Crowd4x (de minihop)

Ganancia : -27.29%
Disminución 43.26%
Pips: -218.0
Transacciones 159
Tipo: Real
Apalancamiento: 1:100
Trading: Desconocido

Discusión Crowd4x

Apr 14, 2014 at 01:52
Vistas 94
2 Replies
Miembro desde Jun 13, 2014   posts 3
Jun 13, 2014 at 13:33
Having monitored this account for a while, and looked into the company, I feel that the owner is a very clever scam artist, by selling a worthless on line product members are not able to complain when the trader loses the account, because the "INVESTORS" have not invested, they bought a product. So even if the account does make money the owners of crowd4x do not have to pay anything out as they own all the money, for now at least.
Miembro desde Jun 13, 2014   posts 3
Jun 19, 2014 at 20:45
I don't Know about you, but this looks like money laundering..........................
06.16.2014 23:31 Deposit 10500.00
06.17.2014 03:16 Withdrawal -10000.00

Only 3hrs 45 min (in the dead of night) separate a deposit of $10,500 and a withdrawal of $10,000 very suspect !!!!!!!!
Miembro desde Jun 13, 2014   posts 3
Jun 19, 2014 at 20:45
It shows that 54% of trades have been won and 46% lost which is not bad, until you look at the average win against the average loss
Average Win: 9.43 pips / $490.70
Average Loss: -16.05 pips / -$818.12

Sorry the numbers do not stack up !!!!!!!
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