Caesar, acc closed (de ovisun)

El usuario ha borrado este sistema.

Discusión Caesar, acc closed

Apr 04, 2014 at 08:46
Vistas 494
1 Replies
Miembro desde Apr 25, 2013   posts 102
May 09, 2014 at 22:37
Hello Oviun,

Impressive performance!
At which risk are you running the signal?

Best regards,
Patience, focus and self-control to win the game with diligence.
Miembro desde Jan 27, 2013   posts 427
May 10, 2014 at 02:09
Hi Victor,

The risk is set by signal sender, togr, at 0.01 lot for every 500 base currency units. This excellent performance is due only to the broker, Pepperstone. Other accounts with same signal and different brokers have poorer results, still positive. You can check all clients of togr which are receiving this signal in his profile.

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