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Former MANAGED Account
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Mar 16, 2011 at 20:47
A Note on the Different Activity Between the ATC and FIN FX accounts:Numbers are deceiving. My profit has been going up on the ATC account the last 2 days because I have been cashing in on a couple of hedges I was forced to take because I got stuck holding 1 mini-lot of a long on euro yen. I took a gamble on my personal account and before I knew it I had to hedge to save a big loss.I have certainly disappointed my investors on the managed account at FIN Fx as we have made almost no profit off the sell off in the market. I have had the EA off the last two days because I was afraid the BOJ wo...
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Mar 14, 2011 at 09:29
Friends, I'm going to cut trading off for tonight. There is just too much volatility.As the wise Warren Buffet once said, 'the first rule of making money is to not lose money".If i see any obvious signals I will go from there. I think we just need another 12-24 hours for the market to work through the implications of the Japan situation. My bias is toward the Yen weakening but reversals are nasty right now.Best RegardsWayne
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Mar 12, 2011 at 09:03
I'm curious as to why the different results on this account as compared to the others? I would assume if trading multiple accounts at multiple brokers some type of multi-terminal or trade copier tool is used so all accounts should be relatively similar (unless the broker is really screwing his clients on one particular account).Ben, could you provide any comments as to why this account is producing different results?ThanksWayne
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Mar 12, 2011 at 07:04
Thanks for the complement Jprize, Thanks also Speki -- good to see you stopping by to say hello.I believe you are only seeing a glimpse of how this EA will perform after a couple more months of development. I’m also unhappy with the way my intervention has cost some loss profits. For example, I only caught a piece of the short on EuroYen because I was too conflicted about the uncertainty of the Yen’s response to the earthquake in Japan.I was awake and watching the market as the tragic events unfolded. The initial reaction of the Yen was to weaken from the earthquake event (this...
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Mar 05, 2011 at 08:19
Continuing to look impressive. Do you trade your EA on any other brokers or with larger accounts - mini for instance?Probably hard to trade a martingale on mini accounts though? Only problem is on micro accounts you don't usually get very good spreads, slippage, etc. Did you create this EA yourself? I would like to know more about the logic of martingale systems. Any direction you can point me to for the specifics of any indicators used, etc.? I know some martingales trade off a longer term emas, like a daily, as to its angle, etc. Best Wishes for continued success.Wayne
v11f USD 100 (retired)
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Mar 05, 2011 at 06:14
Nice looking charts Raiden, Would you care to share anything about the strategy or logic you are using? Scalping? Short term profit, etc.?Curious why you trade USD/Yen I can't get much action out of this pair technically. Have you looked into Euro Yen? I see a lot of traders have luck with the pair as i do. It correlates well with 15 min time frame in terms of certain technical indicators, and if using a momentum system as i do the moves are usually extended enough to get in and get some profit before things turn. Just curious about your thoughts here.GL with trading and developm...
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Mar 04, 2011 at 12:50
Sometimes I am just too cautious. I saw the EA was going to put us in long on EuroYen shortly after London came in and because i could not be around to watch things i canceled the order. I am simply afraid to go into NFP holding open positions. I've seem what can happen here. Of course if I would of know we would be up 40 pips pre-nfp I would of left things alone.I will create a special setting template for nfp that will use minimal trade size and a few altered settings so we can at least participate when the market sends such clear signals. I dropped the ball this time, but I often e...
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Mar 04, 2011 at 02:52
Today’s trade was a little frustrating. 3 pips cost us a missed gain of 3%. We made a half percent on the trade, but because price pulled back too far (3 pips too far to be exact) prior to EuroYen’s breakout candle the EA went into defensive mode and locked in a minimal 20 pip gain. We should of made 100 pips.I will run some optimization tests to check my settings again, but it was just one of those unlucky events. I’m sure the same defensive feature of the EA will save us bigger losses in the future.Better luck next time.At least we are still moving up
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Mar 02, 2011 at 06:32
Too bad we never really got to see the Primeval EA on its own. The negative trades Primeval is in are undoubtedly the result of its owner doing manual trades along with his EA trades. I really wish Primeval would release the latest version of his EA to his clients who had paid for the EA so maybe at least someone could represent an account that shows what the EA can do on its own without any manual intervention. Primeval may be a great EA. We just have no way of knowing apart from independent confirmation. It's no fun holding negative positions for extended periods of time. Manual tra...
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Feb 28, 2011 at 12:00
Rest assured friends, I know exactly why this present move up in EuroYen was not caught by my EA. I watched the move in real time with careful attention to all indicators. I tried to address the issue once already with a new controlling feature to the EA, but backtesting did not like my solution, so I did not pursue it. I have a couple more creative ideas in mind that I am optimistic about.A friend of mine said “Hey man, don’t worry about it. You can’t catch every move”. I say, why not? The point is I believe my system can be improved. It’s just a matter of...
