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ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Jan 24, 2016 at 07:49
DEAR IntegraFX EA SELLER !Your Track Record IS NOT VERIFIED and shows a 'RED X'This means your account is not verified by MyFxBook.This means you can use a demo account instead of a real one and cheat us.This means all can be a big FAKE !!!This means once payed, all money is lost if you do not give a money-back-guarantee. Not even with PayPal.To get more paying customers, please verify 'Track Record Not Verified'. This is very easy and can be done in 2 minutes. Please, look here:1. DELETE your account here at MyFxBook!2. GOTO 'PORTFOLIO/ADD ACCOUNT'3. Click on 'ADD ...
Armas Bot
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Jan 10, 2016 at 11:05
Is this post from you, seen on page 2?"hmm, this is interesting. Let us know how it turns out. I am using the EA on a live account so far so good, I don't imagine I will run into any problems unless the world ends ;)"So, do you use this Armas bot? Yes or No? If Yes, than you use a Martingale EA.What shall I believe?Yours Hansi
Armas Bot
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Jan 05, 2016 at 08:00
Dear FxTrader2010!!I thought you are one of the clever and good ones. I thought you are with us on the kill-the-scammers-side.But I doubt it now. You are promoting an EA with MARTINGALE STRATEGY ??? What do they pay you?Folks, be aware: A martingale system WILL KILL YOUR ACCOUNT. Sooner or later!Yours Hansi
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Dec 31, 2015 at 09:26
There is also a big change of the trading strategy.You strated your trades with some very short trades (shorter than a minute or only some seconds).Now your trades take 2 days or even more (up to 6 days).Why this?Yours Hansi
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Dec 31, 2015 at 07:41
Dear Core Scalper Trader!Please open your history again!What do you have to hide? What can you have to loose, by open it again?Happy 2016Yours HansiP.S.: You use this platform to promote your EA. So you have also to accept some criticism.
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Dec 30, 2015 at 15:19
DEAR GOOD3 EA SELLER !Your Track Record IS NOT VERIFIED and shows a 'RED X'This means your account is not verified by MyFxBook.This means you can use a demo account instead of a real one and cheat us.This means all can be a big FAKE !!!This means once payed, all money is lost if you do not give a money-back-guarantee. Not even with PayPal.To get more paying customers, please verify 'Track Record Not Verified'. This is very easy and can be done in 2 minutes. Please, look here:1. DELETE your account here at MyFxBook!2. GOTO 'PORTFOLIO/ADD ACCOUNT'3. Click on 'ADD ACCO...
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Dec 30, 2015 at 15:18
DEAR EA SELLER !Your Track Record IS NOT VERIFIED and shows a 'RED X'This means your account is not verified by MyFxBook.This means you can use a demo account instead of a real one and cheat us.This means all can be a big FAKE !!!This means once payed, all money is lost if you do not give a money-back-guarantee. Not even with PayPal.To get more paying customers, please verify 'Track Record Not Verified'. This is very easy and can be done in 2 minutes. Please, look here:1. DELETE your account here at MyFxBook!2. GOTO 'PORTFOLIO/ADD ACCOUNT'3. Click on 'ADD ACCOUNT...
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Dec 30, 2015 at 13:32
DEAR NEWSCATCHER SELLER !Your Track Record IS NOT VERIFIED and shows a 'RED X'This means your account is not verified by MyFxBook.This means you can use a demo account instead of a real one and cheat us.This means all can be a big FAKE !!!This means once payed, all money is lost if you do not give a money-back-guarantee. Not even with PayPal.To get more paying customers, please verify 'Track Record Not Verified'. This is very easy and can be done in 2 minutes. Please, look here:1. DELETE your account here at MyFxBook!2. GOTO 'PORTFOLIO/ADD ACCOUNT'3. Click on 'ADD A...
PAMM Investment PIPs INC
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Dec 30, 2015 at 13:29
DEAR PAMM ACCUNT SELLER !Your Track Record IS NOT VERIFIED and shows a 'RED X'This means your account is not verified by MyFxBook.This means you can use a demo account instead of a real one and cheat us.This means all can be a big FAKE !!!This means once payed, all money is lost if you do not give a money-back-guarantee. Not even with PayPal.To get more paying customers, please verify 'Track Record Not Verified'. This is very easy and can be done in 2 minutes. Please, look here:1. DELETE your account here at MyFxBook!2. GOTO 'PORTFOLIO/ADD ACCOUNT'3. Click on 'ADD A...
