GC_SHORT_N_09 (de gchristin)

Ganancia : +1042.1%
Disminución 35.47%
Pips: 833.3
Transacciones 404
Tipo: Real
Apalancamiento: 1:500
Trading: Automatizado

Discusión GC_SHORT_N_09

May 28, 2024 at 12:14
Vistas 31
1 Replies
Miembro desde Feb 19, 2023   posts 2
Mar 17 at 16:37

I configured this bot dedicated to AUDCAD and after one year it reached more than 800 %. The initial goal is to reach around 15% per month. Do not hesitate to contact me if you want to copy my signal.

Miembro desde Feb 19, 2023   posts 2
Mar 19 at 08:37

I have seen several people interestedto copy the signal. Please contact me directly on telegram @Signal_Go_UP_1 Thanks !


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