SEKJPY Exchange Rate


Corona sueca frente a yen japonés Exchange Rate (SEK to JPY)

-1.25% -17.4 pips
Bid/Ask: 13.903/14.077
Intervalo cotidiano: 13.803 - 14.082
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SWESTR and BOJ Interest Rates

Sweden Sveriges Riksbank 2.25% 2.5% -
Japan Bank of Japan 0.5% 0.25% 44 días

Latest SEKJPY News

Japan Jobless Rate Falls To 2.4% In December

Japan Jobless Rate Falls To 2.4% In December

The unemployment rate in Japan came in at a seasonally adjusted 2.4 percent in December, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications said on Friday.
RTTNews | hace 2
Sweden Central Bank Trims Rate By 25 Bps

Sweden Central Bank Trims Rate By 25 Bps

Sweden's central bank reduced its benchmark rate by a quarter-point on Wednesday to further support the economy and stabilize inflation at the target and also signaled that the easing cycle is coming to an end. The Executive Board of Riksbank decided to cut the policy rate by 25 basis points to 2.5 percent. The outcome of the meeting widely matched expectations.
RTTNews | hace 3

SEKJPY Exchange Rates Analysis

análisis SEKJPY - Datos históricos SEKJPY seleccionables por rango de fechas y periodo de tiempo.

Volatilidad SEKJPY - Análisis de la volatilidad de las divisas en tiempo real SEKJPY.

Correlación SEKJPY - Análisis de correlación de divisas en tiempo real SEKJPY.

Indicadores SEKJPY - SEKJPY indicadores en tiempo real.

Modelos SEKJPY - SEKJPY modelos de precios en tiempo real.