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Dec 30, 2015 at 11:09
Hello !The user has not deleted the system. It has been moved: http://www.myfxbook.com/members/coretraderea/coretraderscalper/1457831/OcqXUqCCwxQG4ScZA0NzTo vendor! I am not so clever. Please read above that I found all about you on ForexPeaceArmy.comI am not a scammer. But I am a scamhunter!Since you do not answers, nor here neither on ForexPeaceArmy.com I guess you are the scammer.You have been many times asked, why this different lots show up on your account. This is not normal. Therefore it needs to be explained.Yours Hansi
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Dec 29, 2015 at 15:42
DEAR INSIDE EA SELLER !Your Track Record IS NOT VERIFIED and shows a 'RED X'This means your account is not verified by MyFxBook.This means you can use a demo account instead of a real one and cheat us.This means all can be a big FAKE !!!This means once payed, all money is lost if you do not give a money-back-guarantee. Not even with PayPal.To get more paying customers, please verify 'Track Record Not Verified'. This is very easy and can be done in 2 minutes. Please, look here:1. DELETE your account here at MyFxBook!2. GOTO 'PORTFOLIO/ADD ACCOUNT'3. Click on 'ADD ACC...
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Dec 29, 2015 at 15:41
I found a big mismatch of your profits:I calculated 2014 and 2015 and come to that result: 1210,69%Your account here shows 305159.39%When I divide 1210 by 2 (Years) = 605% per YearWhen I divide 305159% by 605% = 504 Years.2015 - 504 = Anno 1511 !!!Great ! That means you trade the Forex Market sind 1511 !Columbus arrived in America 17 Years before and thought it is India ! He died 5 Years before you begin to trade the Forex Market.Mary Tudor married the Fench King Henry the XII in 1512. Did you meet them ?To become seriously again: can you please tell me why the there is a difference of 303949%...
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Dec 29, 2015 at 13:47
Hello Ariel!Thank you for your comment with screenshot.Your screenshot shows, that many Buy trades are opened at different times and closed all at once.I know this from martingale systems.Is this a martingale system?Happy 2016Hansi
New E.A.
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Dec 29, 2015 at 13:39
DEAR NEW EA SELLER !Your Track Record IS NOT VERIFIED and shows a 'RED X'This means your account is not verified by MyFxBook.This means you can use a demo account instead of a real one and cheat us.This means all can be a big FAKE !!!This means once payed, all money is lost if you do not give a money-back-guarantee. Not even with PayPal.To get more paying customers, please verify 'Track Record Not Verified'. This is very easy and can be done in 2 minutes. Please, look here:1. DELETE your account here at MyFxBook!2. GOTO 'PORTFOLIO/ADD ACCOUNT'3. Click on 'ADD ACCOUN...
New Hope EA 2.9.9
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Dec 29, 2015 at 13:39
DEAR NEW HOPE EA SELLER !Your Track Record IS NOT VERIFIED and shows a 'RED X'This means your account is not verified by MyFxBook.This means you can use a demo account instead of a real one and cheat us.This means all can be a big FAKE !!!This means once payed, all money is lost if you do not give a money-back-guarantee. Not even with PayPal.To get more paying customers, please verify 'Track Record Not Verified'. This is very easy and can be done in 2 minutes. Please, look here:1. DELETE your account here at MyFxBook!2. GOTO 'PORTFOLIO/ADD ACCOUNT'3. Click on 'ADD A...
Old link(Stopped)
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Dec 29, 2015 at 11:52
I just checked your homepage!On FAQ you promise a 60-day-money back guarantee. This sounds great. But how will that work with Skrill, for an example?Yours Hansi
Deejavu Investment
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Dec 29, 2015 at 11:51
Hello !I see some mismatches of your profits:I calclulated for the last month only 1.834,64%, which is still superb.But you tell us you made more than 70.000% profit.Please, explain that "little" difference.Happy 2016Hansi
Old link(Stopped)
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Dec 29, 2015 at 11:48
18s average trading time seems to be an arbitrage EA?Hansi
Old link(Stopped)
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Dec 29, 2015 at 11:48
Please open your HISTORY!I do not trust systems which make profit in 18s (average) and hide the HISTORYHappy 2016Hansi
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Dec 29, 2015 at 11:35
Dear Traders!WARNING! GEMAR stands for Great Martingale!A martingale system WILL WIPE OUT your account. Sooner or later.I tested several martingale systems. All failed. The last worked for over 9 months and the system lost all profit and deposits over one weekend.Best wishesHansi
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