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Feb 25, 2011 at 02:56
Hi KasukoSorry, but there is some misunderstanding here. The EA I call “YenMasterX” is my own custom created EA that I have been developing for two years now. My naming of the EA is arbitrary, but I will have to see if there is some commercial EA or service with the same name.If you have any links or further info about some EA you say you have been following for some time please provide links.The range of change to my settings is small but I do continue to develop more features. The core of my EA is well established but I keep trying more complex operations to make the EA more i...
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Feb 24, 2011 at 10:29
Today will be a case study for my EA. These slow moving, grinding moves that finally pick up speed toward the end are not easily caught by my EA. Stochastic gets extended and rolls over canceling my orders. Twice my EA issued short orders early in the yen sell down but orders were canceled. I will turn my focus to these type of moves in the near future. But right now I have more exciting things on the horizon. I tried doing some scalping with a mini lot but not much luck tonight.Trading sizes are reduced in this volatile market. We will get to the green in a couple of days I hope.ATC ac...
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Jan 25, 2011 at 06:09
Looking good. Would you mind sharing your broker? High leverage. Is this an arbitrage system? Seems like a martingale. Any info appreciated. Thanks
Holy Grail
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Jan 20, 2011 at 06:16
Hey Solar, thanks for throwing some caution into the mix. Guys, in my opinion, beware anytime there is an EA with great profits (especially over a short period) and the broker is hidden. There are ways to scam in this business and hiding the broker CAN be a red flag Not saying it is.On the other hand, if you ever see an EA with great profits sitting at a reputable broker with full disclosure, now that's something to keep an eye on. I will not give any negative comments only to say the creator(s) of this EA may want to show their broker if they want to dispel any suspicions along these ...
Former MANAGED Account
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Jan 18, 2011 at 21:52
ERROR COST ME TODAY I was happy to see my EA was on its way to recovering its losses when I saw the EA (on ATC account) close out a position I was only down 30 and 50 pips on due to an error in the code. I see the error reproduced on backtesting as well so it must be something my programmer is responsible for from his latest work. I simply will not trade money for anyone until I am satisfied there are no more errors of this kind. I can’t stand losing 3% of an account from errors like this. (luckily, I was able to cut the EA off on the FIN FX position before that trade was closed ou...
Leo Trader Pro
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Jan 13, 2011 at 06:38
Fx Open is okay. Low start up, micro, and i think 300/1 leverage don't know that you can get an ECN for micro. Think you would have to go to Mini lots for that? I think the MB suggestion (above) may be for non micro? Insta forex allows low start up, micro and up to 1000/1 leverage, easy to create and fund account, but customer service is bad. Fin Fx is decent but not sure how they are on micro. I have mini accounts with them.GL
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Jan 12, 2011 at 07:10
CONSISTENCY BETWEEN BROKERS?I never knew consistency between brokers was an issue with my EA until I started running on two different brokers with the same settings. I say this is not a big issue, but rather an issue that needs to be understood. I fully believe in the medium and long term (3-12 months) the charts between different brokers will be very similar (5-10% difference I think), so I am not worried about short term different results. But allow me to highlight an example about these differences…ON JANUARY 10, 2011, my FIN FX account entered a short on Euro Yen 1 candle (15 mi...
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Jan 07, 2011 at 08:56
SET CUSTOM START DATE – I set a custom date for this account beginning JAN 6, 2011 because (on both ATC and FIN accounts) I have changed the profit target strategy, a certain key entry single, and my programmer has re-worked one of the features of my EA that was responsible for too many missed trades as well as inconsistency between different brokers. This change has been a long time developing as I have been putting the pieces of the puzzle together. I see this as a time of new beginnings.My final decision of this change of the profit target strategy has come as a result of several da...
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Dec 31, 2010 at 08:40
MIXING STRATEGIESThanks to all of you for your encouraging words. And thanks Jprize for your constructive criticism as well. This issue of inconsistency to my strategy is one I need to address. In short, my EA has done nearly all the work on my ATC account (as I said I do very occasionally cancel pending orders or take profit early if I don’t like the market’s behavior) but when I started this managed account the market became more volatile due to low liquidity and drifted sideways quite a bit. So I found myself interfering with some trades. And as my EA will sometimes not trad...
Leo Trader Pro
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Dec 30, 2010 at 23:20
The only info i can share is that on my own personal EA i found out that certain of my technical indicators need 5 digit values to tell my EA when to do certain things. More specifically, my EA will work with 4 digit but it will take much longer for certain things to happen because the larger digit has to change verses the smaller one. So timing gets messed up. I won't use 4 digit.In short, i would definitely contact that EA creator about this issue of using a 4 digit broker. GL
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