Mt4-2100073353 (de challengerres)

Ganancia : -99.9%
Disminución 99.94%
Pips: -67583.1
Transacciones 718
Tipo: Real
Apalancamiento: 1:500
Trading: Desconocido

Discusión Mt4-2100073353

Jul 13, 2021 at 13:41
Vistas 91
1 Replies
Miembro desde Aug 27, 2020   posts 2
Aug 01, 2021 at 21:28
Anybody interested in trading indeces ?
The goal of science has always been to reduce the complexity of the world to simple rules.
Miembro desde Aug 27, 2020   posts 2
Aug 02, 2021 at 12:19
which indeces would be of interest?
I'm working on SP500, DJI, GER30
It looks like there's only charts for forex on this platform?
The goal of science has always been to reduce the complexity of the world to simple rules.
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