Winner-X (bei MichaelRemshu)

Gewinn : +4767.21%
Drawdown 81.95%
Pips: 2010.7
Trades 295
Typ: Real
Hebel: 1:100
Trading: Manuell

Winner-X Diskussion

May 30, 2011 at 16:00
10,589 Angesehen
117 Replies
Mitglied seit May 24, 2011   2 Posts
Jun 28, 2011 at 20:45
yes mr. awadis, i will post shortly statement from awadis, too bad that i dont have a screenshot of the old homepage, its the same style than winner-x. dont be fool people!
only with grand capital and some other bulls*** brokers!
Have lost with awadis 10.000 €
i dont can do more than warning other peoples!
by the way michal remshu, i have collect some informations from grand capital and you, do some work with police in moskow. we will see :)
Mitglied seit May 30, 2011   56 Posts
Jun 29, 2011 at 02:17

to: cracko2 and Scams

you are both registered in the same time (June 24) to specifically lie and slander me? I understand you are traders who do not get traded and you can only just come up with a lie, speak on people, yes? ))

For normal people report that the site owner my colleague, friend - the trader (a student) had experience in Forex since 2003, and I have since 1997, I taught his trade. If you want cracko2 Scams and I'll teach you, too, but only for a fee.

Liars and slanderers, I block, I'm sure they will be registered again and to write against my trade a variety of lies.

ps: cracko2 Scams who are you? where do you live? i need to know it.


pss: And once again I want to clarify that for each broker in Internet of negative information, and then think .... Who could write this negative information? )))

Competition: The broker against a broker, trader against trader ... it's a closed competitive war ....

Do not be naive and do not believe a liar like crako2 and other scams )))
Winner-X - for successful people!
Mitglied seit May 30, 2011   56 Posts
Jun 29, 2011 at 02:48
and i work with other brokers but have individual condition for it...
Winner-X - for successful people!
Mitglied seit Jul 21, 2010   106 Posts
Jul 18, 2011 at 17:06
mr awadis looking for innocent and vulnerable people to prey on for his personal gains.
Mitglied seit May 30, 2011   56 Posts
Jul 20, 2011 at 01:26 (bearbeitet Jul 20, 2011 at 01:30)
temitope123 posted:
mr awadis looking for innocent and vulnerable people to prey on for his personal gains.

You're lying. And I have you blocked)

Winner-X - for successful people!
Mitglied seit May 30, 2011   56 Posts
Aug 06, 2011 at 12:00 (bearbeitet Aug 06, 2011 at 12:06)
Hello my friends!

August: +5.06%
Jule: +42%

Total from April: +418% (real account)

NEWS of 6 august:

1) Today, I sent all of its customers, new and updated (optimized) version of the Winner-X, which will increase profitability in the current month.

2) I have a very favorable environment for partners who can recommend to my investors to trade. And also those who want to earn from selling the Winner-X. Very favorable terms. Refer to my contacts.

3) August 10, Winner-X price increases twice, and is 2000 USD. I increased the cost because, I am sure that my efficiency is increased.

4) I set up an opportunity to get Winner-X in installments on more favorable terms.

5) For the VIP investors from the amount of USD 70 000 I have - exclusive conditions.

My contacts:
YM: michael.remshu
Skype: michaelremshu

Winner-X - for successful people!
Mitglied seit Aug 25, 2011   2 Posts
Aug 25, 2011 at 11:28
Wazzaaaap yoooo,
Very stable growth lately...😉
Mitglied seit Mar 28, 2011   942 Posts
Sep 01, 2011 at 05:54

pc8multifx posted:

Good luck to all your "investors" with this broker!

BTW, I don't see any supportive posts here of your "investors" ..I guess soon they will pop up😉

FPA database is actually coming in handy. Thanks for posting
Mitglied seit May 30, 2011   56 Posts
Sep 20, 2011 at 09:08
Hellom my friends!

August is always a dangerous month for trading. Since the low liquidity and no logical market. After a 47% drawdown, I decided to stop trading in order to rest.

I recently graduated from the rest, and during the 2 days I have changed the algorithm Winner-X and now the new algorithm completely, gives a more refined to me and my confidence in investors high returns.

For 2 weeks the new Winner-X has earned 118% on a real account. Those investors, who since August have remained with me - they have regained their losses and still working!

At this point I can offer investors under the terms of cooperation that had not previously been on the market account management!

By the way, before the end of September, I plan to have 140% more money with the help of Winner-X!

Write to:

skype: michael.remshu

YM: [email protected]

Winner-X - for successful people!
Mitglied seit Jul 03, 2010   151 Posts
Sep 24, 2011 at 03:06
If there was profit in August wouldn't have "dangerous" month.

Investors lost nearly 50% of capital. So it became "dangerous"

As it already lost 50%, there is possibility to loose 100% capital
Mitglied seit Sep 24, 2011   47 Posts
Sep 24, 2011 at 11:44
Nothing is showing there
Mitglied seit Jun 16, 2011   33 Posts
Sep 28, 2011 at 16:44
yes broker is BIG partner.... .
Mitglied seit May 30, 2011   56 Posts
Oct 30, 2011 at 16:47 (bearbeitet Oct 30, 2011 at 16:47)
Hello friends!

Profit via system Winner-X

September +203%
October +113%

!!! Gain: +4806.58%

Real account, real profit.

Investor? Trader?

Go to:

Skype: michael.remshu
YM: [email protected]

Winner-X - for successful people!
Mitglied seit May 30, 2011   56 Posts
Mar 12, 2012 at 11:34

my target - 500% for the month. Investors may contact to, comfortable conditions for all. Now start - tomorrow is already a profit!
Winner-X - for successful people!
Mitglied seit May 30, 2011   56 Posts
Oct 10, 2012 at 20:21

i have good news!

A new version was born WINNER-X KNOW-HOW!

details on my website:



Winner-X - for successful people!
Mitglied seit May 30, 2011   56 Posts
Oct 21, 2012 at 20:28
hi, first month after use new version of winner-x gave us +21% of profit

details on my website:
Winner-X - for successful people!
Mitglied seit May 30, 2011   56 Posts
Mar 04, 2013 at 08:34
Greetings friends!

After another break, I continue my work in forex trading. My new version of the Winner-X in October 2012 with excellent results.

Been corrected errors in the code, reworked the algorithm, new proven ideas.

Quantity of transactions decreased, but they have become more accurate!

The new version of Winner-X is not for sale and will not be published for free on the internet you will not find it.

I also increased the number of brokers offered for investors.

Flexible conditions for investors. Submit a request or contact on my Skype. I have a lot of experience manage trading accounts!

skype: michael.remshu
Winner-X - for successful people!
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