Shikari (Alpari) (de ReVeR27)

Ganancia : +2884.44%
Disminución 62.36%
Pips: 17374.6
Transacciones 5992
Tipo: Real
Apalancamiento: 1:500
Trading: Automatizado

Discusión Shikari (Alpari)

Jan 20, 2020 at 17:50
Vistas 892
2 Replies
Miembro desde Mar 18, 2013   posts 23
Jan 03, 2021 at 13:28
This account is the oldest in my portfolio and has existed since February 2014. According to data from the Alpari website, PAMM has never violated the terms of the declaration, is included in the TOP 25 conservative accounts and brought income to more than 80% of investors. This year, every month was profitable and the drawdown did not exceed 7%. This account is moderately risky because it uses a grid system for opening orders.

Archivos adjuntos:

Trading proved by times
Miembro desde Mar 18, 2013   posts 23
Jan 30, 2021 at 11:43
Due to the break in trading on New Year's holidays, the number of orders per month was small. But this did not prevent the system from earning a pretty penny for me and numerous investors. Trading will continue in the same direction, the system has remained unchanged for the seventh year. Now the account is in 22nd place in the conservative rating of Alpari. Join us!

Archivos adjuntos:

Trading proved by times
Miembro desde Mar 18, 2013   posts 23
Feb 02, 2021 at 16:07
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