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Obchodní systémy
Apr 22, 2011 at 20:39
Hello Everyone,I have to write an unpleasant post. First though, a note about the fix fx chart. It is totally distorted and fxbook is not making progress telling me why. This is quite disturbing. About 3 days ago my chart when from its correct reading of being up 35% with 7% drawdown to instantly saying I’m up 53% with 67% drawdown. Additionally, the whole visual look of the chart is distorted. I’m sure things will be corrected eventually but this is very frustrating.Now to the even more unpleasant talk that I feel I owe those who are invested with me. Let’s say I have...
Obchodní systémy
Apr 20, 2011 at 08:42
Hello Friends, Hello also to some of my new friends who are tracking my trading. I look forward getting to know many of you. Guys, I don't know why the charts are messed up tonight. Something going on with fxbook...The last several days has been a dance of one step forward and two steps backward, over and over. Trading EuroYen is like being in the middle of a dog fight lately. The market can’t decide on direction for longer than a couple days.I have had to manually intervene twice to cut our losses the last couple days. And even with this I lost 3% of the account yesterday. M...
Oanda fx managers
Zkušení obchodníci
Apr 17, 2011 at 10:02
Some other brokers to consider are FIN FX where there is no FIFO or restrictions on hedging. Managed accounts are available, mt4, etc. I don't like having my money in Finland (as I'm in the US) but i can find no bad press on them and their execution of trades, spreads, and customer service has been good.Also, i would consider ATC brokers. Good liquidity and spreads. Customer service is alright, but the main point is that they are US based and yet no FIFO or hedging restrictions. And as FXCM executes their trades you have one of the biggest players on the block providing their li...
Emu Main - Spy
Obchodní systémy
Apr 17, 2011 at 08:05
Okay Mike, Thanks for some explanation. Maybe you will make the 43% average monthly return over the long term. If so, I'll be signing up along with you. The only problem from my perspective and experience is that I know how difficult it is to produce that kind of return apart from risking and almost equal % of your account. I risk 5% and sometimes up to 10% of my accounts to make 5-15% monthly return. If spy trader's collection of EAs can produce 40+ % return per month without risking that much of an account my hat if off to him. But as the famous judge Judy Sheindlin says, &q...
Emu Main - Spy
Obchodní systémy
Apr 17, 2011 at 04:38
Thanks Mike, I'm a little confused though. You say the performance matches the real site yet the account you show is only averaging 1% return a month (with spotty trades - gaps in months?) and the spy trader site is showing a 43% return per month. What am I missing here? Do you have another account with him that you don't have published on fxbook?I personally can not trust someone unless they reveal their broker. I don't know why people insist on hiding the broker when they should know it only invites suspicion.Anyway, best of luckWayne
Emu Main - Spy
Obchodní systémy
Apr 16, 2011 at 10:07
HiIs this the spy trader EA that has been getting some buzz lately? Any thoughts about its performance as compared to the author's site?ThanksWayne
FX Manager Listing Board
Apr 16, 2011 at 09:38
As a wise man named Wayne McDonell (of fxbootcamp) once said. 95% of all currency traders fail. This is a tough game to play.Hopefully a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for the 5% who can survive by having a solid strategy, practicing sensible MM, and having good self-control to draw lines in the sand not to be crossed.Okay, I'm up too late, Thanks forexscam for highlighting the active links.Cheers :)
Looking for managers - large accounts
Zkušení obchodníci
Apr 16, 2011 at 07:06
Thanks for sharing this info, All i can tell you is ATC accounts have not been able to be verified with myfxbook. If you doubt this just email anyone at myfxbook - Ethan is the main guy (
[email protected]
) - and he will confirm this. You can also call ATC brokers and ask them if this is the case.As i said in one of my previous posts (i think to my managed accounts) Ethan of myfxbook has told me my ATC account would e able to be verified soon as fxbook is instituting a new verification process that Ethan told me would actually be implemented this weekend.I look forward to having my ATC accoun...
Obchodní systémy
Apr 13, 2011 at 05:56
A quick summary of the last three days and why profit has turned down: 3 days ago: I was running an extended backtest on the same platform I was trading my EA on and woke my EA up when it should have been sleeping because of market volatility – We were put in a trade (Fin Fx didn’t put us in – because the EA was sleeping) and we lose 320. This problem is fixed now – I run all backests on a separate platform.2 days ago: I try a manual trade with one minilot, get caught in a reversal and lose 130. The EA gets back 90. frustratingToday: the EA did not cancel a pending...
