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FX Manager Listing Board
Sep 17, 2010 at 07:02
Discussing about licensing/regulation of managers to be able to solicit clients, if I'm not mistaken when it comes to PAMM accounts I don't think this is necessary for the following reasons :1. The agreement is between the Client and the broker + broker & Manager (ie: not directly between Client & Manager)2. There is no transfer of funds between the Client and the Manager. (ie : Manager does not accept trading capital from the Client)3. The Manager does not have trading access to the Client's account. (ie : Manager doesn't get the trading password and therefore...
Sep 17, 2010 at 06:23
Would appreciate it if you could elaborate on the problem. The infected URL was a 3rd party URL, which was a concern to me. Especially since passwords are on the server although they're only investor passwords. I still have not added my live account and was wondering if I can rest assured about security.Thanks.
Sep 16, 2010 at 03:57
Same here.... since today. url reported is blablablaPlease look into this and rectify. Will not be using the site until it is sorted out.Thx.
PAMM Account
Obchodní systémy
Jul 11, 2010 at 13:50
Kenny,Yes - I agree that there is no need to divulge trading history since all the data needed to analyze trading performance is still available. The main thing here is since all trades are verified, the related information derived from such verified data becomes reliable.There are some suggestions which myfxbook team is working on though... which will make it possible to grant selective access to the trading history. This means you will be able to hide selected columns for example if you don't wish to grant access to that information, in the trade history.Just a little tip for you in acq...
Multiple portfolios under the same account
Box s návrhy
Jun 18, 2010 at 07:25
Perhaps, you can build on this, to accommodate my other suggestion (which you've added to your to-do list) to make it possible to generate a report on consolidated accounts. So basically we will simply generate a report of a portfolio folder that we have now. Just a thought.On 2nd thought, being able to multi-select the accounts we wish to analyze in a consolidated report would be a better idea and more useful.
Swing trading
Obchodní systémy
Jun 18, 2010 at 07:03
Equity is down to 38% which is quite bad.... and more like gambling even if he does manage to recover.About the swings... it depends on which tf the swing trade was taken on. If it was still within the larger swing on a larger tf then the trader might decide to hold through the smaller tf swing which he entered on... provided his MM permits him to.Even a strategy that has a 50/50 win ratio which just about struggles to break even, can be turned into a consistently winning strategy by applying some good MM & trade management techniques.Bottom line here in my opinion is that he's got...
Swing trading
Obchodní systémy
Jun 17, 2010 at 08:56
Maybe... but based on his analysis, I'm sure he's probably holding through a swing until his targeted profit region is reached. I am more impressed with the fact that he has been able to consistently get such "huge" returns on his account. The first impression would be that high leverage is being used but upon a closer look it can be seen that he doesn't use very high leverage per trade...and if I'm not mistaken it's around 1:20. An avg. win of 120+ pips per trade is very impressive... which is also the reason for such high gains as opposed to leverage.Good stuff ...
Fatal flaw with track record verification
Box s návrhy
May 29, 2010 at 16:56
Maybe you can implement my suggestion above on displaying the amount of time lapsed since the last verification.
Daily Grouping of Trade History
Box s návrhy
May 29, 2010 at 16:54
Thanks. I appreciate it.
Daily Grouping of Trade History
Box s návrhy
May 29, 2010 at 01:39
WITHOUT changing the current layout of the Trading History section, can you only add an additional column to the end and group the trades by closing date and show for the day : nett pips, nett profit, nett gainThanks.
Fatal flaw with track record verification
Box s návrhy
May 29, 2010 at 01:28
The same thought crossed my mind as I read your 1st respsonse about verifying directly with the server records. If you are able to do that, then why not go one step further and eliminate us having to publish/upload to myfxbook? This will eliminate any attempt by anyone to publish incorrect/misleading trading records as discovered quite by chance by Stephanus, although based on your explanation the maximum time such records will be up would be for 6hrs between direct server verification.From a technical point of view, maybe you are not already doing this due to bandwidth/load constraints etc.....
Manual Trading - Without Stop Loss
May 15, 2010 at 02:54
If you are a scalper, you definitely shoudn't be trading without a S/L. The idea of scalping is to get in and out of a trade in a matter of minutes, for just a few pips at a time. And your risk will reflect that.Having said that, there are indeed "safe" ways in which one can trade without using stops. Using stops is not the "only " way to manage risk. Whether anyone agrees or not is entirely upto them. The proof of the pudding is always in eating it. I'll leave it at that. 😉
Allow filtering out of canceled pendings
Box s návrhy
May 14, 2010 at 13:57
I requested this as well a while back and they said that it's in their to-do list.It would be great if they could also give an indication of when they hope to make it available.
Access Control For Public Profile
Box s návrhy
May 12, 2010 at 14:45
There was another suggestion in a different thread to make it possible to selectively hide or make public, the columns in the trade history section. I believe even this suggestion will serve our purpose and will also be easy to implement. So basically we can keep certain columns like entry,exit, open/close dt etc private if we wish to. Since you already have this available under "settings" I think it might be easier for ur programmers to simply add on to it by giving us the option to hide/show any of the columns in trade history.What do u think Andrei ?
Access Control For Public Profile
Box s návrhy
May 12, 2010 at 14:37
Can u elaborate on that pls ?
Consolidated Reporting.
Box s návrhy
May 11, 2010 at 15:42
Awesome !!! Can't wait ! THANKS !!!!! 😄
Consolidated Reporting.
Box s návrhy
May 10, 2010 at 13:29
Hi,It would be great if you could implement a feature that will allow us to selectively consolidate systems from our portfolio. As an example, if I would like to see a report of all my systems consolidated, then I will simply select all checkboxes and the report will generate a common set of results based on all my systems. If I just want to consolidate 2 of my systems, then I'd just select those 2. I hope u get the idea.This feature will be extremely useful to analyze overall trading performance.
Access Control For Public Profile
Box s návrhy
May 06, 2010 at 12:10
As long as it's not 1 shared password for all. But restricting it to selected users is probably easier for us, because the user will then anyway need to be logged in to myfxbook to be able to view the profile to which he has been granted access. Others who are just browsing without being logged in will not be able to see all the details.But then again.. I see your point... if we want to grant access to someone (a potential investor maybe) who is not interested in signing up @ myfxbook but wants to view our complete profile, then a username/password would be more useful.
Hide TP, SL, Open Price & Close Price & Time
Box s návrhy
May 06, 2010 at 09:31
Excellent idea !Profit/Loss in terms of amount as well as pips.
Box s návrhy
May 06, 2010 at 09:22
Yup - good idea, but it has to be done in such a way that ranking is calculated using the right parameters depending on the type of : if it's a demo account - then only other demo accounts should be considered for ranking. And there should be an option to obtain ranking based on other parameters such as Gain % , DD, Win % etc etc.... basically just like what is already available right now.You might need to just have a little table with the ranking indicated based on each of the currently used parameters.Just thinking out aloud.
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