Traders Way Live (de thriftysigns)
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Discusión Traders Way Live
Miembro desde Nov 09, 2012
posts 19
Feb 12, 2013 at 06:33
Miembro desde Nov 09, 2012
posts 19
I was using Forex Identity EA from until the owner scammed everyone and discontinued the unlimited license.
As of 2/11/13 I will be searching for another EA, and hopefully will have the same or better results. I have tried Forex Growth Bot on occasion, but am not real happy with it's exit strategy. I am thinking of trying Forex Sigma EA/signal service, but need to wait until I can manually close the last basket left by a now non-funtioning Forex Identity.
As of 2/11/13 I will be searching for another EA, and hopefully will have the same or better results. I have tried Forex Growth Bot on occasion, but am not real happy with it's exit strategy. I am thinking of trying Forex Sigma EA/signal service, but need to wait until I can manually close the last basket left by a now non-funtioning Forex Identity.
Miembro desde Nov 09, 2012
posts 19
Miembro desde Nov 09, 2012
posts 19
Miembro desde Nov 09, 2012
posts 19
Miembro desde Nov 09, 2012
posts 19
Apr 05, 2013 at 09:01
Miembro desde Nov 09, 2012
posts 19
I'm not using martingale anymore. I have been using an older FAP Turbo 4.8 and it seems to be doing well.
bitis posted:
Are you trying something else? I am trying fap turbo with ex po eet guide settings and blessing 3.7 with own settings.
Miembro desde Nov 09, 2012
posts 19

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