PRINCE FxPro ;) ([email protected]) (de prince786)

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Discusión PRINCE FxPro ;) ([email protected])

Jun 19, 2014 at 13:23
Vistas 536
1 Replies
Miembro desde Sep 01, 2013   posts 1
Jun 19, 2014 at 15:18
This is God gifted strategy !(Fundamental Base) All credit goes to almighty Allah...... !!!
Nick name : Heart Locker ;) Mail : ; Cell : +8801713827466 ; skype : Expert.Forex
Miembro desde Feb 18, 2014   posts 80
Jun 19, 2014 at 20:43
Your statistics look nice. However, if I had a low risk system I could trust with these kind of percentages, I would let my funds on the account to do some compounding. Surprised you're not doing that.
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