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Box s návrhy
Jun 07, 2010 at 17:50
Great suggestion Imstuff, seeing Apple is boycotting Flash...
Fix Search Settings Parameters Please
Box s návrhy
Jun 07, 2010 at 17:42
Each time one goes into "Systems", the default set-up includes things like "stylefx" with its 5000% return and its 80% drawdown at the top of the list.Putting stuff like this at the top is bad for MyFXBook and does not lend itself to being taken seriously as an investment analysis tool. It is not classy to show non-investable systems at the top of the list every time people go into the Systems page.My advice -- use better default settings across the board in Systems -- maximum drawdown 30%, traded at least in the past two weeks, system age at least one month, all trading a...
Volatility Trader Rel.3c - LIVE-B
Obchodní systémy
Jun 06, 2010 at 03:26
Up 67.79% since April 8/10.This is a trade copying account controlled by the master account, just like all of our client accounts. This one is running at a higher money management of 1:1.5. Client accounts earned well over $100,000 in May 2010.
Volatility Trader Rel.3c - LIVE-A
Obchodní systémy
Jun 06, 2010 at 03:24
Up 47.13% since April 8/10.This is the account that controls all of our client accounts. Client accounts earned well over $100,000 in May 2010.
Volatility Trader - 1:4 Demo
Obchodní systémy
Jun 06, 2010 at 03:22
Oops... Looks like this demo account took another MC. I think we will just withdraw this thing gracefully now... 😄On the bright side, our real accounts and clients that run at normal and reasonable money management are all up nicely, with consistent earnings in the 30% per month range with real money.
Volatility Trader Rel.3c - LIVE-A
Obchodní systémy
Jun 02, 2010 at 18:59
System Update:We have had a difficult week trading cable, with some misadventures related to bringing the new signal set online. The good news is that that business is behind us now, and we have a version of the software that can bring SIGNALS into immediate market synchronization at start-up. That being said, we cannot force POSITIONS (which are controlled by signals) into market synchronization -- that would imply being able to open positions in the present at past pricing. If we could do that, we would not need a predictive trading engine would we?!? 😄Unfortunately, due to the ...
Volatility Trader Rel.3c - LIVE-B
Obchodní systémy
May 28, 2010 at 17:55
ACCOUNT HISTORY NOTEThe period from March 8/10 when this account was opened with $13,616 until April 8/10 has been removed from the history as it does not reflect actual account trading practices. During this time period the sizing was too small, and then changed at inopportune times to various larger sizings, which caused the account balance and equity for the first month to not properly reflect our since-standardized trading practices and generally the VT trading engine's performance.As of April 8/10 we started running this account at our 1:1.5 ratio base order sizing money management, ...
Volatility Trader - 1:4 Demo
Obchodní systémy
May 28, 2010 at 04:35
In retrospect, seeing that pure pips gain is not necessarily a good measurement tool for everyone, as other systems rely on different methods to gain that are not pure pip growth related, I take back my suggestion to run it all based on pips in the bank, as that would not be fair to other ways of trading that win $ while losing pips, etc.I suppose that if and when we do this again I'll just have to pay more attention to the money management and not get lost in the workload and forget about the demo account. Really, I only have myself and my busy schedule to blame for getting margined, as ...
Volatility Trader - 1:4 Demo
Obchodní systémy
May 28, 2010 at 04:30
That's why it is true for us -- we focus primarily on a single pair and a singe "base order size". Our trading engine works with that continuity for maximum pips, as maximum pips means maximum returns. So for us it is that simple. I see now however that it's not that way for everyone's way of trading, which helps me to understand why nobody else seems to be getting it! ;-)I agree with your assessment that all of the details are important; and in retrospect I think that just focusing on pips is not the solution either as others have pointed out that losing pips can sti...
Volatility Trader - 1:4 Demo
Obchodní systémy
May 28, 2010 at 04:22
Yes, I agree, but I think you misunderstood me, because that's exactly what I am saying. And I'm not forgetting about risk where it matters... I just don't consider play money to be "risk".
