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FRWC HiRider Advanced Demo
Apr 19, 2010 at 05:06
Low risk? Risk reward of 20:1 and you call it low risk? It's almost certain you won't survive trading with this robot for a long run. At best, you will just break even.Trade price extreme in 5 minute chart using any technical indicator with the same risk reward as HiRider Advanced, and the result willl be the same. For example, when price hits the upper bollinger band in 5 minute, short with TP 12 pips and SL 210 pips. Or when RSI hits 80, short with TP 12 pips and SL 210 pips.This kind of simple technique can be coded in MQL in less than 30 minutes if you study the language a little b...
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Apr 09, 2010 at 09:16
My bet is they don't have any single customer left who does not request a refund.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Apr 03, 2010 at 07:20
I believe you that there are many crooks out there in the Internet who resell or rebrand free bots that you can find in the forum. I myself have never tried to buy many EAs since I precisely know what this industry is about (95%+ scam and fraud). I bought FRWC bots because it looks different. At least the process is more transparent, with competiion and also investor password. Although they don't perform that well live, at least the procedure and the intent are better than some other vendors.I am very surprised if many of the EAs are actually the same. I guess you could tell they are the s...
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Apr 02, 2010 at 14:25
Hi carlscott1982,That's really nice of you to try dealing with them. FRWC has made it really difficult for people to get a refund, first by changing rules to get refund only after 30 days, then refund only after 30 actual trading days. Then they send a copy and paste email asking people to wait and not to get a refund, and then this last one of bounced back email. That's enough for me.Any other EA sold by clickbank, you request a refund, you instantly get it, no questions asked, no hassles.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Apr 02, 2010 at 13:55
I don't like cracking and hacking and dislike those who try to do this kind of thing. A good EA deserves to be paid, period.In other news, I received an email from Plimus that the refund is complete, although I still need to see it in my statement. The refund is not coming from FRWC. After FRWC copy and paste email to my refund request, I replied to them I would prefer my refund, only to be bounced back to me saying their mailbox is full. WTH?
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Apr 02, 2010 at 00:02
I closed the HiRider trades earlier manually with much lower loss on 3/26 or 3/25. I traded live, and so far has managed to just lose very little with some manual intervention.If anyone is fine with a suicidal risk reward of 1:20, they can easily make any expert advisor themselves to trade extreme price movement using any technical indicator like Bollinger Band, RSI, etc (e.g. open a short trade when RSI hits 80 or more in 5 minute chart with TP 12 pips and SL 210 pips). The result would be exactly the same as HiRider, lots of gains and occasional loss which will wipe out all gains and more. I...
HiRider Advanced Beam
Apr 01, 2010 at 16:16
This robot has 1:20 reward vs risk. Obviously you will win many times, but over the long run, I don't believe you can survive with this kind of robot.If this kind of risk reward is ok for you, it's not too difficult to create an expert advisor. Just create a system to catch extreme price action using technical indicator like Bollinger Band, RSI, etc then target 12 pips with Stop Loss 210 pips. You will win many times like Hirider Advanced, but it's just a matter of times before that consecutive losses will wipe all your gain and more.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Apr 01, 2010 at 12:37
Hi Steve,Thanks for opening this thread. And please don't remove this account just yet although you have stopped Fusion.I am currently requesting a refund as well and got the copy and paste job. Haven't heard back from them again just yet.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Mar 01, 2010 at 23:55
FRWC live account is down 40% from the initial $1000 deposit, LMAO. Actually if you calculate from their last balance of $1400, then the drawdown of the past few trades is 60%.Super Volcano started the assault, and then Straasha continued the job to suck the equity down like a vampire. From the trade history, it seems that they have to manually delete the pending orders from Straasha, and then reset Straasha to 0.01 lot to avoid margin call.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Mar 01, 2010 at 12:51
No clue what's going on with FRWC live account. Those 5 monster loss GBP JPY positions should wipe out their equity significantly, and yet it seems like the equity is doing fine. I smell something not right. Auto sync credit of $700+? WTH?Straasha is also waiting to open up many trades with huge lot size. The account is going to be blown up for sure, just waiting for the time.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Mar 01, 2010 at 01:45
Trading multiple accounts with new funds everyday with dfferent lot/equity will need a lot of capital, but it's not impossible. I am just very curious why their current live result starts on Feb 5 with $1000. As some others and I have pointed out, based on the backtesting, HiRIDER hits a full 210 pips stop loss in all 10 trades on Feb 4 (21% down if lot is 0.01, or 42% down if lot is 0.02). That's just 1 day earlier before their live starting date. Coincidence / luck?
