OmP Invest (de ophili)

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Discusión OmP Invest

Feb 19, 2014 at 09:22
Vistas 316
2 Replies
Miembro desde Jan 28, 2013   posts 40
Mar 31, 2014 at 05:21
A trend following strategy that gives good yields..
love pips
Miembro desde Jan 28, 2013   posts 40
Apr 04, 2014 at 22:25
From my 6 years of studying the Forex platform, the summary of what I discovered is that the Forex market works in three ways. Range, Smooth Trend and Rough Trend. Which is what I call it..

Find the screenshots below

Some traders love the ranging times, many have developed strategies that supports only the ranging market and when they tried to apply it in the trending market, they lost lots of funds. I work with the trending times. Knowing trend patterns helps traders to know when to tp or sl from a particular trade, i.e when to enter and come out of a trade, also would help a trader to know how to set the take profits and stop losses.
Knowing the long term chart movement would help traders develop a strategy that would always work at anytime and never expires.
I have three different strategies for three different trend patterns. I will be posting some few trade signals on my website below. Just stick with the rules and you will get a good and safe trading results



Note: there may be losses but I make sure my profits overtakes them

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love pips
Miembro desde Jan 28, 2013   posts 40
Apr 04, 2014 at 22:25
ophili posted:
A trend following strategy that gives good yields..

Take your time to follow my manual trade and contact me if you want to join my pamm/mamm
love pips
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