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Forex Growth Bot
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Apr 04, 2011 at 01:27
mmm...strange user. Recently created, only posted 5 times, all in this thread and without a stats page of the live account he saids hi has in thinkforex.Some times the EA creators try to make good publicity for them using "users" giving good reviews about the product. Is this on of those cases?I am sorry Pierre if I am wrong. I just tell you the complet and verificable facts. Can you put your stats of your live account to admire them too?Happy trading.
Forex Growth Bot
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Mar 29, 2011 at 14:42
It is correct. A lot of things have changed.There is a new version of the EA (I didn't know). It used a different license manager, that looks to work one "code" for one account. Also the EA loads a message in the MT4 chart about the license verification. My big question here is: the performance of the EA have changed to? thats why some trades are different form this account to my account? I have to install the new version (the antivirus tries to block it)??Thanks
Forex Growth Bot
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Mar 28, 2011 at 13:44
I had to close all trades with the trailing Stop EA.
Forex Growth Bot
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Mar 28, 2011 at 01:54
The last trades are sltill open in my platform. Any idea?
Forex Growth Bot
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Mar 18, 2011 at 18:28
Thank you very much!
Forex Growth Bot
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Mar 16, 2011 at 07:35
Thanks for the advice DMFXTrader.The support guy form FGB posted it on a previous post. This Disussion board is full of good advices and tricks related to this EA. It is a little tricky but profitable. I use it on my IBFX AU accounts and really works! (my last VPS didn't work! :( )Read since the first post until the last and you will learn a lot of how to make it work.Happy Trading!
Forex Growth Bot
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Mar 11, 2011 at 19:39
I decided to change of VPS compañy, FXGROWTHBOT, can I change my license from the actual VPS to the new VPS??How do I change it? Thanks
Forex Growth Bot
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Mar 11, 2011 at 17:17
I have a question. What VPS Service do you use? Which one do you recommend me for using FGB?? Thanks
Forex Growth Bot
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Mar 11, 2011 at 15:39
I didn't get the same trades in my account. I feel it is because my VPS failed me and I lost the first trades of yesterday. I loaded the EA when those trades were running in this account and I don't know why but the EA made new trades, almost all in losses. I closed one manually to prevent this, but the automatic ones were losses. I think that if this happen, It is better to have the EA off until the actual trades closes and try to keep the same trades like here.
Forex Growth Bot
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Mar 10, 2011 at 07:39
😲 I lost the current trade because my VPS went offline...I don't know why....I can't believe it...😭
Forex Growth Bot
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Mar 09, 2011 at 02:00
I am using FGB in my IBFX AU mini account and trades are very similar to this account. The # of pips is a little different and last week my account didn't open some lossing trades. I don't know why. I am using it in an aggresive way and between monday and tuesday it gained $180 in a $1250 account.I believe that this really is a Long Term Strategie EA. Some days will be good, others no. Some weeks will be good, others...no. And making some backtests with this EA with 90% modeling I saw that some month can be very good and other month....really no...I trust this EA and I want to use it f...
Forex Growth Bot
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Mar 04, 2011 at 06:14
Kasuko, I am using an account in IBFX AU (mini one). At the beginnig it wasn't the same but I closed all charts, restarted the MT4 and open only the EUR/USD with the EA and it is working the same that this account. For good and for bad...
Forex Growth Bot
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Feb 28, 2011 at 20:18
I agree...
Forex Growth Bot
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Feb 28, 2011 at 06:11
I have a question: I don't the different rules of the Fifo for US brokers, but I do not believe this EA break any of them. Why is there a parameter for Fifo rules? What changes when the fifo rules parameters is on?Thanks
Forex Growth Bot
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Feb 26, 2011 at 00:03
If you see the parameters of the indicators, those are different of the parameters of the EA. I have 2 accounts with this EA. I will use the parameters of the indicators to trade one account and the other (main) will use the default EA parameters. Let's see what happen.
Forex Growth Bot
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Feb 25, 2011 at 17:57
I do have all closed in both IBFX accounts. The best way is to have the mt4 with only the EUR/USD chart where is loaded the EA.Happy trading!
Forex Growth Bot
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Feb 24, 2011 at 19:07
I am testing in a live account in IBFX and another in IBFX AU and both are going the same that this account. The AU wasn't right in the beggining but was that I had to much charts and indicators running. I closed all and open only EUR/USD chart and it is working fine in both.
Forex Automated
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Feb 14, 2011 at 16:34
:P my email is
[email protected]
you very much!
Forex Automated
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Feb 13, 2011 at 21:07
Thank you for your recomendation. I tried to enter the VIP zone but it ask me for a password and when I try to register the website send me to an error page. I can't access that zone anywhere. 😭
Forex Automated
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Jan 25, 2011 at 20:05
I agree that this is a very dangerous EA but also is true that it is very profitable. I think it is recommended only for people who really understand the market and know when to stop it to prevent blowing the account. I a testing it in a demo account and backtesting it.boysweetcrazy: what setfiles are you using? Thanks!
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