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Former MANAGED Account
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
May 29, 2011 at 06:41
Hello Friends,I have been silent for a few weeks as I am been deeply involved in extensive backtesting and development - going through my many EA features, one at a time (I still have a ways to go), reviewing my strategy, optimal settings, etc. Obviously the performance of the last two months is unacceptable. This is why I have declined to take on any new clients (for a short time), until I progress in the development of some new features I believe will turn things around and produce more consistent profit. I believe I understand the challenges my EA faces better than ever before, and I am ...
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
May 29, 2011 at 06:39
Hello Friends,I have been silent for a few weeks as I am been deeply involved in extensive backtesting and development - going through my many EA features, one at a time (I still have a ways to go), reviewing my strategy, optimal settings, etc. Obviously the performance of the last two months is unacceptable. This is why I have declined to take on any new clients (for a short time), until I progress in the development of some new features I believe will turn things around and produce more consistent profit. I believe I understand the challenges my EA faces better than ever before, and I am ...
1st Showcase Account
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
May 27, 2011 at 07:10
Thanks SIM,Let me clarify just a point. When I used the language of the market not looking back I didn't really have the idea of no pullback at all in mind, I guess what I'm thinking is some worse case scenario where the biggest bounce, lets say, in this theoretical 500 pip move is a 50 pip bounce, or something like that. Most martingale systems would likely buy/sell at the wrong time and might miss this one opportunity (in this theoretical worse case scenario we are imagining) and might get a margin call because of their bad timing.What seems most amazing about your system is it see...
1st Showcase Account
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
May 27, 2011 at 05:52
Since the subject has been brought up -- of the cut off point for when a martingale system will stop entering with increased trading size (the idea of the 20th step alluded to, I believe), would you share anything about how your EA would manage a trade in a market that is going one direction (against you) and not looking back - the theoretical worse case scenario that may never happen? This is the fear of martingale system, right, that they will keep entering larger sizes when the market keeps going against the direction you are trading.I just ask this for a point of conversation. You look l...
Former MANAGED Account
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
May 06, 2011 at 06:42
Hello Everyone, I want to document the date of a change in things regarding my risk management on the managed accounts, and then share some exciting news. As of May 4, I reduced overall account risk from 6% to 3%. I hope to accomplish three things by this, 1) consistently hit a minimum monthly profit target of 5%, 2) reduce my stress from trading with sizes too large, and following from this second point, 3) To completely stop manual trading on the managed accounts.I believe a clear picture of how I can successfully manage larger equity over the long term is now in focus. I need to reduce o...
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
May 06, 2011 at 06:40
Hello Everyone, I want to document the date of a change in things regarding my risk management on the managed accounts, and then share some exciting news. As of May 4, I reduced overall account risk from 6% to 3%. I hope to accomplish three things by this, 1) consistently hit a minimum monthly profit target of 5%, 2) reduce my stress from trading with sizes too large, and following from this second point, 3) To completely stop manual trading on the managed accounts.I believe a clear picture of how I can successfully manage larger equity over the long term is now in focus. I need to reduce o...
Forex Growth Bot
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
May 02, 2011 at 10:05
Hello Miskold,What are your thoughts about your trading with Growth Bot, if you would care to share?I noticed in doing a search on traders using this system most are no longer updated or crashed. i found a couple traders like you who seem to be doing good.I would appreciate any feedback. I'm always researching other EAs.Best Regards, Wayne
Forex Growth Bot (Real)
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
May 02, 2011 at 09:43
Hi Hawkfx, Are you still trading with growth bot?Why no updates?ThanksWayne
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
May 01, 2011 at 20:04
Thanks for the positive words, Chikot and Grus Capital, I’m doing okay as I have a conservative foundation established that is producing modest gains, but my current focus now is on getting the EA to recognize more powerful moves taking place and when we are already in winning trade in this context – already going in the direction of a trend continuation, etc. – the EA needs to increase profit targets and let the winners run further. So I MAY run one instance of mt4 with a strategy that will lock in break-even when up 20-30 pips and either get break-even out of the trade or ...
