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Příspěvky od forex_trader_2825
NMi-Momods Night Scalper FxPig
Obchodní systémy
May 30, 2013 at 08:55
Now Snowy, I though we weren't getting petty ? My essay ? I was believing that it was an informative reply - keep in mind you're not the only one reading these posts.In any event, we've used the alternate method so there will be no delays in myfxbook updating, unless its something out of our hands.The main reason for our preference to the login and password, besides the facts its far easier and quicker to setup, is that we create quite a number of myfxbook link for our NMi 500 clients that are invested into our MAM (of which not one isnt in the money today). So it needs to b...
NMi-Momods Night Scalper FxPig
Obchodní systémy
May 29, 2013 at 01:16
You are right Snowy, hunting for spelling errors, how petty, my apologies. Heck I know I misspell thing all the time in my lengthy comms, which I provide in an effort to best service clients.I'm human and sometimes I falter and buy into pettiness when its bestowed upon me, when I should just rise above it. I'll strive to not get sucked down that vortex again Snowy.....most of the time I just ignore it.So far as why we aren't using the myfxbook EA option for updates - that's easy - because its an absolute pain to make work as Im sure anyone who used it a fair bit will agree. Usi...
NMi-Momods Night Scalper FxPig
Obchodní systémy
May 28, 2013 at 02:22
Well, thats not entirely correct.It depends at which broker.....some people haven't hit a single loser with NMi Momods version and made more pips with it than the old one.Ive posted at Donna FX a more detailed reply on this that goes into finer details if you care to scroll through the posts.Really, you have to ask yourself the question - do I have faith in Momods ? We at NMi do and so should you.Cheers, Adam :)ps: Gendam, by the way, the correct spelling of "folow" in your profile is "follow" - 2 x "l"s. I guess they need spell checker @ myfxbook !
NMi-Momods Night Scalper FxPig
Obchodní systémy
May 28, 2013 at 02:11
I'd suggest, at a guess, that surfers down under smoke pretty much the same stuff that surfers all over the world do !😁But, aren't we smoking FX here and now ?Cheers, Adam :)
NMi-Momods Night Scalper FxPig
Obchodní systémy
May 28, 2013 at 00:27
Are you suggesting that Im trying to mislead people or delaying the updating to hide things ?I wont, and I dont, one thing you and anyone else can rely upon from me is the facts of the matter.This is a well known issue, when you use the login and pw method, see below 😉Contact myfxbook and seek confirmation for yourself.Cheers, Adam :)==========Dear NewMillenniumInc!You might have noticed our topic regarding an issue with MT4 auto update, posted a week ago:,1.We've been trying to fix it for the past 2 weeks...
NMi-Momods Night Scalper FxPig
Obchodní systémy
May 27, 2013 at 00:13
Yeah, thats what I keep telling myfxbook. Im as interested as everyone else and would rather not have to log in to a VPS just check the result, which was a loss today. Usually the Sunday open is a good session for this system, it was very good last week when we had the demo running, but you know how murphys law goes.Click on "report a bug" and let them know it isnt updating. Its been ongoing problem for many people using myfxbook.....for whatever reason myfxbook isnt using enough something is lacking. Its getting worse, not better.How hard can it be ? Maybe NMI needs...
Super Scalper EURUSD
Mar 01, 2013 at 10:17
Hi Michael,Thanks for the kind comments but its just a backtest - if only making money trading FX was as easy as producing a good backtest. I wouldn't suggest you ever buy any EA just on the strength of a backtest unless you understand a lot about the system and the parameters of the backtest.Ive been in FX for nearly 10 years, not long when compared with 25 year veterans, but a bit more the average punter. We've had our ups and down with this EA for a multitude of reasons over the last 14 months of its development, right now we are in the red for Feb and its looking a bit ugly after s...
NMi Super Scalper v1.9 - v1.16 DMA
Obchodní systémy
Feb 19, 2013 at 23:16
Hi there,We no longer run any demo accounts, but you can check in our profile for our live AXI account. I've been meaning to hide this completely and replace it with a livey but Ive been distracted in other areas.Demo accounts show how the system would perform in a perfect nonslip trading environment, but generally speaking you cant get that on a real money account unless you're trading a brokers BBook that otherwise trades like an ECN.....and there's a few of those about but its not sustainable long term with a substantial amount of capital in trade.We only trade the system at bro...
Million Dollar Pips
Obchodní systémy
Dec 31, 2012 at 02:24
Hi Trew,Hmm, this account has been in trade over a year and is real money and works over the longer term, in fact Birt has withdrawn the starting principle multiple times : guess the several brokers you tried it at are unsuitable for tick scalping, its requirement are very specific - are you aware you simply cant run it on any old broker and that it is notoriously difficult to arrive at a working combination ?.....I know traders who stick with it to this day and make pips with it. The truth is that tick scalping is profitab...
