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Febonacci Forex Robot V 2.5.2
Obchodní systémy
Oct 27, 2017 at 12:06
We have already responded to similar comments multiple times in this thread. Refer to the previous comments in the thread.This particular account will not be verified.
Brokers MT4 to CryptoCurrency Trading
Oct 27, 2017 at 10:14
I will never recommend any forex broker for cryptotrading. Because for cryptotrading there are crypto exchanges who are much better in providing best trading conditions suitable for cryptotrading and no forex broker can match cryptoexchanges.Forex brokers are for forex trading and crytoexchanges are for cryptotrading.
Febonacci Forex Robot V 2.5.2
Obchodní systémy
Oct 27, 2017 at 10:14
We need at least 50 interested users ready to subscribe to our signal as soon as we make it available in signal start. Long back we started the signal and no one noticed it and we closed it immediately after few days and hence, we don't want to repeat this again.Hence, we are asking all the myfxbook users who are interested to subscribe to our signal to make a comment in this thread so that we keep a record of it. Once it is 50, we will make it available in signalstart and update in this thread.Currently, we have around 10 interested users and we need approximately 40 users more to make it...
Febonacci Forex Robot V 2.5.2
Obchodní systémy
Oct 26, 2017 at 14:15
Users Update:-------------------One of the users with name "GODWIN..." and email "
[email protected]
" contacted us before 2 days, but all our email replies are getting bounced off and not reaching the recipient email address may be due to some technical reason from our end or from the sender's end.Since we don't have any other way to contact to the user and hence, we are making this comment to inform him to contact us from a different email in case he has not received a reply from us. But if you are interested to subscribe to this system, then you can just make a commen...
Importance of demo trading
Noví obchodníci
Oct 26, 2017 at 14:15
Demo trading is important, but at the same time the trader must be trading the demo account strictly following the rules of his strategy considering it as if it is a live account.If a trader simply trades randomly just to make himself familiar with the trading platform, then it is okay. But if he just trades randomly in a demo account and makes profit in demo and thinks he can duplicate the same results in live, then definitely results will vary a lot between demo and live.
Trading the cryptocurrencies Bitcoin,Etherium, Litecoin etc....
Oct 26, 2017 at 06:27
ETH is also a good opportunity to invest. But BTC will be my first priority in terms of long term investment since BTC price is expected to rise at least 10 times in between few months to 1 to 2 years. Of course, ETH will be the second option if you can't afford the high price of BTC now and next, comes EOS and IOTA investment as well.But note that these are all for long term investment only and not for day trading.Finally, these are not financial advice from me. You should do proper research and analysis before investing in anything and I don't provide any specific financial advice fo...
Febonacci Forex Robot V 2.5.2
Obchodní systémy
Oct 26, 2017 at 06:27
@Interstellar86 Thank you for your interest.So far we have around 10 myfxbook users who showed interest to subscribe to our signal. We request all of them to refer our myfxbook link to at least 3 to 4 myfxbook user each who might be interested to subscribe to the system so that we can quickly achieve our total target of 50 users and then, we will make this system available in signalstart.Also, we would like to update that we are going to start a new mt4 account and most probably in another broker when we will offer this in signalstart. In order to make this system profitable in most of the bro...
Oct 24, 2017 at 13:44
It depends on how you define hedging, what you know about hedging, how you use hedging, what type of hedging and what is your basic trading system upon which you are using hedging. Just hedging doesn't mean anything without a solid base trading system. But hedging can be a very powerful tool to minimise overall risk exposure of your account if you are trading many currency pairs. Also, hedging is useful to make the equity curve smoother for many profitable strategies.
Febonacci Forex Robot V 2.5.2
Obchodní systémy
Oct 24, 2017 at 13:44
@danny_pip @MrEnergy Thank you for your interest.Total we need 50 interested users to subscribe to our system so that we can make it available in signalstart. We need approximately 40 users more.Users interested to subscribe to this system can make a comment here to show their interest and also, they can refer our myfxbook to others who might be interested to subscribe so that we can quickly achieve the 50 subscriber target.
Febonacci Forex Robot V 2.5.2
Obchodní systémy
Oct 23, 2017 at 14:48
Definitely slippage is going to affect in each trade and of course in every system you use and it is not limited to our system only. Slippage doesn't have much to do with trade duration, but spread is a bigger concern than slippage when trade duration is less since you have to cover the spread in short time before a trade enters into profit.The slippage mainly depends on your broker, VPS location relative to the broker and availability of liquidity when your trades are getting executed. Regarding lot size, yes larger the lot size more slippage you will get and that's why we don't p...
