PTIPPF (de forex_trader_41227)

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Discusión PTIPPF

Jul 07, 2011 at 20:11
Vistas 839
1 Replies
Miembro desde Jul 07, 2011   posts 7
Jul 10, 2011 at 09:39
any one trading with this broker?, please comment/review, i'm become worrying of the worst will happen to my account with them 😕

any clues..?, thanks before... 😄
Miembro desde Jul 07, 2011   posts 7
Jul 20, 2011 at 22:41
I just want to showing to the world, there's a very bad broker with their very greedy, just-and-always happier to take our deposits, but never let us WD, even once since we registered, they're using 😇dealing desk😇, they're more remind like a gang of pickpockets than brokers, how to obliterate them....??????? (if there's some way, I'll do that and just to take back our deposits 🙄) ..... 😈
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