per month safely with 50% drawdown is not a simple or easy achievement for all systems.If it doesn't reach the 50% maximum drawdow...
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 28, 2019 at 06:47
Today morning markets were overall good and the first group of orders have been closed with a small profit.Now, we have recovered the loss which occurred on Monday and already in small profit for this week and almost reached the monthly target for this month even though we have one more week to cover. Also, this Monday loss happened mainly due to price gaps and I have already taken steps to avoid similar things in future.In fact, that was only day which was closed in loss in last 3 weeks of trading. I need to wait and see how it goes in future and if it places any more trades for today or not.
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 27, 2019 at 12:50
Today's group of orders were closed with a small profit.Me personally like this system compared to my other system as well as compared to any other grid or martingale system mainly because of 3 fundamental reasons:1.This system can be traded and followed with a very little account balance of 250 USD safely and hence, it can be followed by any retail trader2.It trades like a scalper, but not a scalper of course which means I don't have to wait for many hours or days to close the group of orders every time. Most orders are closed within few minutes and sometimes few hours3.It uses stoplo...
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 27, 2019 at 10:02
Unlike any other grid trading systems, all of my systems uses a reasonable stoploss. Also, all the accounts uses maximum allowed negative floating equity at which auto force close of trades will happen. So it is much more safe and well calculated risk based system, but definitely a high risk system.
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 27, 2019 at 07:26
Yesterday the most of the market movement already happened at the beginning of the day. So there was no major movements later in the day and hence, there were no trades opened for yesterday after yesterday morning.Today market is overall okay and few trades have been triggered. I have to wait and see how this week goes.We are in the end of the month and hence, I am taking minor precautions to avoid any additional risks to the account.
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 26, 2019 at 12:57
This mt4 account was already linked to the old signalstart account which was not displaying the actual performance of the strategy in signalstart. Hence, I have requested signalstart support to remove the account and I will add it again once it is removed. So temporarily I have made the account private till new account is added in signalstart.After I add this account again, I will post the new signalstart link for this account here. Just waiting for signalstart support.
How to find Great Traders for invest/copy?
신규 트레이더
Aug 26, 2019 at 06:59
The answer is simple. No great trader will ever provide any signal service or trade copy service to retail investors since there are much better options available for a really successful and consistently profitable trader and they easily get funds from large hedge funds or forex PAMM services etc. Anyone who is providing some service to retail traders has a specific reason for it and his strategy is bound to collapse today or tomorrow and it is just a matter of time when depending on how much amount is being followed by the signal and how much amount the strategy can handle safely without bein...
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 26, 2019 at 04:18
Today big price gaps during market open was observed in many currency pairs. Also, random big price movements have happened in multiple pairs within first few hours of the day. Due to this, this system has given a small loss for today. As I mentioned before, this is a more active trading system as compared to my other trading system. So the loss occurred mainly due to the price gaps which created immediately after market open. So I have done further improvements to the system to tackle with the trades arising due to such the price gaps.Though it is just the starting of the day and still furth...
QFX Signals_50% Monthly
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 26, 2019 at 04:06
Today big price gaps during market open was observed in many currency pairs. Also, massive price movements have happened in multiple pairs within first few hours of the day. Due to this, after long time this system has finally made some good profits. As I mentioned in this thread before, this system waits for massive price movements and enters very accurate and selective trades to minimise the drawdown and maximise the profits. Unlike other grid systems it doesn't simply place trades continuously and hence, to use this system one needs patience for days or even sometimes for weeks.
QFX Signals_Daily Profits
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 25, 2019 at 13:02
Dear All,The problem with signalstart is resolved and the signalstart account is active and available now. It is the same link. Here is the link again:https://www.signalstart.com/analysis/qfx-300-percent-monthly/38455
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