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Swing Trader PRO System
Oct 04, 2015 at 00:11
For those doubting this system or who want to have a closer look to his results then I suggest that you go to : http://www.fxblue.com/users/swing-trader-pro/stats This publisher site has a trustworthy way of analyzing floating losses (losses on open positions) based on the statements. Go to TAB CHARTS and open the quick list and choose for FLOATING P/L CASH HOURLY. You will see that he has FLOATING LOSSES of 50K$!! FIFTYTHOUSAND!! DOLLAR. His equitiy was on that moment only FOURTYTHOUSAND DOLLAR. That means an open loss of MORE THEN 200% ?! ... If you choose in the quick menu for FLOATING P/...
i want to hide my open and close price even i show in my history.
Nov 19, 2010 at 05:11
If you want to hide something then it is because you have to hide something....(like to many open trades or stoplosses that are to big...etc)....You have in the settings of your publisher in MT4 the possibility to delay your publishing by 24H.If you are still afraid that people will most of the times copy your trades after 24H, at a cheaper price then you took in your trades, then you should realize that their is something wrong with your strategy.If you want to keep nearly everything secret then why do you come to a site that wants to give transparency so that you can show what you REALY do.O...
show ticket numbers in the results
Nov 19, 2010 at 04:48
I like mt4i a lot more then myfxbook. Because on mt4i the order tickets show up in the statement. That gives a lot more transparenty. If the one that publishes his results and says with which broker he is trading then you can immediatly check what he says by opening an demo account with that broker and see if the ticket orders correspond with the ticket orders that are shown on his statement. Myfxbook has a so called a featur that shows that accounts are checked or trades are verified but that does not proof anything. It is not clear and direct enough to see iif the results are generated on a ...
Nov 18, 2010 at 16:45
Guys, come on, If you would examine just a little bit the results of this GRU then you will see that 75% of the trades closed in the same minute as they were opened.In REAL trading there is just NO WAY that you can open trades and in less then a minute get your spread back and add profit on top of it.You will succeed in doing so once in a while. But the majority of your trades will be in loss after a minute. Even if it was only the spread. This GRU EA so called succeeded to do this over hundreds of trades in 6 days ?!It is someting similar like Birt did on a demo account where he turned 1K$ i...
NEW skool trading or OLD skool trading
Mar 13, 2010 at 00:00
Fulltme247,Read over what I said, successful trading is constant addapting to the market conditions. This means that the moment that you think that everything is all to stay then you will see that some important things change (not only market behaviour)A simple example: There are very strong rumours that the leverage is going to change to a Max. of 1:10 for the US brokers.Lets now asume that they can push this trough and that they can put so much presuere on the rest of the forex world that they need to follow the 1:10 leverage rule.Then you and I know that this is the end to all Martingale sy...
NEW skool trading or OLD skool trading
Mar 12, 2010 at 14:40
Hi Biz,You say 3 years is a bit to much to proof that one is a good trader.On forex-tsd there was a topic opened by someone with the following question: How long does it take to become successful in forex (or as a trader) ?...My reply:Quote: For the overall majority: NEVER. ( lack of money, time and discipline)For the others: Their whole life (it is a constant battle to addapt to the markets and to stay disciplinized).... Unquote.I am a professional trader now for 14 years. And I know that every year I need to proof myself again and again to my customers. It is not because last year I made a ...
NEW skool trading or OLD skool trading
Jan 03, 2010 at 04:40
Mettall and others,I talk a lot to other traders because of my business,One week ago I talked to a very respected person in the programming world about trading systems.This person is a woman ( and let me asure you it is not donnaforex because she does not know zilts about trading and programming--even more she is over-hyped and does not not the difference between trading and playing counterstrike).I had a very nice chat on THE SAME LEVEL but at some point we came to a system where she was convinced of a very profitable system. I was not because it was clear that some drawdowns would blow up yo...
NEW skool trading or OLD skool trading
Dec 09, 2009 at 03:19
A REAL experienced trader will see every account as 1 account. That means that he will never let an account blow up. Blowing up an account and saying to yourself: no problem I have enough other accounts, has nothing to do with trading but is a pure casino spirit ( running around in a casino and playing on several roulette tables at the same time (which gambling addicts do) and if you loose your money on one table no problem maybe I can make money on the other table).Let me tell you the difference between an experienced trader and new trader: For the experienced trader it is all about concentra...
NEW skool trading or OLD skool trading
Dec 08, 2009 at 02:48
Part 2That is like me saying to you: I have a technique that can tell me what the colour is of your underwear. You say to me OK tell me. I say white. You say nope it is blue. I say yes OK but I am correct that you are wearing underware so that is not that wrong......What are you going to say immedaitly to me ? : B*llshit... that has nothing to do with predicting what the colour is of my underwear. Well that is the same way I think about the new school traders and people who use S/L's that have nothing to do with beeing a trader that is trying to predict the direction of price and who look ...