Forex Minute Trader
Obchodní systémy
Nov 27, 2012 at 05:51
Hi Neutral,Understandable, 12 months is good seasoning for any system.With regards on brokers/VPS of choice. Well it seems thats its more about broker of choice, than VPS of choice because a cheap VPS can see good results on a good feed but the best VPS wont make much difference on a bad feed. Granted though the VPS does have a significant influence of the outcome achieved even at the same broker and there's many variables with how everyone runs their individual VPS's. Ive seen good results using a UK VPS to trade a NY broker and vice versa, it doesnt seem that close is necessarily bes...
Forex Minute Trader
Obchodní systémy
Nov 27, 2012 at 02:55
Hi Neutral,Thank you for the respectful way that you have asked the question that you have.Murray would be correct though, the EA hasn't been available for 12 months yet and its only really in the last 5 or so months that the EA has performed with some consistency, although the last month/recent period has been rather slow going for all tick scalping systems. We are continuously developing it though - all day, everyday with a steely resolve few can match, and so we expect over time we will keep improving it (and other systems we build). Of course no matter how much we improve it the market...
Forex Minute Trader
Obchodní systémy
Nov 21, 2012 at 15:05
Blackcode - the difference between real and demo account are nothing new to anyone familiar with scalping and Ive no issues telling folks who dont know as much, and we list live account so folks can make up their own mind and see the lesser relative performance of real versus live. Nothing to hide.Well, we did list all accounts (live and demo), but as the EA isnt really being marketed or for sale anymore then there's no reason to have them publicly listed, the links are now private and just for existing clients. Also I made them private because I didnt want to field anymore comments/questi...
Forex Minute Trader
Obchodní systémy
Nov 18, 2012 at 21:53
Yagan,The fact of the matter is that NMI clients are free to use it on any broker still to this day, I said just ask and we'll enable for whatever broker you wish. We still allow SS clients to trade at whatever broker without an IB requirement with 0.5 lots on the basis that if clients find a good broker, the discovery is shared between all clients. I presume folks like you would are OK to see others burn while you make pips....I've seen that selfish attitude before at Donna FX. Sorry Yagan, there will none of that...........but you can always design and develop your own EA system and ...
Forex Minute Trader
Obchodní systémy
Nov 18, 2012 at 10:03
Yagan,Well actually its not everyday...that would be an exaggeration actually, I haven't read a peep of late actually so you're actually interrupting an otherwise enjoyable (and productive) silence. You sound rather angry about something as you hide behind an online username and keyboard versus taking the time to actually speak to me one to one as Ive offered numerous I'm about to waste 30 minutes of my life yet again responding when I could be determining if its 18 points or 16 points or 14 points that's best for a certain clearance. Seriously......things that ar...
Get More Barrels
Obchodní systémy
Nov 18, 2012 at 01:49
Hi Avatar,Its a high speed scalper so by the time signal came through on Zulutrade, unfortunately the trade would be over.The only way to successfully trade this system is via a EA hooked up directly to a MT4.Cheers, Adam :)
Get More Barrels
Obchodní systémy
Oct 20, 2012 at 13:11
Pepperstone is a decent broker and is profitable with this system, some of our clients do trade there with some success but it is not the most profitable broker for this system.Cheers, Adam :)ps: its a good lesson for you to learn early in your FX carreer about the dreams that are system with grid and/or don't want to spend as long chasing it as I did.November 5th, 2011 was my moment of clarity on the matter (see post by surfieadam) Fast fwd nearly a year later and see if anyone on that thread has seen suc...
Get More Barrels
Obchodní systémy
Oct 20, 2012 at 13:09
Quick100 (a quick100% DD?) I'd prefer you not market your system/offer here, come on you know the rules and the expected etiquette, no spamming......but as you have chosen to do so then you've kinda asked for this.An 86% drawdown means you nearly lost the account !!! No offence, but you would have to have masochistic tendencies to put your money into a system that has seen a 86% drawdown........its not going to last long ! and not in entire accounts life has it even made 86% ! come on, that's terrible.But that's a grid a...
Forex Minute Trader ARM
Obchodní systémy
Oct 19, 2012 at 09:28
Hi Folks,In case you are interested in this EA, here's a bunch of real money acccounts, some of them with 5-10k balances:
Forex Minute Trader
Obchodní systémy
Oct 19, 2012 at 09:11
Hi Folks,In case you are interested in this EA, here's a bunch of real money acccounts, some of them with 5-10k balances:
Forex Minute Trader
Obchodní systémy
Oct 19, 2012 at 09:04
Hi Willgart,Using 1 lot per trade you can easy make 2k a month with this system - if $49 a month isnt viable out of 2k a month for you then I guess the math doesnt add up for you, I agree.We dont see 1 pip fact the volume commiss brokers charge are between 0.48 and 0.7 of ONE pips, of this we see a small cut, yes.Our EA has been traded by hundreds of traders (most of which are unhappy about additional copies being released, but we had little choice) for months preceding this launch and the stats of all the thousand of real moeny trades our technology determines an expectancy per t...
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