Looking for managers - large accounts
Zkušení obchodníci
Apr 11, 2011 at 18:12
Just for everyone's information, most systems can be verified at fxbook, but some brokers do not allow their accounts to be verified by fxbook for technical reasons dealing with server access. For example, my account at ATC brokers cannot be verified as no account at ATC can be verified by fxbook YET. This is frustrating but the good news is Ethan of fxbook has informed me that fxbook will be introducing a new and improved verification system within a week which will allow my account to be verified as well as make verifications more reliable.Best RegardsWayne
Magic-Champ II PRO - Account 01
Obchodní systémy
Apr 10, 2011 at 07:52
Hello,Can anyone say anything in English as to the current state of this trading system? Sorry, but I don't speak any German.Results look good.Cheers
Former MANAGED Account
Obchodní systémy
Apr 08, 2011 at 08:25
For anyone curious about the different results today between fin fx (where we made 2.2%) and atc (where we lost 1.2%), I am reluctant to share the answer, but I like to keep an honest communication.In short, I was running backtests on atc with my EA also running, as I have done 100 times before, and the only effect of this is that the backtesting can make my EA wake up from sleep mode when asleep from volatility, etc. (my programmer confirmed this to me tonight). When I woke up this early afternoon I saw the EA was in sleep mode from volatility at fin fx, but the EA was not sleeping at at...
Former MANAGED Account
Obchodní systémy
Apr 06, 2011 at 08:28
Friends, last week, as the yen pairs were slowly grinding upward, I was disgusted that my EA was not catching many of the opportunities in front of us. Moves that don’t pull back much keep certain indicators I use in the extended zones and we missed some of the trades. I’ve dealt with this issue for some time but I was not sure how to solve the ‘problem” without degrading profit overall (I created a couple different features that failed in backtesting so I don’t use them).After more intense study, however, and some creative luck, I believe I have for the most pa...
Obchodní systémy
Apr 01, 2011 at 07:53
Thanks a lot Solar, I never thought I would get this far. In 5 years of trading currency I lost my a$$ for 4 years then finally figured out a real focused strategy for getting a little bit consistently with the help of my EA. For the longest time I recalled the words of Wayne McDonald of fxboot camp (love those guys) who said 95% of currency traders fail. For awhile i was thinking it may not be possible to trade currency by retail traders, but I have come to believe that it is definitely possible, it just takes focus, picking your spots, good tools, and discipline, tempered by an awareness ...
Obchodní systémy
Apr 01, 2011 at 05:39
Hello Friends, I am happy to announce the beginning of my new managed account at ATC brokers. I have been tracking my individual account with ATC for almost 5 months now, and now that account has been moved into a block trading account (and will continue to be monitored) and we should be up and running Sunday evening.What I am particularly excited about is that given the larger equity in the managed block I will implement a strategy of splitting my normal trade size in half and leaving one half of the trades alone, allowing my EA to do everything. The other half will be mainly EA initiated t...
Former MANAGED Account
Obchodní systémy
Apr 01, 2011 at 05:37
Hello Friends, I am happy to announce the beginning of my new managed account at ATC brokers. I have been tracking my individual account with ATC for almost 5 months now, and now that account has been moved into a block trading account (and will continue to be monitored) and we should be up and running Sunday evening.What I am particularly excited about is that given the larger equity in the managed block I will implement a strategy of splitting my normal trade size in half and leaving one half of the trades alone, allowing my EA to do everything. The other half will be mainly EA initiated t...
Obchodní systémy
Mar 23, 2011 at 19:58
Hi Jprize, The ATC block managed account is just a few days away from being operational. I will manage the account for friends and family (up to 15 accounts) as I take steps to get my CTA license so I can trade an unlimited number of clients. I will PM you about the details. ATC has been accommodating to me, letting me start a block account with less than 50k so I look forward to continuing trading there. It took some work but ATC is going to let me move my individual account to the block account, and I will continue to track the account at fxbook. ATC also assures me the verification is...
Obchodní systémy
Mar 18, 2011 at 05:24
I have to say I was so frustrated this evening when I came home and saw that I had missed the BOJ intervention. The trade was missed by the FIN FX account but ATC caught 58 pips before a pullback stopped me out short of a nice cash in. I am taking steps now to set up a block managed account at ATC brokers for anyone who may wish to have an account there.As I said before friends, development on my EA will continue as I try to make it more complex and able to take advantage of a variety of situations. However, sometimes small differences with broker technical readings affect the issuing of or...
Obchodní systémy
Mar 16, 2011 at 22:00
Thanks for the positive words, Jprize. Yeah, the EA is designed to go into sleep mode when there is too much volatility, or if currency moves too far too fast. But I estimate there would have been 3 successful short trades over the last 24 hours if I had left the EA on. I just didn't think the BOJ would let the yen free fall like this. But yeah, once the first big candle hit if we were not already in the trade the EA would say this is too extreme for me, time to take a nap. I didn't design a gambling machine, but rather a high probably trader.over the long term conservatism always...
Obchodní systémy
Mar 16, 2011 at 20:49
A Note on the Different Activity Between the ATC and FIN FX accounts:Numbers are deceiving. My profit has been going up on the ATC account the last 2 days because I have been cashing in on a couple of hedges I was forced to take because I got stuck holding 1 mini-lot of a long on euro yen. I took a gamble on my personal account and before I knew it I had to hedge to save a big loss.I have certainly disappointed my investors on the managed account at FIN Fx as we have made almost no profit off the sell off in the market. I have had the EA off the last two days because I was afraid the BOJ wo...
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