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Million Dollar Pips
Obchodní systémy
Sep 27, 2011 at 09:27
Actually, HFT systems can target 3rd tier traders since they are in the 2nd tier of the market. This is because of the interaction between the brokers and their liquidity providers in connection with the liquidity providers and 2nd tier trading. Liquidity is liquidity. It doesn't matter where it is. If Bank of America has a transaction to exchange 10,000 euro for usd, and I am the only person on the planet who initiates a trade to exchange 10,000 usd for order will be matched with theirs. Even though they are tier 1 and I am tier 3. Now, the chance of that particular transaction...
Million Dollar Pips
Obchodní systémy
Sep 27, 2011 at 07:20
There is no "authorized vendor live account". As far as can you trust it....that is a bit mixed. The system and concept behind it are great. The implementation is a nightmare. The biggest problem is the only problem that you will have no control over....the broker's ability to get good fills on the trades and good exits on the closeout.
Million Dollar Pips
Obchodní systémy
Sep 27, 2011 at 03:02
You are correct that if he were to just re-install mt4, it would not fix the history. That is why I said he would need to un-install first. This would wipe the previously downloaded historical data and force mt4 to download the data from server in its entirety. A completely new install of mt4 would fix the history problem if nothing else does....with the exception that the broker's data is not also corrupted. Anyway....the new install is a last resort effort and will most likely not be necessary.You may not be intentionally trying to attack me, but you are so assured of being right that yo...
Million Dollar Pips
Obchodní systémy
Sep 27, 2011 at 02:31
I concur that it is a bad idea to run all three pairs in the same mt4 install. It has been noted previously that the pairs often trade at the same time. MT4 is not capable of multi-threaded order processing so you will have conflicts between the EAs. Simplest solution is to just install your mt4 in multiple folders...for instance when you install the second, add "#2" to the end of the name of the install folder. Makes it easy to keep track of. Further, I recommend changing the magic numbers of the EAs to separate numbers. It shouldn't interfere if they are the same, but it will r...
Million Dollar Pips
Obchodní systémy
Sep 27, 2011 at 02:26
Re-installing makes perfect sense but only if you put thought into it. It is a complete re-initialization of the history. That is why, I suggest this as a last resort if downloading the history doesn't work.
Forex Growth Bot
Obchodní systémy
Sep 27, 2011 at 02:18
Had 8 trades today. -23 pips. I closed out the final trade manually just a short time ago for +2 pips. FGB did the whole "let's open a huge position" thing with this order. i figured since this seems to be the peak I better kill the trade. Sometimes, you gotta help the bots. Anyway, was a losing day, but not a big losing day. I am glad too, I just raised my lot size the day before. :)
Million Dollar Pips
Obchodní systémy
Sep 27, 2011 at 02:05
I would implement all the changes recommend by Steve Walker. Although I would probably keep the history at 5000. On a 1 minute chart that is about 3.5 days of history. You may also consider opening up the history center and downloading the history for the one minute on those pairs. It is not that good of quality, but you obviously have history errors as it is. It may be enough to repair the gaps. If that doesn't work. Then you are looking at un-installing and re-installing mt4 again.
Million Dollar Pips
Obchodní systémy
Sep 27, 2011 at 01:17
You know what? It went right over your head. You completely missed it. You are so completely determined to be right that you can't think outside your box. HFT arbitrage takes advantage of the differences in price feeds from the major sources. This causes the re-balancing of the price between the sources. The arbitrage that is being referred to in this forum discussion is NOT HFT arbitrage. They have been seeking the speed of execution of different brokers to be able to take advantage of the different prices. If the speed of execution was unimportant, then it would be standard HFT-type arbi...
Million Dollar Pips
Obchodní systémy
Sep 27, 2011 at 00:05
My information about arbitrage comes from a guy who specializes in creating HFT arbitrage systems.
Million Dollar Pips
Obchodní systémy
Sep 26, 2011 at 23:27
Ok, the technical definition of arbitrage form wiki is "In economics and finance, arbitrage (IPA: /ˈɑrbɨtrɑːʒ/) is the practice of taking advantage of a price difference between two or more markets: striking a combination of matching deals that capitalize upon the imbalance, the profit being the difference between the market prices." Generally speaking....arbitrage will happen when you find two with a SLOWER price feed and the other with a FASTER price feed. This is exactly what is being hunted for by logging all these broker speeds from MDP.
Million Dollar Pips
Obchodní systémy
Sep 26, 2011 at 23:13
Arbitrage is taking advantage of the difference between a slow price feed and faster price feed. MDP is NOT arbitrage.
Million Dollar Pips
Obchodní systémy
Sep 26, 2011 at 16:29
I am testing brokers currently. If you are not a US resident, Pepperstone seems to be the best. If you are, so far, IBFX has the best track record so far.
Million Dollar Pips
Obchodní systémy
Sep 26, 2011 at 14:47
The slippage is an MDP killer. You can have an awesome broker that has a strict non-interference policy that they stick to, and due to there being no available liquidity, you can get slipped really bad. There is nothing that can be done about it except move to a broker that has a huge client base.
Forex Growth Bot
Obchodní systémy
Sep 26, 2011 at 14:44
I have had 6 or 7. One is still open. FGB pulled its magical multiplying position size trick again. Went long right at the peak of the day.Price finally bounced at about -120 pips and is still continuing up. i just checked and now FGB opened a short at that lower bounce. I would much prefer the long win instead of the short though.
Million Dollar Pips
Obchodní systémy
Sep 26, 2011 at 02:53
I am guessing here, so don't rely on this info too heavily. I believe the error message is referring to a gap in you price feed, similar to what happens at the beginning of the week. The latest version of MDP will not trade during these times.
Million Dollar Pips EURUSD
Sep 25, 2011 at 22:45
There is no magic setup with MDP. This EA has shown to be the most difficult EA to setup and run profitably of any EA that has traded profitably ever. pepperstone is pretty much the absolute best broker to trade with of the recommended brokers. Most likely, you will not experience anything better than what you have been experiencing. Your only real option left is to use the group trades option and try for one good trade instead of several trades, which increases the difficultly of trading profitably exponentially. Sorry for the lack of good news on this EA. The reason for the problems with it ...
Million Dollar Pips
Obchodní systémy
Sep 25, 2011 at 06:45
There is one HUGE important detail that you missed in reference to Birt trading MDP profitably. It is his broker. If you read enough on his forum, you will find out that Birt has went in with a friend and they have their own private brokerage. So....unless you have the money to setup your own private brokerage, you are pretty well screwed.
Million Dollar Pips
Obchodní systémy
Sep 24, 2011 at 09:35
The IP address for the last connected server of mt4 is in the srv file. Use NOTEPAD to open it...and hunt for the first thing that looks like an IP address or website.
Forex Growth Bot
Obchodní systémy
Sep 24, 2011 at 06:05
I have tested every setting in nearly every possible combination.
Million Dollar Pips
Obchodní systémy
Sep 24, 2011 at 02:01
Actually, if the slippage is too low, if the price is moving quickly, there is a possible run-away that could happen. The requotes would be the issue, and it would only be a problem on the exit. The worst that could happen on the open is that the orders would get rejected and you would miss good trades. On the exit side, if you get a requote (assuming zero slippage) then the EA has to resend another close order....and then possibly get another requote....and so on. Very unlikely, but could result in very large losses in a fast moving market.I recommend a slippage on no less than 1 at absolute ...
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