The Wave Scalper Mixed Pairs (de forexGBPAvenger)
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Discusión The Wave Scalper Mixed Pairs
Miembro desde May 08, 2012
posts 60
Sep 28, 2019 at 20:20
Miembro desde Dec 08, 2011
posts 41
SleepingFX posted:
why never update at all since early of July?
If you are in forex then these simple things you should be able to figure out easily.
You will see that the open trade and the last day this page was up is on the same date.
It simply mean that after the BUY trade got open the market drop 50 pips that's why you see that account down almost $500 on the 1 lot trade. But look at the chart some more. You will notice that after the trade was entered the market never recovered until after it dropped at least 500 pips. That's a loss of $5000 well, unless there was a stop out or something.....
Miembro desde Apr 28, 2019
posts 4

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