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Feb 28, 2010 at 23:33
It's a temporary conclusion based on my observation of the 2 month competition live result, Fusion forward test result by FRWC since January, as well as backtesting of the author. In the backtesting, I look at drawdown %, profit factor, and mismatched data error.I posted this attachment below earlier. It's a summary of the 2 month live competition.I feel that the risk reward ratio of LMD is the best compared to the other strategies. I therefore feel more comfortable using a little more lot size for each LMD position. The stop loss of LMD is typically between 40 - 60 pips, so even if th...
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Feb 28, 2010 at 23:17
Well guys,My Super Volcano just opened more trades even though the last 3 open trades have not been closed, so I now have a total of 5 open trades. It appears to me that the max trades parameter in Super Volcano DOES NOT take into account any open trade.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Feb 28, 2010 at 14:44
Very interesting. You are the only one who blew up the account using Fusion so far. I take a look at the details of your trade carefully. You basically are profitable until 2/25 around 6% when suddenly you have 4 trades EUR GBP with a huge lot size relative to your equity which then wipe out 80% of your equity. These 4 trades can't come from either Straasha or LMD. Both Straasha and LMD always put TP and SL in your other trades. But for these 4 trades, both SL and TP are set to 0. You seem to be either using some other robots or trade manually for these 4 horrific trades.I guess everyone j...
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Feb 28, 2010 at 02:23
Are you referring to the three GBP JPY long positions with a buy price around 141 at FRWC's own live test? I find it odd to see 2 more GBP JPY trades yesterday. I thought SV default has a maximum of 4 trades? Their open trades now have 5 positions. Either they increase the max trades manually or they change the parameter in Fusion v1.2. I haven't bothered to really use v1.2 since they are basically the same with previous version, only switching on and off certain things.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Feb 28, 2010 at 02:02
Hi irbis,I'm interested in free robots with consistent profits. Can you post any link to the forexfactory for these robots that you find profitable? I'll test them in demo account.At least FRWC robots have been tested live for two months (and also backtested) with investor password, so I have seen with my own eyes that they are profitable.Last time I check Steve's portfolio, he is up 5.54% in a week of trading, without taking into account his open orders. That equates to around 20% per month. Good enough for me. Let's see how it finishes in a month first before judging that thi...
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Feb 28, 2010 at 01:48
Congratulations. This is probably the clearest explanation of LRR out there on the Internet. You are right, it has nothing to do with the Stop Loss. Knowing how this works however is going to be a big help for me, so I can set it to the best level based on my risk profile. Now since you are doing very well, do you know what MaxLots mean in Fusion, and what DecreasedFactor mean in the stand alone Super Volcano? 😁
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Feb 28, 2010 at 01:43
Even though I set UseMM=True, I set LRR very low at 1.5 and most importantly, I set MaxLots at 2.0. If I understand MaxLots correctly, then the maximum leverage in all of the positions combined is 1:20. I would need to have -500 pips in ALL of my positions with different strategy before any margin call. In addition, I have reduced HiRIDER to 2 trades maximal, Super Volcano to 3 trades maximal, and I switched off Straasha and NegC, and also switched off 3 currency pairs in LMD. Practically speaking, I won't have more than 10 positions open at the same time using all strategy. This is very c...
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Feb 27, 2010 at 17:55
Another thing to understand. I have asked FRWC customer support about the SV terms as well (Risk and MaximumDecreaseFactor), but the response is not really answering the question. I don't think the customer service really knows what it is thsemvles either.
FRWC - Fusion V - Alpari
Feb 27, 2010 at 08:06
Backtest chart HiRIDER.
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