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Příspěvky od forex_trader_8490
FX Robot - Real Account
Obchodní systémy
Jul 14, 2010 at 22:54
@setroxThe robot is working as I can prove with real accounts. Shall I go there and make money for you so that you can just make a withdrawal? In which world are you living? You need to find the right broker combinations and settings, all I am selling is a TOOL to make money, but I explicitly do NOT PROMISE profits, this is explicitly stated in the DISCLAIMER and other places on my website.ALSO, you have applied for account codings and EXPLICITLY AGREED to the terms and conditions in writing. NOBODY FORCED YOU.So I ask myself, why do you complain now and on what basis do you want to have the m...
FX Robot - Real Account
Obchodní systémy
Jul 14, 2010 at 09:27
@ProvyTradingbtw, you are making a profit with your account as I just saw. I know that you are not my customer and you never bought the robot from me, you are a liar and just want to sell your own or stolen EA. There are many people who pretend or think they bought my robot but they got a fake version from E-Bay or other sites. So stop bugging me.
FX Robot - Real Account
Obchodní systémy
Jul 14, 2010 at 09:20
Sorry Provy Trading, but I never lied to anybody. Please read the DISCLAIMER. No matter how many proofs, real accounts, other traders links, testimonials,etc. I give, there will be always people who are unhappy.Look, I use the fastest PC and Internet in the world. Some people use the slowest. Come on, how can you make money with this?And support? I give support, but I am not a commercial company or a broker waiting for clients on the phone or Live chat. I am trading 12 hours a a day and have private live.Maybe now you are angry that you cannot make money. Soon you will bless the day you bought...
FX Robot - Real Account
Obchodní systémy
Jul 13, 2010 at 23:33
Please check my website for a REAL account in 121 Securities, a Japanese broker. Before me and my girl-friend and other friends made about 50,000 USD at this broker. Check withdrawal proofs in testimonials. Soon I will add real accounts with FXDD,, Varengold and other brokers.The robot makes money, but not everybody can do it. About 300 clients from Hungary using my robot made a few thousand USD or EUR or CHF each. Check Version #5 will be released, much faster and better.The secret besides an appropriate broker is a fast PC and Internet. Latency...
FX Robot
Obchodní systémy
Jul 10, 2010 at 04:16
Many people here on myfxbook are hiding brokers, nothing special. If there is a rush on one broker my EA will be stopped, so that's why.
FX Robot
Obchodní systémy
Jun 22, 2010 at 01:35
Forex Invest Group,You buy it, I answer your questions.People ask questions, buy illegal copies, ask me about Master/Slave, promise lots of things.I talk only to serious people.And the robot is making money. Will show you more proof this week.The thing is those who make money don't complain or say: Look, I made 10k in 2 days. Why? Would you?Wait for the new version. It is also 4-5 times faster and better. I am not sitting and waiting. I am improving the robot so soon everybody can make money. Now only some can do it if they find the right brokers like I did.
FX Robot
Obchodní systémy
Jun 17, 2010 at 15:03
Hi Setrox,wow, you are the owner too. I don't remember that I was working with anybody else on it or selling the copyrights. Sure, you might be an owner if you bought a copy from me which I don't recall or stole it. Or made a copy later. Anyway, enjoy your ownership. Congratulations.
FX Robot
Obchodní systémy
May 22, 2010 at 14:53
Good point, you can get for $1 on eBay. Happy about it? This is called Theft, both the seller and buyer. I am a scammer, but those have a happy life. thieves end up in jail.That's exaclty what happens. YOu and other guys will try to get me into some useless disscussions, more and more. I have no time and willingness to it. I saw how it ends. People start saying to each other' Fuck of you morron, you cannot trade, etc. Such is the culture on this and other forums. I want to enjoy my life not fight with angry people who make 1k or 2k a month and are never happy.Here is my promise to all ...
