4xdbdown (de forex_trader_177)

El usuario ha borrado este sistema.

Discusión 4xdbdown

Aug 20, 2009 at 05:49
Vistas 1,119
8 Replies
Miembro desde Aug 17, 2009   posts 18
Aug 20, 2009 at 07:58
Hello, are you using "MTF Trix system " which is in Forex Factory?
Thank you
Miembro desde Aug 19, 2009   posts 15
Aug 20, 2009 at 08:20
yes that is the one i am using
Miembro desde Aug 17, 2009   posts 18
Aug 20, 2009 at 08:32
thank you
it seem u use it prefectly
Miembro desde Aug 19, 2009   posts 15
Aug 20, 2009 at 08:52
i had to read threw all the post about 4 time before i actually figured out what they where using for setting and and now i thinki have a handle on it best time for it seem to be London open to New York Close
Miembro desde Aug 01, 2009   posts 895
Aug 20, 2009 at 11:40
But how does it draw down 100% and keep going?
Miembro desde Jul 31, 2009   posts 1418
Aug 20, 2009 at 11:49

Elkart posted:
But how does it draw down 100% and keep going?

Drawdown is the maximal drawdown ever reached on an account - as you can see from the system's chart, account was wiped out at the beginning, followed by new deposits. Drawdown cannot be reset as it measures the risk of a system from it's first day of activity.
Miembro desde Aug 17, 2009   posts 18
Aug 20, 2009 at 12:58

Tazca posted:
i had to read threw all the post about 4 time before i actually figured out what they where using for setting and and now i thinki have a handle on it best time for it seem to be London open to New York Close

Thank Tazca,
I would also like to test this system too ~
Miembro desde Aug 19, 2009   posts 15
Aug 20, 2009 at 13:45
ya this account has been used for testing many things in a live state and the wipe out was on a real bad ea
Miembro desde Aug 19, 2009   posts 15
Aug 20, 2009 at 13:47
the trix is only from a month on this account only from start of agust
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