NEW skool trading or OLD skool trading
Dec 08, 2009 at 02:47
Here we go again...2 parts...how redicilous is this...Hi Newborn,What you say is a bit of a contradiction: .......Large SL.....reasonable SL placement.If it is reasonable then it is not large. To help you out a bit what the difference is between a S/L that is reasonable or large and succesful :Many of the new school traders use very big S/L's and they are VERY succesful. Does that mean that they are right ?....In trading there is a thing like reward versus risk. So can I ask you a question: Trading is trying to predict which direction the price is going to move. You have 2 posibilitys to d...
NEW skool trading or OLD skool trading
Dec 08, 2009 at 02:11
Part 2Or your system is a very simple system and then many people are doing the same thing as you do and then their is not point in hidding the entrys or exits (with millions of people who look to their charts also every day).Or your system is absolutly unique and then you don't need to be afraid that somebody will know what you are doing.My system is unique and does not use any indicator what so ever.... so I don't worry. And if somebody out there would have found the same logics I use then I know there is plenty of room out their to allow some more traders that had the same idea like...
NEW skool trading or OLD skool trading
Dec 08, 2009 at 02:11
How redicilous is this....even this posting I need to chop up it up in 2 parts....ppffffff.Hi Fulltime247,Reverse ingenering is a bit of to big word. I am a system develloper for nearly 14 years now and there is no way to duplicate a system with 100% certainty to know which specifiec indicators and parameters a system is using by looking to the entry time and price and exit time and price.You probaly mean that if somebody could see you entrys and exits and has enough knowledge of trading and knows his arsenal of indicators that he could know more or less what system that you trade....Yep, but ...
NEW skool trading or OLD skool trading
Dec 08, 2009 at 01:47
Part 6If you do backtests with Omega Trade station or Metastock professional or Amibroker you even have a box where you fill in your standard slipage per trade. Which is the write thing to do...filling in a standard slipage per trade, that way you are not going to get suprised. If a system apears not to perform so well with slipage then without slipage then that means that the system has not enough reserve or not robust enough.Many many system look very nice on paper with a very small spread and no slipage. Once you backtest or even better trade them then suddenly it changes a winning system o...
NEW skool trading or OLD skool trading
Dec 08, 2009 at 01:47
Part 5About your slipage: Every broker has slipage. Slipage is a natural thing in trading. Many people don't understand what slipage means. Slipage is the difference in price between the TIME you RECEIVE the signal to take in an entry and the price you received on the TIME you TOOK the entry.- If you trade a trend following system then more then 50% of the time you are going to have a worse price on your entry then on your signal. - If you trigger a stoploss (market order) then more then 50% of the time you are going to have a worse price then your initial price you excpected.- If you trad...
NEW skool trading or OLD skool trading
Dec 08, 2009 at 01:46
Part 4I looked to my screen for 48H with glazy eyes in a zombie state of mind and was REALLY thinking of commiting suicide because I did not have a pot to piss in anymore (lost it ALL). Lucky enough that my 2 children walked trough the door after those 48hours staring as a zombie to my trading platform and realised that they needed me.Moral of the story: You can be very good for 5 years as a manual trader but it only needs 1 day to whipe you out completaly.Same for the manual traders you see here. I did not check out their results but if you say that they do not use any stoplosses or have stra...
NEW skool trading or OLD skool trading
Dec 08, 2009 at 01:45
Part3Conclusion2: It is not because you see some manual traders out there that are really doing good that they saw the holy light. Manual trading is an iron bol chained around your leg for the rest of your life or better as long as you are manual trading.If you want to do it good you never are at ease or in a resting period. You need to always keep contact with the markets. You need to have the markets streaming through your blood. And most important if you drop one moment that most important factor DISCIPLINE it can kill you.It happend to me. I am not a professional trader for 14 years. The e...
NEW skool trading or OLD skool trading
Dec 08, 2009 at 01:45
Part 2Hi Streepips,About the results of the manual traders: If you have red some books like A.Elder, John.J.Murphy, Garry Williams, Jack Berntein etc etc...They have all write one thing in common on their introducing page or the back of their book....we are experienced traders for over more then 15-20 years. In those years we had several years where me made a ton of money and we had years where we all gave it back again. Their end conclsuon was that they needed ton trade according a well thought of system or trading plan and really stick to it without any excuse. From that moment on they start...
NEW skool trading or OLD skool trading
Dec 08, 2009 at 01:44
lets try it in parts then...Part1
NEW skool trading or OLD skool trading
Dec 08, 2009 at 01:43
I don't understand...I tryed to make already severall posting and every time I click on the button posting nothing happens.It looks like if one makes an swer of 10 lines it accepted but if you make a posting that is longer then it does not accepted.Sorry but I am not the person of 2-3 words.... 😕
NEW skool trading or OLD skool trading
Dec 08, 2009 at 01:40
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