FX Robot
Obchodní systémy
May 22, 2010 at 14:29
Maybe one thing to convince you this robot works on real accounts. Here is a link to a group of traders from Hungary, about 200 of them use my robot in MIG. They are very happy and thank me all the time for the opportunity I sold them the robot. No kidding!!!'s what I mean. The robot makes money at some broker, but people have to do some research and work. Those guys did. Most other buyers are kikiet and want a money making machine.It is a money making machine, but in appropriate hands. The rest produces just toilet paper and then complains.
FX Robot
Obchodní systémy
May 22, 2010 at 14:21
Today I have some time so can respond you here. Usually I don't check these discussions. So tell me your qeuestions again and I will be happy to answer them to you, OK?
FX Robot
Obchodní systémy
May 22, 2010 at 14:18
Aribitrage is illegal only with some brokers who are scams themselves and don't like people to make money. Not the EA is a scam, those brokers who don't allow it are scams.Same thing about the broker: 99-100% of Market Makaers ares scams, also some so Called STP/NDD and some who call themselves ECN for publicity (like Tadawul, etc.) reason but have nothing to do with ECN. to summarize: Most brokers are scams. Till now I used about 40-50 brokers on real accounts to test my systems, not only this one. Once I started making money, Fuck off! Account closed.I checked 10 top systems here on ...
FXDD MT4 coses position by itself - do you have the same?
May 08, 2010 at 08:47
Wow!!! You have never been stopped-out (had a "Margin Call") before? Congratulations. It looks to me like you are a beginner trader or trade in an extremely risky way.100% is of the available Equity (not Balance). Say you have won and your equity is $2000 and leverage 1:200. So you can buy around maximum 3.2 lots of EURUSD. You bought 2 lots and now the price goes against you, so your position(s) are liquidated (Margin Call) one by one. Almost everybody had this problem and it is described in every FX forum. Just check "Margin Call" and you will have hundreds of posts about...
FXDD MT4 coses position by itself - do you have the same?
May 06, 2010 at 23:09
It's really difficult to say what the problem is, but I guess you are stopped-out (your positions are liquidated, mistakenly called by most traders "Margin Call"). The Stop-out level at FXDD is 100%, not 5%, 25%, 70% etc. like with other brokers (Alpari, etc.)To make sure if this is the reason, check the comments and you will have a message like this: so:99%/............./[stopout]So don't place too big order sizes. The leverage is only 1:200, so can open max. 1.5 lots with 1k.
FX Robot
Obchodní systémy
Apr 30, 2010 at 14:56
All trades are made by the EA, 100% of them. The strait lines are not 1 or 2 trades, but the whole day worth of trades, hundreds of them. Sometimes there is a good day and huge profits are made, sometimes slow days with small profits onlyYou can make manually steep lines like that with a couple of big trades, but never with hundreds or thousands of them.Please make sure to check the details before making any accusations like: "However it's misrepresentation to run manually on EA account"If you can do same thing manually with 1000 or 2000 trades, I admire you. If not, please think...
FX Robot
Obchodní systémy
Apr 13, 2010 at 08:00
I am using many brokers, Alpari, MIG bank, FX Cleairng, Prime4x, FX Pro, etc.Basicaly I don't do Money Managenent, but I can do it in the futurre is somebody is interested.
Obchodní systémy
Mar 11, 2010 at 08:12
I just say this guy is selling my robot under a different name and puts here as his own. This should be removed.I don't comment on the thing like o a tv show or something. FxCheaters. 99% or robots fall under this category, also on myfxbook I think, but maybe I'm wrong.I know it was de-compiled and fine. The whole point is people shouldn't place here systems that are copies of my system and claim it's theirs, no matter if my robot makes money, is decompiled, etc. It's a different story. This post is about 4x Greed, not cheating, or my robot, etc. So lets' stop it...
Obchodní systémy
Mar 11, 2010 at 06:57
4xGreed is most probably a stolen copy of my system FX Genius Robot (see author of 4xGreen is one of my clients and he confessed to another clients of his, that this is the case, he is selling my robot under a different name. If it is the case, he should be removed from here and banned for ever as a thief.If not, I am sorry and will remove this post.
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