Stop Loss
Oct 22, 2017 at 14:24
In my experience dynamic stoploss is always a better choice than static stoploss. I mean instead of using a fixed stoploss in each and every trade a strategy should decide the stoploss value individually in each and every trade.Apart from that a hidden advanced stoploss value to close the trades early is also a better option.
Febonacci Forex Robot V 2.5.2
Obchodní systémy
Oct 22, 2017 at 14:24
@andyofgod Obviously, no one will sell such a high performing ea with hundred dollar and our system is mainly for our own use to trade our own accounts and our fund management clients. Our ea is not for everyone to buy, resell and duplicate by other marketers and EA sellers. So obviously who is trading a reasonably high balance will be able to buy and use our EA and it is not for trading in a 100 USD account with a 100 USD robot to get rich quick.
Trading the cryptocurrencies Bitcoin,Etherium, Litecoin etc....
Oct 22, 2017 at 06:44
Finally, Bitcoin has started trading above 6000 USD per BTC. I precisely told this approximate price before around 1 month in this thread when price reached the low price 3000 USD.Now, Bitcoin haters have just shut up when some were saying that BTC will die soon blah blah...I told the price to go 6K,7K,8K ...I will stick to my previous price expectation and I hope the price to move at least 8K by end of this year, but it may go even more and at the same time big price deeps may occur as well before the hard fork in November.
Febonacci Forex Robot V 2.5.2
Obchodní systémy
Oct 22, 2017 at 06:30
@Aimak @andyofgod Thank you for your interest. We will update here in this thread once this system is available in signalstart. @ernestolavi We are not able to verify this particular account due to some technical issues. We don't share investor password of our accounts to others. But most probably when we will offer this system in signal start we will start a new account and most probably we will verify that account. Note that all our other accounts in our profile are verified except this one.But if you are willing to invest 100K in pepperstone and interested to use our system, then it is...
MT4 or MT5
Oct 20, 2017 at 09:12
One of the key difference between mt4 and mt5 is the programming language. In mt5 the language used to develop EAs and Indicators is MQL5.Though MQL5 and MQL4 may sound similar, but MQL5 is completely a different language than MQL4 and of course, mql5 is NOT an upgrade of mql4 which some may think.Usage of mql5 has many big advantages which are almost impossible to achieve in mql4 as well as few disadvantages at the same time. The main disadvantage is that mql5 is different from mql4 and there is no easy way to convert your favourite EAs, indicators to mql5 when you switch from mt4 to mt5. So ...
Febonacci Forex Robot V 2.5.2
Obchodní systémy
Oct 20, 2017 at 09:11
@kratous Thank you for your interest.Total we need 50 interested users to subscribe to our system so that we can make it available in signalstart. We need approximately 45 users more.Users interested to subscribe to this system can make a comment here to show their interest and also, they can refer our myfxbook to others who might be interested to subscribe so that we can quickly achieve the 50 subscriber target.
Febonacci Forex Robot V 2.5.2
Obchodní systémy
Oct 19, 2017 at 06:17
@Aimak How much would you ask to follow the signal?We have not yet decided about the signal price. It can be anything starting from 99 USD or more.Are you certain that with an profit expectancy of 3.4pips any follower will profit? The pip expectancy can be easily increased by slightly modifying the settings of the EA and we will do it before offering it for signals.What broker do you recommend for following your signal with the minimum slippage?Any well known broker will be fine. Example: Pepperstone, IC Markets, XM, FxChoice, FXCM, Axitrader, TickMillHave you considered offering PAMM service...
Learning and earning
Oct 18, 2017 at 07:06
For a successful trader there are only two things success and experience and there is no such thing as failure. Every failure is an opportunity to learn and improve the existing experience .
Febonacci Forex Robot V 2.5.2
Obchodní systémy
Oct 18, 2017 at 07:05
@tzryri Thank you for your interest.Users who are interested to subscribe to this system can make a comment here to show their interest and once we have 50 interested users we will make this system available in signal start. Also, users can refer our myfxbook link to others who might be interested to subscribe to this system.
Oct 16, 2017 at 07:30
By saying rally will continue if you mean whether Bitcoin will continue to increase more and more without any big pull back or drawdown, then the obvious clear answer is NO. It will definitely give pull back and big drawdowns while time passes by, but when the retracements will happen I don't know.But if you are referring whether Bitcoin price will increase more and more in future, then I have an obvious answer YES. In fact, I can say it is just a beginning when many people say it is end or it is bubble or BTC is dead etc. BTC price may reach at least 25K within next few months and as high...
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