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Super Scalper
Obchodní systémy
Dec 07, 2010 at 00:39
Um,That account was WAY over traded...he had 12 lots on at one point with a 2000 account. CRAZY!!!
Super Scalper
Obchodní systémy
Dec 06, 2010 at 15:39
By the way, I need 3 Vouches before I can Vouch for Steve and Solar... HINT! HINT!Steve, I did some detective work... well, I... anyway, were friends.(The caption under the cat says "The voices are telling me to kill you")LOL
Super Scalper
Obchodní systémy
Dec 06, 2010 at 15:35
Hey Steve,I agree, but I was not allowed to put an IB link in my info, people will just have to ask me.Why is seeing the broker so important? I am not being an ass. Really, I want to know.As for my managed accounts I do give out the password (I did tonight even), and I change it a couple days after I give it out... what I was trying to accomplish with the myfxbook and MtiLive websites is an audit that would prove I am on the up and up, but as has been so painfully learned. These sites don't prove anything.Anyone (so far) that knows what an investor password is (traders and roboteers) doesn...
Obchodní systémy
Dec 06, 2010 at 07:16
Don't think so, his biggest loss 1.5 pips.
Super Scalper
Obchodní systémy
Dec 06, 2010 at 03:24
He has done 5 trades that I saw last week, all winners made $100 on 12,000.00 account... not hugeDamon
Obchodní systémy
Dec 06, 2010 at 00:09
Wow, gorgeous graph!Can you share any details about the strategy? The Risk/Reward blows my mind. And it works on so many pairs.Damon
Super Scalper
Obchodní systémy
Dec 06, 2010 at 00:00
NICE!!! Proof on the internet😲 what will they they think of next!?!?!?Proof this guy is a douche that is. 😂
Super Scalper
Obchodní systémy
Dec 05, 2010 at 23:08
Pipsquick! Do we know eachother? Dad?LOLWe should grab some coffee, I am free today, you?Damon
Super Scalper
Obchodní systémy
Dec 05, 2010 at 23:06
OK now I'm a detective:I am working on multiple EAs and am running them through my demo account, and I notice that this the account where I check peoples investor passwords, and I notice that Dominik Millan is one of the accounts I can log into, but guess who is below that?!?!?!? DARIUSZ MAKOWIECKI !!!!I have no idea where I got the account info. So I log in and it is a live server from 121Securites-liveIt has zillions of trades in the history, almost all GBP/USD, a few EUR/USDIt shows a deposit of $70,000 2009.03.27it shows last trade on 2009.04.14It shows profit/Loss of $856,816.00 (Whic...
Super Scalper
Obchodní systémy
Dec 05, 2010 at 22:25
Hey Pips, I am in Vancouver!Damon
Super Scalper
Obchodní systémy
Dec 05, 2010 at 22:06
Umairejaz,Did you get my PM back to you?Damon
Super Scalper
Obchodní systémy
Dec 05, 2010 at 21:54
OK guys, I changed my pass.... I am utterly convinced Dominik is behind this, plus my wife wasn't in the mood. No sense losing more money now.So unless he was already logged in he is not allowed to trade it now.I think it's a team of fraudsters too. No one can learn English that fast.I don't think Darius is owner of FX clearing, I think he might be a help desk/partner or something... but anyway, he would know the inner workings of brokerage the house.I think Sergey is on the up and up too, his account is still making money, I watched it all last week. But please no one take my word...
Super Scalper
Obchodní systémy
Dec 05, 2010 at 15:18
Digital,That is Sergey. Different guy. I think!?Ask Solar 😉
Super Scalper
Obchodní systémy
Dec 05, 2010 at 14:03
Thank you Um, but I will still let him trade it, it is so little to see if it works and I would like to be the test now as I feel bad for everyone else that I may have helped suck into this... And somebodies got to try it :)Nice detective work! Dariusz Makowiecki.... Sure doesn't sound like a "Wayne" to me.
Super Scalper
Obchodní systémy
Dec 05, 2010 at 13:25
Solar, How do I vouche for you?
Super Scalper
Obchodní systémy
Dec 05, 2010 at 13:19
Solar😡,First link, I think the guys an idiot for giving away his Trading AND Login pass. His fault. But! The dude who scammed the idiot should be burned alive, toes first, one match at a time.Second link, my favorite broker has people hating it on forums. Haters are just opinionated and louder :)Third link, Oh damn! You may have me here😳... I never saw Dominik do the Jim Morris thing (I was busy trying to get his robot to make money in a live account) If Dominik gets me again i will put a price on his head😡. It is REALLY coincidental that he wants to trade accounts at ...
Super Scalper
Obchodní systémy
Dec 05, 2010 at 07:39
Um: please keep me posted as to how it goes with your account. It took 4 days for him to get back to my last E-mail -And I gave him a live trading password and account details. He is starting it a week later (Tomorrow), I am sure he is just swamped. If he wasn't wouldn't he have jumped on my account? I am glad someone is trying it in his recommended broker.Pips:Well, I am an old time hacker, it would not be an easy task if you ask me to fake a verified feed. But as I said, nothing is impossible :)Both of you:Just so you know, I do not give out investor passwords for my managed accoun...
Super Scalper
Obchodní systémy
Dec 05, 2010 at 01:56
I do not have an investor password for his account that is myfxbook no.I have no idea how someone could manipulate the results at myfxbook, but I agree that it would be possible. The only problem with that scenario is that he is not selling his EA, he sais he might later but right now he is only offering to manage accounts. In my book that is HUGE reason to believe these results, the only way he is making money is if you are making money.Yes I will keep you updated, the account he is going to trade is one of my managed test accounts, I had another trader in there and he nearly wrecked it so it...
Super Scalper
Obchodní systémy
Dec 04, 2010 at 21:24
pipsquick,Yes, but people don't seem to understand. you CAN use the latency technique, it is not illegal, or even wrong, there are whole buildings of computers doing it around the world. (it makes spreads nice and tight :) What is wrong is beating a broker at his own game. They do not like that. So if you are beating the market: GOODIf are beating a broker: BADSTP = MarketNot STP = BrokerI have talked to both brokers, the problem with the bucketshop (non STP) is that it is taking risk to give you a good fill. And so you end up ripping it off if it fills you and cannot get itself filled i...
Super Scalper
Obchodní systémy
Dec 04, 2010 at 20:48
DigitalSak,That is strange I got an E-mail form Sergey with a much wider scope for brokerages:1.Nord FX2.FIBO GROUP3.Alpari4.FX Cast5.Grand Capital Ltd6.Admiral Markets7.MasterForex8.FXStart9.Rinkost11.Ipforex12.kiteforex13.liteforex14.finforce15.HotForexSome of those are STP brokers, I know Alpari is STP, if Sergey is telling you to go to a bucketshop, that is not cool, because then he is stealing from the broker, but if it is an STP broker they will love you for all the commissions :) You will not need to take out money after hitting $300% I have talked to STP brokers, as long as you are no...
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