Temas discutidos recientemente

kilopip Ea En Sistemas de Trading de jado911 - Dec 22, 2009 at 13:47
Demo expired, opining a new account.
Account History En Buzón de sugerencias de Staff - Dec 21, 2009 at 14:18
We've made some changes to our systems, so it should work fine now.If you encounter anymore issues, please contact us directly for faster response.Thanks for reporting it!
No 'forced' trade to gain 'Trading Pri... En Buzón de sugerencias de Staff - Dec 21, 2009 at 08:56
Yes, we search for a sub-string and not compare it as a whole.Just make sure you don't reach the length limit of the comment or else the key will be cut off.
Password protected/controlled access portfolios En Buzón de sugerencias de dizustizy - Dec 19, 2009 at 19:12
Thanks for the info, I thought there might be a feature like this that I hadn't noticed. Keep up the good work!
Twitter updates En Buzón de sugerencias de Staff - Dec 19, 2009 at 08:15
Apologize for the delay.It was indeed fixed, only the fixes weren't applied yet as we had some delays with a development of a feature so it was postponed.The updates will be applied either later today or tomorrow morning.Thanks again for your patience.
EA1/2 Forward Test w/ 20% risk En Sistemas de Trading de jriechers - Dec 19, 2009 at 05:10
Please consider this EA and Account offline - Im going to let it run just for the fun of it, but the holiday liquidity issues are starting to cause problems. Already I am seeing spreads on my ECN account that are 2-3 times larger than normal. This is making it impossible to analyze and further test as MT4 is using the spreads that are currentl...
Muiltiple Accounts with same Broker En Buzón de sugerencias de BlueMental - Dec 18, 2009 at 23:24
They need not be at the same time, it is quick to log in to other account (this is not for scalping, so a few pips here or there makes little difference)Only thing that is to get them via the same broker, the loaded sata in the publisher is whichever one was last in.I suppose that running a second also does the trick...Just rename terminal as ...
MBT En General de mettall - Dec 17, 2009 at 23:18
I am a linux fan so i prefer web based platforms. currently i have a demo account at FX Solutions (web flash), but i am about to try XForex and/or GFT.http://www.earnforex.com/web-forex-brokers/?sort=2Here you may see what is the people vote for different brokers.update: Xforex has bad looking charts and is not so flexible as Oanda. Actually i...
"For Hire" Ability? En Buzón de sugerencias de Staff - Dec 17, 2009 at 19:29
Regarding your first suggestion - similar suggestion was already asked here: http://www.myfxbook.com/community/suggestion-box/automated-trading-from-signal-providers/6967#?pt=2&p=1&o=6967And as to your second suggestion - it is indeed a good one!Thanks!
200-500% monthly profit En Sistemas de Trading de Supranium - Dec 17, 2009 at 17:44
equity on 30% already. Its going to blow up very soon, as all the matingale systems with too big risk settings.Usd will keep raising. This account is doomed lol.
vForce like EA 1.0 M1 En Sistemas de Trading de forex_trader_253 - Dec 17, 2009 at 12:41
Account busted today.I was afraid this might happen because V1.0 doesn't short trades.
TRADING VOLUME En Sistemas de Trading de johanesh - Dec 16, 2009 at 03:43
Very Scary Signal Provider!!!!!!http://www.trading-volume.com/Sometimes no SL, he let the open trade to have a huge DD until it reverses back to profit. when he has a huge drawdown, he will open up a trade with 4X the regular size (look @ the history on Dec11-2009 & Dec15-2009) !!!Risk:Reward=2:1, the way he trades is SL=20pips, TP=10p...
Forex Posse: No Loss Robot En Sistemas de Trading de forex_trader_2463 - Dec 15, 2009 at 14:13
Please read the comments that I posted next to the trades under Trade History for the gory details. In all honesty, I can't say that I didn't expect that to happen. It was only a $50 account. There was barely enough capital to open 3 trades with 0.01 lot size, and the robot is designed to handle up to 10 trades at a time. We will be...
IBFX Live En Sistemas de Trading de rolfwidmer - Dec 15, 2009 at 06:40
you find the settings above in this thread
scalpeur En Sistemas de Trading de jaxs81 - Dec 15, 2009 at 06:01
Scalpeur, Is there anyway to learn about your trading sytem you are using. It looks impressive.
Specialist En Sistemas de Trading de tazmaan - Dec 14, 2009 at 19:32
Yes it's an ea.
EA1/2 ECN Forward Test w/ 5% risk. En Sistemas de Trading de jriechers - Dec 14, 2009 at 16:52
Crap, when I made some changes to this EA I forgot to load this account with 5% instead of 20% risk.... so instead of a 5% loss, I just took a 20% loss.
4xgridrobot - Alpari UK En Sistemas de Trading de forex_trader_2776 - Dec 14, 2009 at 15:27
Hi and sorry for my late reply!It´s not GridBot, it´s my own project which i´ve called "4xgridrobot". It´s a typical grid EA with a gridinterval of 40 pips (AUDNZD) and 10 pips (EURCHF). But in the near future i´ll publish a newer version with a probably better performance (not only because of better set...
Net Gain % En Buzón de sugerencias de Staff - Dec 14, 2009 at 08:33
Yes, it's a good suggestion and we've already been requested to add it.Thank you.
scalpeur millano En Sistemas de Trading de Laemmel - Dec 14, 2009 at 07:40
pas une super publicité pour ton projet, dommage tu étais plutot bien parti