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Ambush Trader
Obchodní systémy
Mar 27, 2014 at 02:56
@Ambush_Trader well I had faith in your system only because the stats were lined up correctly, then I too thought you failed because the account was deleted, but only to find out you had moved it, so my first post was correct, that I had no doubt that your system would recover. Unfortunately many here on this site want a +90% win rate or they think the system is no good, but they're the ones in la la land. Congrats, keep up the good work.
IB experiece - generaly scams or good thing ?
Zkušení obchodníci
Mar 26, 2014 at 13:16
Only good from my IBI'm with Pepperstone, pay $7 AUD commission round trip and get a rebate from the Aslan Group of $0.90 so effectively paying $6.10 commission per round trip. It gets paid before the 9th of the following month. More expensive to trade? No, it's cheaperJust a lie? NoWiden spreads? NoAny disadvantage? No
Autotrade anomalies
Mar 24, 2014 at 21:33
You don't see any because some of them use a custom start date. Simply change the custom start date and you will see what I'm talking about.If it's working for you then great, all the best to ya.
Autotrade anomalies
Mar 24, 2014 at 07:59
As I stated in the first post, one of the criteria myfxbook stipulates- Drawdown of no more than 50%.Now that's not my rule that's myfxbook's rule. Some of these systems have a drawdown of over 90%, so once againwhat am I missing?
Autotrade anomalies
Mar 23, 2014 at 12:38
Right, got it, so it's better to invest in a system with short term history, (even a roulette system will look pretty good short term) rather than a system that performs longer term. Hmm yea, makes alot of sense NOT!!
Autotrade anomalies
Mar 23, 2014 at 08:36
One of the criteria for an Autotrade system is- Drawdown of no more than 50%.Was just browsing some of the Autotrade providers and many of them use a custom start date. Their stats look great until you Analyze the system from the date of inception and it's a different story. Some of them have drawdowns of over 90%. What am I missing? Are you suppose to pretend it never happened? 😕Eg Axitrader System or Matthew Mcculloch to mention a couple.
Other myfxbook like site
Noví obchodníci
Mar 20, 2014 at 05:33
I've been around, I'm more on the mature side. How do I know?? Life experience. No such thing as a free lunch. If what you say about yourself and your motives, then you will be the first person that I have ever ever ever known that is doing something for strangers without any self gratification or for not for one's own self gain. Oh there are plenty of charitable folk out there, but only in front of cameras or in front of others. Hollywood if full of em. So in conclusion, if you are what you say you are then congratulations, you're the first after one other who they crucified o...
Other myfxbook like site
Noví obchodníci
Mar 20, 2014 at 03:59
You can't be serious??? If anyone believes the above, please pm me, I have a beautiful bridge to sell you with wonderful harbor views and I'll throw in an opera house as a bonus.
Is forex gambling?
Zkušení obchodníci
Mar 14, 2014 at 08:35
Well, this is entertaining.
Ambush Trader
Obchodní systémy
Mar 14, 2014 at 04:18
I also have to admit I was wrong. Oh well, thought it had hope, but alas it didn't
PAMM recommendation
Zkušení obchodníci
Mar 07, 2014 at 15:50
Well it must've been the part after "Two" 😝
PAMM recommendation
Zkušení obchodníci
Feb 06, 2014 at 20:22
Eh? Are you sure we're looking at the same thing? Firstly even if it was 1 month history, so what? Unless you have a special machine that can make time go quicker then 1 month takes approx 4.5 weeks to complete. You have to start somewhere. If I want to forward test a strategy for 1 year, unfortunately at one point in time it will only be running for 1 month.Secondly they've been running around 6 - 7 months not 1 month. 🙄
PAMM recommendation
Zkušení obchodníci
Feb 06, 2014 at 15:21
@optimofx Sorry mate, don't quite understand the question? Maybe you don't speak English and you have used Google translation, but whatever it has translated it does not make sense. I will try and answer what I think you are asking. The accounts did not all start on same month, but same system with different risk. Just wanted to see the difference in drawdown, expectation etc. Probably do not really need to do it, as you can work all that out with some maths on one account, but did it anyway.
PAMM recommendation
Zkušení obchodníci
Feb 06, 2014 at 14:13
Hmm, don't think we're on the same page, but anyways, seems like you've got it all worked out anyway. Good luck with it.
PAMM recommendation
Zkušení obchodníci
Feb 06, 2014 at 03:22
Have to agree with forexpipcatcha. Don't know what you want any of us to say. The sample is just not big enough. Those stats don't mean anything at the moment. They could remain the same, get worse or get better, only until a decent sample size in time and volume can you really give any evaluation. How long, and how much volume? well that's subjective but in my opinion would have to be at least 6 months to a year and hundreds of trades and then will you be able to see if the system has merit. Not saying it's a winning system even after that long, but at least the stats would st...
What will be the impact of Fed Taper on EURUSD pair ?
Zkušení obchodníci
Feb 05, 2014 at 10:14
If it doesn't go up it will go down 😝
How to improve the odds in trading
Zkušení obchodníci
Feb 04, 2014 at 23:15
Pretty amazing. Has a large sample size in time and volume. 75% win rate (Avg win 667pips), incredible. DD of 10% incredible. AvgWin > AvgLoss. Besides the unrealistic result which I find hard to believe, albeit might be true, but never heard of the broker. That's not to say they're not legit. One thing I've noticed any system that is verified with these results inevitably has some obscure broker.In in my experience, the maths just doesn't add up (In the sense to good to be true). It is possible that he is trading several deviations to the right of the mean, that can hap...
How to improve the odds in trading
Zkušení obchodníci
Feb 04, 2014 at 01:49
I think you're talking about oranges and I was talking about apples. Sure there are some reputable FOREX educators, but what I was addressing are the charlatans that promise unrealistic returns with their manual system or robot.
How to improve the odds in trading
Zkušení obchodníci
Feb 02, 2014 at 23:02
Hey you're not alone being a sucker. I've been sucked in plenty of times, but not anymore. I will never ever be sucked in by these shysters again, but I've had to pay (with dollars) for that wisdom and experience by being sucked in. Tough and hard way to learn, but I don't know of any other way. I now know their tactics and methods. I wish I didn't have a conscience, I would be doing exactly what they are doing (I think I could even do it better) and make a fortune.
Ambush Trader
Obchodní systémy
Feb 02, 2014 at 11:27
Hope it's ok to give my 2 cents worth. All the stats are in the favor of this system which is refreshing to see for a change. AvgWin 65pips AvgLoss 35 pips. Win rate of over 40% which is more than enough for those averages. Unfortunately, if you want high returns then DDs are just part of the package. History shows several months of high returns therefore the system can easily recover such a DD. DD sucks, it's gut wrenching and sickening but part of the game of high returns. Hope it recovers quickly for u ambush, according to the stats it shouldn't be a problem.
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