Most Followed Systems (Top 10)

  System Tracking Gain Drawdown Account System Trading Performance
1 FXStabilizer_EUR - Turbo 2,071 +3143.91% 13.26% Real Technical Automated FXStabilizer_EUR - Turbo performance
2 Beetle EA 1,837 +385.98% 17.34% Real Technical Automated Beetle EA performance
3 Mosquito EA 1,686 +15480.6% 30.41% Real Technical Mixed Mosquito EA performance
4 Snail EA 1,680 +238.42% 29.01% Real Technical Automated Snail EA performance
5 Seagull EA 1,653 +590.42% 20.51% Real Technical Automated Seagull EA performance
6 Seal EA 1,546 +270.2% 20.52% Real Technical Automated Seal EA performance
7 The Money Tree 1,295 +19668.39% 46.52% Real Technical Automated The Money Tree performance
8 Waka Waka EA 1,129 +10265.99% 70.24% Real Technical Automated Waka Waka EA performance
9 AGI EA V.1.1_REAL ACCOUNT 1 1,091 +406855.51% 5.74% Real Technical Automated AGI EA V.1.1_REAL ACCOUNT 1 performance
10 King Robot 489 +1650.63% 15.82% Real Technical Automated King Robot performance

Most Discussed Systems (Top 10)

  System Discuss Gain Drawdown Account System Trading Performance
1 The Money Tree 151 +19668.39% 46.52% Real Technical Automated The Money Tree performance
2 AGI EA V.1.1_REAL ACCOUNT 1 127 +406855.51% 5.74% Real Technical Automated AGI EA V.1.1_REAL ACCOUNT 1 performance
3 Seagull EA 90 +590.42% 20.51% Real Technical Automated Seagull EA performance
4 FXStabilizer_EUR - Turbo 89 +3143.91% 13.26% Real Technical Automated FXStabilizer_EUR - Turbo performance
5 King Robot 74 +1650.63% 15.82% Real Technical Automated King Robot performance
6 Mosquito EA 68 +15480.6% 30.41% Real Technical Mixed Mosquito EA performance
7 UpMath 65 +2822.4% 12.73% Real Technical Mixed UpMath performance
8 Waka Waka EA 38 +10265.99% 70.24% Real Technical Automated Waka Waka EA performance
9 Alpha Hype TrendPro EA / Robotforexpro 36 +1105.02% 30.08% Demo Technical Automated Alpha Hype TrendPro EA / Robotforexpro performance
10 FX Path 33 +15307.61% 13.36% Real Technical Automated FX Path performance