Wave Forex EA

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Discusión Wave Forex EA

Jul 27, 2023 at 17:12
Vistas 438
1 Replies
Miembro desde Aug 18, 2019   posts 68
Jul 29, 2023 at 14:40
Suspicious Forex Trading Service - Refusal to show track record raises concerns

I recently came across a forex trading service that caught my attention with its enticing offers. However, my enthusiasm turned to skepticism when the seller, Wave Forex representative on Telegram, (@waveforexcontact) flat-out refused to provide any track record of their trading system's past performance. Transparency in this industry is essential, and the absence of a verifiable track record raises serious concerns about the service's legitimacy.

The seller claims non-disclosure agreements and security protocols as reasons for withholding the information. While they suggest referring to a "verified track record" on Myfxbook, this redirection does little to instill confidence in their services, because all trades history in their Myfxbook account is hidden.

Seller has refused to provide any form of track record or demo account access, be it through investor password sharing, CSV or Excel file provision, or temporary demo account. I feel like I have no choice but to step back and avoid further involvement with their service. The possibility of potential fraudulent activities cannot be ignored, and it's essential to be cautious in such situations.

Attached is seller's reply where he refused to provide any track record whatsoever, because in his opinion, a demo, CSV/Excel is:
potentially harmful to our business

Imagine that, me opening a 1k demo account for a month is harmful for their business. No further comments, friends...

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Miembro desde Dec 07, 2015   posts 51
Aug 05, 2023 at 09:24

If he is honest i totally agree with him...
You can't imagin the work done for find a good trading strategy can working as well, some peoples want just use track record provided or trading history and then find the key of the signal for themself,

You have to understand ... for exemple myself, i spent 10 years for set perfectly my own trading strategy, i have some strategy, but some of them spend 10 years of my life to set it well and lose a lot of money before find the right way to run it.

if he is really honest as i am , and if he is really looking for long run so... you have to understand him.
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