Volatility Trader - 1:4 Demo
Obchodní systémy
May 28, 2010 at 04:15
Interesting. I see where you are coming from more now...I had thought about the possibility of losing big pips with small orders and winning small pips with large orders. That's why I said that it's easier to easier to manipulate % gain than pips, as it occurred to me that someone could do what you're doing and win big $ on the small pips. (I.e., I did not think that a pip manipulating approach was impossible - it's just something that is completely foreign to our way of trading, which is why I thought manipulating pips is difficult, but probably not impossible.)From our sta...
Volatility Trader - 1:4 Demo
Obchodní systémy
May 28, 2010 at 03:52
Volatility Trader - 1:4 Demo
Obchodní systémy
May 27, 2010 at 22:29
Don't worry Kish -- I'm playing with play money here. This has nothing to do with how we trade real money accounts!
Volatility Trader - 1:4 Demo
Obchodní systémy
May 27, 2010 at 22:29
Perhaps not to you.Option 1:a) 1:5 leveraging risk: 100 pips earned today, 150 pips lost tomorrow, 200 pips earned the next day.b) 1:5 leveraging reward: eat bread today, tomorrow, and the next day.orOption 2:a) 1:400 leveraging risk: 100 pips earned today, 150 pips lost tomorrow, quit trading because your funds are gone.b) 1:400 leveraging reward: eat steak today and go on a diet tomorrow.We earn pips.We use Option 1 to convert pips to $ at a rate that is safe, not at a rate that is necessary to win a contest like this. To make 500% in one month (or whatever non-real-world rate) implies the ...
Volatility Trader - 1:4 Demo
Obchodní systémy
May 27, 2010 at 20:07
By the way, I just put the demo account sizing back where it was previously, down to 0.2 multiplier from the 150% bigger 0.5 multiplier I used to blow-up the account with the extra signals. Not that it really matters anymore, but may as well make things more realistic again.For the record, I will be happy to participate again in another contest if pip earnings are used as the measure of success, not % gain.
Volatility Trader - 1:4 Demo
Obchodní systémy
May 27, 2010 at 19:59
Hmm...It appears that we've taken a margin call in our demo account. That's what happens when you focus on % gain too much and forget about pips. 😀Anyway, while I was busy with real money account management I totally forgot that I had this demo running 150% higher risk than previous. So when I brought the new signals set online for our live accounts (which run at sane sizing and risk factors by the way) I forgot that the extra signals and extreme high percentage could combine to serve us an m/c.(Rest assured that we do not manage real accounts this way...)Which brings me to ...
Volatility Trader Rel.3c - LIVE-A
Obchodní systémy
May 26, 2010 at 13:26
System Update:Volatility Trader is currently in transition between the old signal set and the new signal set that was modeled over the weekend. As of now the system will still take trades with the old set, but only in a muted and safer range of operation. (This is why there are no open positions right now.)The new signal set is half-way in sync right now, and the in sync signals will start being propagated to client accounts over the next few days. We expect to be up to full trading capacity again within one week.***************************************************************************LIV...
Volatility Trader - 1:4 Demo
Obchodní systémy
May 25, 2010 at 06:19
I just noticed that we're in 5th place even though we've got something like 2,600 pips. OK, that's just wrong! 😂I've just taken my revenge by increasing our order sizing by 150% 😁
Volatility Trader Rel.3c - LIVE-A
Obchodní systémy
May 25, 2010 at 01:56
###################VOLATILITY TRADER UPDATE###################ENGINE UPDATEOur Volatility Trader engine is now at version 3.50a. This new version supports a number of important enhancements that will make the trades even more accurate and profitable. Besides operations-related features that have to do with training the engine, the most notable new trading features are:a) DDC Clone Take Profit levels -- "clone" positions that are opened by a signal while it is still valid now support custom-modeled take-profit (or limit order) points. This allows the signal to earn into the account...
Volatility Trader Rel.3c - LIVE-A
Obchodní systémy
May 23, 2010 at 21:17
Hi Kishorejoga,I'll pm you on this.thx, t.
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