Commitments of Traders Historical Report for November 30, 2010

Financial Futures

Nicht-kommerzielle Positionen Kommerzielle Positionen Nicht meldepflichtige Positionen Händlerpositionen Asset Manager Positionen Leveraged Funds Positionen
Name Open Interest Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short
AUD 117302 44794 18151 41271 82785 30645 15774 21408 78101 18859 2826 38334 12856
CAD 100245 30999 11844 29282 70943 39027 16521 9431 56174 11101 11025 28978 8009
CHF 43600 16240 8416 11647 25043 15699 10127 7030 18548 2255 917 16152 11044
EUR 203930 47264 54512 96865 94867 55948 50698 64873 55860 26106 21679 31464 50009
GBP 85587 24409 29273 41148 34219 19133 21198 22359 10563 10751 20667 26372 18090
JPY 133069 55791 25785 51521 75586 24660 30601 16145 66213 34651 5536 31861 20030
MXN 134618 97199 18293 30705 113789 6090 1912 8444 111320 21825 150 95337 3815
NZD 27575 22982 4537 1301 21802 3292 1236 1910 20022 125 0 21567 6072
RUB 43401 6779 5 28398 42928 8087 331 7592 23867 0 0 14517 7248

Commodity Futures

Nicht-kommerzielle Positionen Kommerzielle Positionen Nicht meldepflichtige Positionen Producer/Merchant/Processor/User Positions Swap Dealers Positions Managed Money Positions
Name Open Interest Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short Long Short
Crude Oil 248578 28765 16556 169777 162322 35672 55336 54341 45094 69756 71548 1691 0
Silver 133139 40818 6784 29791 79561 29298 13562 6677 56222 21690 21915 29675 2190
Gold 600158 265824 38217 183793 454262 69888 27026 70724 238714 91958 194437 187247 11873
Copper 148249 47784 26677 68699 92608 15346 12544 8641 71892 50623 11281 40880 13827
Palladium 22842 16085 2237 3837 19805 2573 453 1511 13822 2220 5877 13403 1610
Platinum 34501 23749 2358 5197 30651 5292 1229 258 14404 4832 16140 20294 1522
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