L245708 (de ejoi)
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Discusión L245708
Miembro desde Apr 05, 2010
posts 49
Apr 21, 2010 at 10:36
Miembro desde Apr 20, 2010
posts 13
hi... pls send me more information. Do you manage accounts aswell ? If yes, charges etc. You can mail me on [email protected] .
Miembro desde Apr 26, 2010
posts 1
Apr 26, 2010 at 10:19
Miembro desde Apr 26, 2010
posts 1
Amazing results! Do you sell any EA's? or all trading is manual? Would love to hear some more: [email protected]
Miembro desde Sep 12, 2009
posts 312
May 11, 2010 at 10:17
(editado May 11, 2010 at 10:23)
Miembro desde Nov 05, 2009
posts 76
What is amaizing is to have -17000$ of open trades! This is no trading. This is cambling!
Go play poker, you can win more in there.
The guy simply dont have stop loss on hes orders. Sooner or later this account will be crashed.
Hes balance at the moment: 31000 $
Hes equity ant the moment 13000 $
He is earned 3000$ with 4 months. That means 7% per month which is doable for any seroius forex trader.
having 17000 $ drawdown on 31000 account is huge and stupid. Not trading. Not trading at all...
Even if this is martingale or grid trading, the risk is still way too high and im 90% sure that this account will have margin call very soon.
Go play poker, you can win more in there.
The guy simply dont have stop loss on hes orders. Sooner or later this account will be crashed.
Hes balance at the moment: 31000 $
Hes equity ant the moment 13000 $
He is earned 3000$ with 4 months. That means 7% per month which is doable for any seroius forex trader.
having 17000 $ drawdown on 31000 account is huge and stupid. Not trading. Not trading at all...
Even if this is martingale or grid trading, the risk is still way too high and im 90% sure that this account will have margin call very soon.

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