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Auto Trade Gold V3
트레이딩 시스템
Aug 17, 2022 at 19:46
Average leverage is certainly encouraging for what will be more or less under control. It is never a good thing when trading becomes a game. Everything has to be sensible.
Which exotic pairs are good to use for trading?
신규 트레이더
Aug 14, 2022 at 16:44
Let's sort it out.Exotic currency pairs are two economies that are still difficult to call developed.So, it is a lack of stability (if we are talking about technical analysis).It may be suitable for fundamental trading (but again, you have to wait for the moment and follow the situation very carefully).
Mar 23, 2022 at 08:03
I choose HYCM classic account. I answered 5 questions and the website proposed me a classic account. I thought that it's great because the minimum deposit is just 100$, while the spreads are pretty tight for some assets.However, I dunno when you need to choose the RAW account instead fixed and classic ones? I'm newbie, sorry =/
Learning Forex Trading
신규 트레이더
Jan 12, 2022 at 08:52
Here everything depends strictly on you actually. Nowadays tradesr can start their trading career with 10$ however it depends on the broker and the conditions which it offers. The vst majority of brokers use 100-200$ of minimum deposit just because this sum i enough to boost. If you will comply with risk management practices ( I hope you will), then you have to open deals with 5% of your total deposit. If you will deposit 200$ fpor example, then opening a position with 10$ will be enough for you to learn how to trade and how to earn money here. Everything is much more difficult in case you don...
Forex Tips
신규 트레이더
Nov 25, 2021 at 10:17
There are plenty of forex tups, Actually, every trader points tips by himself according to his trading style and strategy. Some strategies can imply rushing and it's okay, however i's not preferable for novices of course. Beginners should comply with several major and important tips, such as never open a position against the trend, always try to determine the price movement direction, never rush and never play with revenge trading. All of these tips in my opinion are pretty significant and can help new traders to save their money on their initial stages in trading activity.
Most traders don't get success
Nov 05, 2021 at 10:50
It is true that it is hard to become a success in forex, but it is possible whatever past experience you have. I believe that 50% of success depend on a trader's approach to trading. There are many people who think that forex trading is a piece of cake and everything that the traders do is just pressing the buttons and reaping the rewards. However, it is far from being true. People outside trading don't see the preliminary work which is conducted by the trader before making trading decisions concerning opening this or that deal. Opening the deal is just the final stage which is visible...
0 spread low commission broker.
숙련된 트레이더
Oct 15, 2021 at 19:00
You have to understand that broker create their product not just because they're real altruists. They also want to make profits from their activity. They help traders to earn money and also want it back. Hence, when brokers create their brokerage companies they decide to earn money via spreads and commission. If there are no commissions on this broker, then it probably earns money via spreads, which are quite tight and it allows them to attract more traders. However, if they have 0 spreads, then they probably have high commissions. According to your question it's kinda difficult to fin...
Jul 13, 2021 at 15:12
The mobile version of MT works surprisingly well for them. Really really surprised, because other brokers where I traded, even though there were not so many of them - they all had some problems. I trade crypto on short term, so any loss of connection is very significant for me. The volatility for the same bitcoin is frantic. Therefore, I had to change and come to FxPro on the advice of a friend. I have been trading for less than two months, but so far all is good.
What works?
Dec 05, 2020 at 14:41
Trader psychology is a separate topic that deserves to be studied in detail. And to cope with stress, tension, and bad moods - you can read about it, so that you understand the nature of these conditions and can cope with it under any circumstances.
Olymp Trade
Nov 25, 2020 at 21:18
At least Olymp Trade is good for that people that want to trade without any pressure. Maybe there are some cons for professional traders, but if you're semi-pro, as I am, then you would be satisfied with Olymp.
Gold Scalping EA - 6 Pairs (Moderate Risk)
트레이딩 시스템
Nov 02, 2020 at 15:35
Good profit. Everything looks quite promising.
Ultima 5% 2017-2020
Sep 01, 2020 at 16:59
Oh, how strange that you published this in general. Well, who would believe it all? It doesn't seem weird to me, it's totally unrealistic and even stupid.
BBs and SMAs for M1 and M5 Charts
Jun 21, 2020 at 14:23
I don't fully understand why you need the full identity of these two indicators and what will it give you? You're okay, and the difference of 1-2 pips is the norm on the market. Even if you analyze on the same chart, it's the standard error.
newcomers trading habit
신규 트레이더
May 21, 2020 at 15:54
A beginner's best habit is to get used to what you have to learn. This is a fact, because if you think you can learn one strategy and earn money from it, you are already on the wrong track.
What Software to Record videos of Charts?
Apr 19, 2020 at 13:47
I think what you mean is a screen recording software. Well apparently there is one that all computers have. It is only that the people that have it nevr know that they do untill they come across it at some point or someone refers them to it. All of windows 10 operating systems that are up to date have the windows game bar. With te windows game bar you can record all of your forex charts as many and as long as you want. There is only a simple catch which is that you need to have a lot of momemory if you plan o recordong hours and hours of forex charts. You can also record the videos and store t...
Can you become millionaire through expert advisors?
신규 트레이더
Mar 12, 2020 at 16:57
It seems to me that a lot depends on the initial capital and the time you give yourself to earn, but history knows a lot of cases when people dozens of times increased their welfare through trade. If I didn't think so, I simply wouldn't have been trading.
Feb 11, 2020 at 17:42
It's good idea, but why do you make so much big emphasise on that when we talk about that trading anyway. .... Can we go out further without that being compromised or something like that happens.... I do not see that issue so much of a problem.
Good bye 2019 and Welcome 2020
Feb 02, 2020 at 10:38
Yes, but we already do have such topic as far as I know, correct? I am hoping you will make a bit of search and will find it here anyway totally and completely. How do you place them here. I can't use it lately for many terms.... how do I ...
Jan 04, 2020 at 10:04
No, it just relaxing. That's joke of course. Bitcoin is going to take it own niche and will exist there, so it won't be dead. It was first attempt to create cryptocurrency and now will appear other currencies, that will be better and maybe become widespread.
1000 to 10.000 in 2 years challenge
Jul 16, 2019 at 18:19
Assuming your logic here you should really take it like for example I would say something like 100000 EUR or so cause it really make the difference out there, see my point here ? I hope you do cause other way it will be easier to do of what you did.
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