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MDP 1.2
Trading Systems
Mar 05, 2012 at 14:37
I am using the VPS from my profile: tinyurl.com/VPS-EastCoast , smallest package, location: Scranton. Latency approx. 12 ms to broker. It is not a special Forex-VPS, but if you know how to setup Windows you get great value for your money.CheersFred
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Mar 05, 2012 at 14:25
@ sachinsyd: FIFO=false for IBFX(AU or not), AutoApplyECN=false, but leave UseStopOrders, Hardstoptrailing to true.Spread warnings are ok, it will still trade.One small loss trade for me at IBFX, but others there have no trade. That's not uncommon for MDP ...Fred
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Mar 05, 2012 at 09:19
Hey Sachinsyd,for success with MDP the spread is not the most important thing (as long as it is not constantly over 2 pips). As I wrote before, order opening and modification times of the broker are. Please read more in this thread. Regarding MBTrading, the last I heard was that they are not good for MDP because of these high order handling times.- Don't go with the brokers that are recommended at the MDP website.- Some settings of mine are in the general tab of the respective account.The good thing with IBFX(AU) is that they are duly regulated and in business for a long time and you can g...
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Mar 04, 2012 at 16:20
Mind, to find my accounts you have to search for "MDP 1.2". 😝LolFred
MDP 1.2 Broker2
Trading Systems
Mar 04, 2012 at 14:11
I have withdrawn only 90 % and will continue running this account with smaller lot size for comparison for a while.Fred
MDP 1.2
Trading Systems
Mar 02, 2012 at 10:49
Hey Duzyfx,I could, but I am - as other people in the MDP-thread - afraid, that my performance will deteriorate when many people are trading the same settings. Most people not even share the name of the broker. But some settings are revealed in the "general"-tab of the system.CheersFred
Trading Systems
Mar 01, 2012 at 19:25
Ok folks, you probably saw the loss in the last order yesterday. The buy-pending-order could not be trailed down any more, it opened at a rather high price and then closed much later at S/L. The journal was showing "Trade disabled", which is a problem on the brokers side, mildly put. I complained and demanded a reimbursement, but they told me, it was the fault of my EA (MDP) which didn't recognize that the pending-order was already opened. Strange, didn't happen in months with all the other brokers and now already after 2 weeks of trading at this broker?! I will give it one m...
MDP 1.2 Broker2
Trading Systems
Mar 01, 2012 at 15:15
Résumé for February:Account missed trading at Non-Farm-Payroll this month and the big gains. Instead I had big slippage problems. Up to 16 full pips!Account recovered when I removed two other Metatrader platforms from the VPS which were trading other EAs. I am pretty sure, that they had slowed down order-handling of MDP at this account since end of January and this had negative impact on trading results.Because of large slippage of 7.5 pips with last orders yesterday I decided to stop trading now and move my funds to a different broker. I am in the process of account opening ther...
MDP 1.2
Trading Systems
Mar 01, 2012 at 14:56
Résumé for February:Account skyrocketed, mostly because of terrific success with trading at Non-Farm-Payroll. But also afterwards market conditions were excellent for MDP and I had almost no drawdown. I am still very satisfied with the order handling of IBFX(AU), slippage is rather low and with about 1.5 pips at maximum volatility-times still acceptable. Overall profit could even be higher if the spread was lower. I let this account run further - no change to the settings since mid November - and will see what March brings.Cheers and good luck everybody.Fred
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Feb 29, 2012 at 16:12
+ 15 % on 1st broker total today! +4.5 % on 2nd although big slippage again. -11.3% on 3rd: They disabled trading with EAs when pending orders were open, according to the logs. Probably not the most favourable broker ...CheersFred
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Feb 29, 2012 at 14:17
Some smaller gains today, 3rd broker stands out again. Probably I will stop trading MDP at 2nd broker soon. Slippage was high again. In the long run this is eating a lot of profit. 😭Fred
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Feb 29, 2012 at 14:01
Yes, Oanda doesn't seem to like MDP modifying orders frequently and is hitting you with off-quote errors. Better stop trading MDP there. Try to find a broker, that is very fast in demo, then try it live and see if it holds up. See my previous posts regarding which order-times are fast.Good luck!Fred
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Feb 29, 2012 at 10:27
@Eddie: The error only shows that one entry-stop-order could not be trailed (before entering a position), because of invalid stops (too close to market). But you should also check the "journal" tab for errors at this time and the time after the entry-stops were triggered. Maybe a disconnection problem or Oanda blocked trading by the expert, who knows?- The error mentioned by you is not related to the trades being open so long.CheersFred
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Feb 29, 2012 at 09:43
@JamesLee: From my experience, VPS to broker latency should be low, but every ms is not decisive. On a demo I tested MDP successfully with a VPS to broker latency of over 100 ms. You can not lower your stated broker-order-lag times decisively by using CNS (or any other VPS wit lower ping to your broker's trade-server). AvgOpenTime is quite high and AvgModifyTime as well (you should lower maxOrders to at least 4 max).Probably you are getting less trades because of the high AvgOpenTime.CheersFred
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Feb 28, 2012 at 19:51
@Eddie: Looking at the account in your profile, this doesn't seem like MDP trading. Trades holding time is much too long. Your are lucky that TP was reached and not SL. SL and TP weren't adjusted, from the look of it. Check your trading journal for errors.Settings seem ok, though, but number of simultaneous order should be lowered, I suggest.Good luck.Fred
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Feb 28, 2012 at 19:43
There are three main possibilities why MDP doesn't trade or trades less:- smoothed price-feed of the broker- spread too high- slow order opening by broker resulting in opening-errors because of price-change in the meantimeJust my two cents!Kaptain, the loss in January is rather big, there should be better brokers to use MDP with.By the way, the official demo is trading worse than my live account 1 this year so far 😎Does that mean that Thinkforex demo conditions are even worse than my broker's live?! I opened a live account at Thinkforex last year. Good luck, that I didn't f...
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Feb 28, 2012 at 16:45
Hey Kaptain,better luck next time!How are you doing overall with MDP for January and February?Fred
Million Dollar Pips
Trading Systems
Feb 28, 2012 at 15:34
MDP is still alive! +2.1% (2 trades), +3.3 % (4 trades), +4.7 % (3 trades) on the 3 accounts.CheersFred
Second broker
New Traders
Feb 27, 2012 at 19:06
It really depends on your trading style and how much you want to invest into your trading account. If you want to scalp, the choice of possible brokers gets smaller. With higher amounts the regulation of the broker becomes more important. I have been trading mostly MDP in the last months and for this EA intirely different brokers are good than when you want to trade, lets say ForexGrowthBot.CheersFred
Trading Systems
Feb 27, 2012 at 13:50
Thanks autofx101. Exactly: probably I will not put much money there. Instead, it is interesting to learn whether they will apply slippage at some point, maybe when lots get higher. Because ECN without slippage on MT4 can't be ECN, I think.@katI am still thinking about whether to publish the name of the broker. Please wait a bit. I will publish it here, then.CheersFred
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