Looking for Good Forex Traders To Trade My Capital
अनुभवी ट्रेडर्स
May 01, 2011 at 07:36
Hello Everyone, I would only invite you to track my work, and over time let the chats speak for them selves. My goal is 4-8% monthly return with low DD.I don't engage in risky behavior. I am an experienced trader who has graduated from the school of hard knocks. I know what it takes to survive and profit in forex over the long term - intelligent money management.Best RegardsWaynehttp://www.myfxbook.com/members/SunnyDays/managed-yenmasterx-fin-fx/71002http://www.myfxbook.com/members/SunnyDays/yenmasterx-euroyen/63085
Benanke Investment. 2
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Apr 24, 2011 at 22:52
"there is no way account balance will not be shown when trade history is posted on myfxbook" If it is any help, you certainly can have the account balance hidden and show trade history. I do this at my managed account:http://www.myfxbook.com/members/SunnyDays/managed-yenmasterx-fin-fx/71002Maybe you are not aware that you can do this.I have no problem showing trade history though this last week has been one of my worst since starting the account, so red was the color of the week. Hoping for a lot of green this week.Cheers
Benanke Investment. 2
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Apr 24, 2011 at 18:00
Great to hear this is the real thing. My apologies. I just know that I have a insta-forex PAMM (I dont use) because of 4 digit pricing when i need 5 digit (for technical reasons). And i know having 50 bucks in the account shows up as 50k etc. If you say this is not a cent account, it can be easily confirmed by going to your PAMM page on the insta-forex site. Maybe you could provide this link?I agree with you that FXCM does not provide cent account so i know that is the real thing.Good luck with your work.Wayne
Newest 7 || Maximum risk ONLINE
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Apr 24, 2011 at 08:48
Solar, you sound like you know what's going on here. Sorry, i didn't read your post before my positing. I'm tired. I just saw another hidden broker and had my normal knee-jerk reaction.Nite fellas
Newest 7 || Maximum risk ONLINE
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Apr 24, 2011 at 08:44
Speki, I'm quite excited right now because I've been corresponding with Ethan of fxbook about this and he says they have been considering this idea for some time and to keep an eye out for this possible development.I responded by saying i believe this would propel fxbook to a new level of respectability and integrity. A good business move no doubt. Too many scammers can currently walk into this site and lure people into their immoral web (not to imply this at all about the system we are posting on. This may be a very valid system). Just a point in generalCheers
Newest 7 || Maximum risk ONLINE
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Apr 24, 2011 at 08:16
Another hidden broker. When are people going to get a clue and stop hiding their broker if they want to be taken seriously. Guys, can we start a campaign for fxbook to not allow brokers to be hidden? Anyone with me on this one?Best
Apr 24, 2011 at 08:10
I have been satisfied with fin fx, especially when it comes to doing manual trades through mt4. I don't get errors and instant placement in most cases of trades. My atc or fxcm accounts often give me error messages when trying manual trades through mt4. Its all about the bridge for mt4. atc use "avail" for bridge and fin fx has different bridge (don't know who?).Finland is a good country for trading, but in my case being a US resident I am concerned about any overseas placement of my money as i have not tried to withdraw a substantial block of my funds. I think i will be...
Benanke Investment. 1
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Apr 24, 2011 at 08:01
Is this a cent account?
Benanke Investment. 2
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Apr 24, 2011 at 07:57
Guys, don't want to bring in negativity, but this is a cent account with insta forex its up 75 bucks. Nice, but not the game changer just yetHave a nice weekend.P.S. why do i know this is a cent account? Because i have an PAMM account with insta-forex.
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Apr 23, 2011 at 19:05
Sorry, but I'm not clear what you mean by "bad interpretation" of the results? You have so many accounts, I'm not sure what you're referring to. Are you saying the monthly results are incorrect? What should they be?But thanks for clarifying, that this account is not fxgrowth bot as I understand you saying.Good luck with your bots.Did you design these bots? Best RegardsWayne
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Apr 23, 2011 at 07:24
Hey RobotFx, Is this an account running fx growth bot? Any thoughts about your opinion of that robot right now?Just curious.Best RegardsWayne
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