TriFx 2 - 1386945 (de belajarforex)

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Discusión TriFx 2 - 1386945

Dec 05, 2013 at 03:18
Vistas 487
6 Replies
Miembro desde Aug 06, 2011   posts 85
Dec 05, 2013 at 03:33
Updated the account with lower drawdown and we are trying to clear all positions as soon as possible. What do you think ?
I love to trade. Trading is my passion
Miembro desde Mar 14, 2012   posts 61
Mar 10, 2014 at 15:40

1. Do you have any TriFx 2 strategy running, and which might be seen here on MyFxbook (or somewhere else)?

2. What I understand,the performance fee is zero, isn't it?

3. Which brokers would you prefer for a managed account?

If possible, it would be nice to know more about your trading.

Kind regards,
Miembro desde Aug 06, 2011   posts 85
Mar 10, 2014 at 17:05
Hello, please see the updated account of trifx 2 here :

Same EA with another settings : (stopped after 6 months due to limited testing slot)

Different EA (real) :

Correct, management fee is Free with certain deposit amount.

We currently use hotforex or instaforex
I love to trade. Trading is my passion
Miembro desde Mar 14, 2012   posts 61
Mar 10, 2014 at 20:49

Thanks for your answer/info. On you page on MyFXbook it says regarding the trading style:
"Many strategies that are profitable and consitent. All of the strategies are always tested for months to years to see how they react to all market conditions."

Is there any way to see the different trading approaches - how can i see which strategy belongs to a system name like india-... for example?

Miembro desde Aug 06, 2011   posts 85
Mar 11, 2014 at 03:27
India and Trifx above use the same strategy, in fact they are not using different strategy. The names mean the were tested in different brokers. Trifx 2, 3, and India 6606438 are more aggresive. We also have latest (trifx 4) and few more which is hopefully safer than the last three mentioned before. They will be tested very soon.
I love to trade. Trading is my passion
Miembro desde Mar 14, 2012   posts 61
Mar 11, 2014 at 07:59

My question wasn't clear. What I meant was if the links you sent in your answer have the same strategy with different settings , or if they have different strategies? Also, could you send some links or describe briefly the different strategies? By the way, which strategy would you recommend?

Many thanks!
Miembro desde Aug 06, 2011   posts 85
Mar 11, 2014 at 08:14
They are using the same EA (dynamically improved) with both new strategies and different settings. We recommend the latest version (TriFx 4 strategy or India 6606438). This strategy is confirmed by longer period of MA to enter a safer position, when the market has bigger possibilities to win. currently the examples are only 5 links above, and may be added in the future.

I love to trade. Trading is my passion
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