Oddbot (de birt)
Ganancia : | +31.28% |
Disminución | 11.97% |
Pips: | 633.3 |
Transacciones | 246 |
Ganado: |
Perdido: |
Tipo: | Real |
Apalancamiento: | 1:100 |
Trading: | Automatizado |
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Discusión Oddbot
Miembro desde Dec 07, 2009
posts 134
May 07, 2012 at 06:55
Miembro desde Aug 26, 2009
posts 165
All the details are posted at http://eareview.net/live-forward-test/oddbot
Miembro desde Jun 18, 2011
posts 51
May 30, 2020 at 17:37
Miembro desde Jan 30, 2020
posts 19
Every time I wonder how people create these things. Because for me the market is such a unique structure, which each time requires a different approach. And the robot is still a system that has certain limitations, and it is difficult enough to make it something moveable and adaptable.

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