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who is guru???!!!
Zkušení obchodníci
Sep 04, 2012 at 14:20
Why do think it is going down anytime soon? Can you post a chart to backup your trade?I see only higher highs and higher lows, which just confirms the uptrend.
What are your thoughts on $5 No Deposit Bonuses?
Sep 04, 2012 at 14:18
Don't like it. Just a cheap gimmick to draw in newbies.
Zkušení obchodníci
Sep 03, 2012 at 10:37
Never liked Elliot Waves - they are simply too discretionary. How do you know wave 3 wasn't at 1.24450 high?
Volcker rule could hurt liquidity in FX spot market
Sep 03, 2012 at 10:09
Question is, why do they do that? I don't think this is by choice. The economy has slowed down since the melt down in 2008, and it appears its slowing again the past few months - I think the point of these rules is to show they are do trying to do something to help stabilize the economy, although it may be too little too late. The Volcker rule is the same as reducing leverage - once you decrease exposure, risk reduces. I just hope the effect of traders moving their businesses elsewhere won't overweight the point of the rule, which is to help to the economy, not ruin it further.As to th...
The trend is my friend
Noví obchodníci
Sep 02, 2012 at 10:11
😁 That's a great way to illustrate your point! Made my day!Another point is to have your eyes always open for a possible trend change - don't assume the trend is still there and isn't going to end ever.
Volcker rule could hurt liquidity in FX spot market
Sep 02, 2012 at 06:41
Reading through it, it looks like it's going to have a huge impact on the economy of US, which will affect forex trading as well. I have to agree with TheLastBear - I think it's only a matter of time before firms will start moving their businesses overseas, just as you see with US forex firms. I think the rule will not hurt too much forex trading, just force it to happen elsewhere.At this point, it looks like this rule is going to hurt their economy rather than to protect it.
Volcker rule could hurt liquidity in FX spot market
Aug 30, 2012 at 14:55
Damien, I wasn't actually aware of such a rule. Tried reading on wikipedia, but the lingo is too technical for me 😳.Can you please explain in short what does the rule mean for the forex industry?
statarb pro 251.000 discussion
Zkušení obchodníci
Aug 30, 2012 at 11:03
I checked it also and it's definitely not the default option, however I don't think it proves anything. As your images show, the trader has told in the description it's a demo account - why would he do that if he was trying to scam someone? That doesn't make any sense.In any case, I agree with Chikot that we should concentrate on trading.
Do you prefer fixed spreads or dynamic spreads?
Noví obchodníci
Aug 29, 2012 at 14:47
I think this is not a plus but a minus - most of the cost is built into the high spread - since the large part of slippage occurs (or should at least) during an economic event and since most of the time there aren't any events, the trader keeps paying a high spread for his trades.
Do you prefer fixed spreads or dynamic spreads?
Noví obchodníci
Aug 29, 2012 at 12:22
Because a the spread is for one way trade, ie buy. If you wish to close it (ie sell), that is another spread cost. Actually, I could have counted it for one way only, instead of counting round trip and then dividing it 🙄.As to slippage - I'm assuming it is the same for fixed and variable, or am I wrong here?
Do you prefer fixed spreads or dynamic spreads?
Noví obchodníci
Aug 28, 2012 at 14:49
A great question. I was sure dynamic spreads are best, until I read walker's response.I do think fixed spreads is the more transparent approach broker's wise, as many traders overlook or don't understand the commission factor. However, with most brokers changing their model from fixed to variable+commission model, the costs per trade went straight down. By my calculations, spreads with a commission model are cheaper than fixed spreads.For example (please correct me if I'm wrong), if a commission is $2.5 per 1 lot per turn, and the initial spread is 0.5, then openning and closin...
Fast Scalping
Obchodní systémy
Aug 26, 2012 at 16:40
I wouldn't say the EA is a scam per-se, but it does give an excellent example on how an EA may work perfectly on a demo account, yet fail miserably on a real account. Check the average trade time - it is 25 seconds - you can't expect to make almost 2500 trades with such an average trade time.I would avoid black box EA's - finding a service which makes money off of a monthly fee is much safer than from a seller profiting from affiliate fees.
StatArb Pro 250,000 USD
Obchodní systémy
Aug 26, 2012 at 14:29
@Walker, the equity is below but it is all about relativity - even though it falls below balance, it is still keeping the account profitable, so I would wait and see how it continues to build.@TheCyclist - just relax and let the performance speak for itself. statarbpro answered all of your questions without hesitations so I do think this is a genuine trading system. Sometimes its hard to believe when you see someone has succeeded where you failed. I'm don't know for a fact if this is the case, but there is no point trying to flame this thread. Think for a second if you did believe the ...
who is guru???!!!
Zkušení obchodníci
Aug 25, 2012 at 08:05
You can go ahead and connect an account to MyFxBook which would make your life much easier. In any case, if your're posting a signal, it would be much better if you explain why and attach a chart with your analysis.
Chart of Latency Times to Most Forex Brokerages
Zkušení obchodníci
Aug 25, 2012 at 08:04
Marvin, this chart is valid only if you set you vps with cns, however it has no value if your vps is elsewhere. Moreover, the chart doesn't include execution time - the latency could be super low, but execution time super high, so the total of both would be probably the best metric for comparison (not to mention the execution time must be measured for a real account, not demo).
Are you happy with your broker?
Noví obchodníci
Aug 21, 2012 at 15:19
What do you mean? I have nothing against TheLastBear, it was just an honest question.
Noví obchodníci
Aug 21, 2012 at 07:56
Yeah, I know the feeling. It may look like the broker is trying to hunt your stop, but sometimes it's just the nature of this game 😄
What do you expect from a broker?
Noví obchodníci
Aug 21, 2012 at 07:09
I don't think it's too much. On the same note, I'm not sure why they're forcing it on everyone, this should be left to the trader's choice. Cigarettes for example are much worse than hedging, yet they are still being sold.
they are the most profitable pairs ... ?
Aug 21, 2012 at 07:01
Yes, trading correlated pairs is the same as trading the same pair twice, so I would avoid that as that simply increases risk (putting all eggs in one basket). Correlations I've noticed are (from most correlated to less correlated):EURUSD - USDCHF (negative correlation)EURUSD - GBPUSD (positive correlation)GBPUSD - USDCHF (negative correlation)NZDUSD - USDCAD (negative correlation)
Jason Fielders Arbitrage system
Aug 21, 2012 at 06:57
I think it only works as long as you keep a low profile by trading small and don't make too many trades. Problem is that with arbitrage systems you must take many trades as the profit with each trade is very small (usually less than a pip), which eventually can give you up.This is simply taking advantage of a broker's feed latency and this is something brokers do not like and don't want to let it happen.
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