Uzavřené kryptoburzy




Product Description

BQT aims to foster a community and culture of Crypto Traders using its platform, benefiting from and supporting each other. The BQT Exchange Platform offers a secure, interactive, and flexible P2P trading environment with a user-friendly interface for managing various transactions involving numerous crypto assets. The platform enables traders worldwide to negotiate their crypto asset trades directly, interact with each other, and share their experiences with the community. To leverage holdings of various crypto assets, BQT introduces the revolutionary Hedge Trades system. Unlike traditional



Product Description

Launched in 2017, Tokencan (T网) is an international platform providing issuance and liquidity services for tokens. Tokencan offers a diverse range of services, including but not limited to the MIsscoin project incubator, a Wall of Fame, the gaming platform, and a mining pool marketplace. These services provide comprehensive, one-stop solutions for project teams and multiple profit opportunities for intermediaries. In recent years, Tokencan has experienced rapid growth and market expansion, establishing a strong presence in Korea, Southeast Asia, and actively expanding into the European
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