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LondonForexTrader - Master
Obchodní systémy
Aug 01, 2014 at 14:01
I have a question about the month of July. Since you state on your website:We guarantee that you will get at least 500 pips per month or subscription money back.You did not get 500 pips in July. When I contacted you in email, you offered me 1 week. This is not what you state on your website. My question is will you be honoring the agreement or not? If so, how?
Profit Empire Robot
Obchodní systémy
Jul 30, 2014 at 18:28
Not really, guys like this are like cockroaches, just change the name and start again.
Profit Empire Robot
Obchodní systémy
Jul 28, 2014 at 20:27
Deposit less than $100. and charge people $100 a month. Impossible to lose, Ha
Profit Empire Robot
Obchodní systémy
Jul 28, 2014 at 11:27
I have encountered several brokers where this is true, apparently, it doesn't hold with all brokers. Another way to tell is to look at deposits and withdrawals. If all have 0 cents, it could also be a cent account. Looking at PER, his deposits do have a cents value other than 0. My guess would still be it is not a cent account.
Profit Empire Robot
Obchodní systémy
Jul 28, 2014 at 09:18
MyFXBook is known for incorrectly identifying cent accounts as mini accounts. The way to verify if it is a cent account is to take a look at a trade. If you calculate the profit, using the lot size and number of pips gained, you will only get 1/10th the profit you should have gotten on a normal account.For instance, on this trade: 07.11.2014 18:19 07.11.2014 20:55 EURUSD Buy 7.00 - 26.70 1.35982 1.36055 7.3 511.00 2h 35m 0.33%7 lots *10 = $70 * 7.3 pips = $511.00Since the values match, it is not a cent account. If it were a cent account, I would expect the profit to be 1/1...
PAMM Easy Walker
Obchodní systémy
Jun 26, 2014 at 08:16
Are there limitations on all trades being closed to add or withdraw money?
Profit Empire Robot
Obchodní systémy
Jun 25, 2014 at 14:59
You'll be banned for that, 😇
Ambush Trader - Old Signal
Obchodní systémy
Jun 17, 2014 at 08:03
What I can fathom is a bad trader that gives back most of his profits. You remind me of a friend that had a gambling problem. They always would say I won this and I won that, but never told what they had to spend to make that win. Somehow it was always more than they won. What I see from your chart is a few good wins then a gradual loss. This type of trading is unsustainable in the long run. As soon as you miss one of your lucky spike, it continues down. This is a question your few remaining PAMM members are probably asking themselves.
Ambush Trader - Old Signal
Obchodní systémy
Jun 16, 2014 at 13:08
Isn't it time for another lucky spike? FOMC this week, so you could roll those dice and possibly stem the fall. I can see you have a lot of skin in the game . . . you have the road rash to prove it . . . unfortunately, it looks like the skin is a lot of other peoples, especially if they invested at the wrong time. Uh Huh, a PAMM that is -43.98% . . . how happy are your clients there? You are correct on one thing though, there is no commercial EA that will make you a million just by subscribing to their signal. If that were possible, everyone would be millionaires. I'm not saying ...
Profit Empire Robot
Obchodní systémy
Jun 11, 2014 at 15:19
It's not looking good. My guess is we will touch 1.3502 before a direction is determined. If the 4 Hr bar closes much below 1.35, you may see a small bounce before heading lower. The alternative is a bounce at 1.3502. Either way though, it needs to go lower before it can go up. How close is it to a MC? Will the open positions support this? If so, there may still be hope. This round, I'm not chancing a reopening of the trades as I'm not so sure there is going to be a bounce. There is no clear direction here, so it is a wait and see.
Profit Empire Robot
Obchodní systémy
Jun 06, 2014 at 15:59
Trust is not something you should ever give an EA, commercial or otherwise. All EAs will fail, without manual intervention. Even the profitable ones will fail in specific markets. If an EA is a good trending EA, it will fail at the end of a trend. If it is a good breakout EA, it will fail in a choppy market, etc. People don't seem to understand, there is no holy grail, your investments are what you make them. You will never be able to buy an EA, put it on your account and retire in a few years, starting with $500. It is possible and can be done, but you have to get involved and deve...
Profit Empire Robot
Obchodní systémy
Jun 06, 2014 at 15:44
If you believe in a system that is advertised as 100% automated and requires No manual intervention to make you a fortune, you are either new to Forex trading or need to stop drinking the Kool-Aid. If it were that easy, we would all be rich. I have been trading for 20 years and have yet to find such a system. Traders win money and traders lose money. You cannot trade and never lose, it is a fact of life. When I started trading, first stocks, then options, and finally Forex, it was a costly experience. I think I blew more than 150k. It is part of the learning experience. My advice to ev...
Profit Empire Robot
Obchodní systémy
Jun 05, 2014 at 20:09
Actually, I doubled the size of my account. As I said above, I enabled the reopen closed trades after it went down below 1.35 and retraced to 1.3520. Took profit at 120 pips. I'm running double risk and I take profit opportunities when fundamentals do not support PERs trades. I will add to the account if necessary, but pull it out once it is no longer required. In todays case, I was running a 4k account with lot size of .4 * 5 and .8 * 4 for a total of 5.2 lots. This gave me just under $6240 profit. There is a lot of money to be made on this signal if it is handled right. Always pu...
Profit Empire Robot
Obchodní systémy
Jun 05, 2014 at 08:25
Most agree, there will be news today. The only question is will the action be enough to satisfy the expectations already built in to this drop. My guess is he will drop rates, then we will see a spike down. If it hits 1,3520-1.3540 area and starts to turn up, it would be a good place to buy. if it hits 1.35 or below, we could see it go all the way down below 1.34 before turning north again. What is the drawdown now? I closed my trades when they were in profit in 2 waves. if the news is favorable and it looks like it will turn around, I'll let the EA reopen closed trades and ride it ...
Profit Empire Robot
Obchodní systémy
May 30, 2014 at 02:56
Has anyone been having trouble connecting to the servers?
Profit Empire Robot
Obchodní systémy
May 29, 2014 at 00:06
That happened to me as well, it took him 2 days to get it working again . . . 2 tries
Profit Empire Robot
Obchodní systémy
May 28, 2014 at 15:20
Mine is up and running, no problems
Profit Empire Robot
Obchodní systémy
May 04, 2014 at 02:12
Different User Name
Profit Empire Robot
Obchodní systémy
May 01, 2014 at 10:43
Sometimes there is slippage higher than normal and the spread is also increased at news time. But in the case where you already have your bottom exposed with a number of trades open, a hedge may mean the difference between, in this case, at 30% profit and a 50% loss. To put the slippage and spread in context, unexpected news can move the market 100s of pips in a very short period. I have friends that make their living trading news and while they don't always win, they do alright for themselves, even with the slippage.
Profit Empire Robot
Obchodní systémy
Apr 30, 2014 at 19:18
For me, there have been no surprises. I'm not even concerned about leaving the take profit at 30%. What bothers me is the total disregard for the fundamentals (news). I believe a hedge should be placed when there are a large number of trades open during high impact news . . . especially the FOMC, but any high impact news also. Using technicals is all well and good, but news can greatly alter/reverse the trend and cannot be discounted. A well placed hedge would have allowed us to exit the trade with > 30%. To PER, I wouldn't change the system, but I would incorporate a hedg...
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